"Words and music by Geo. F. Root."--p. [3], Publisher's plate #420-3., With advertisement for Mason & Hamlin cabinet organs and additional music on p. [2]; advertisement for Root's The musical curriculum on p. [6]; advertising matter varies with other copies., For voice and piano, with chorus (SATB) for the refrain., First line of text: In the prison cell I sit., First line of refrain: Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching., T.p. has title set within an oval, surrounded by various scenes of war illustrating 5 other Civil War song titles; signed: Copcutt -Williams sc., Library Company copy inscribed: Compliments of A.D., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Root, George F. (George Frederick), 1820-1895, cmp
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare *Sheet Music Tramp 8107.F.25