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Libertas Americana

A Verse Written to a German Air

Silhouette of Major Edward Stanly

Silhouettes of Lullum Batwell and John André

De Fleury at Stony Point Medal

Der Congress erklart die 13 vereingten Staaten von Nord-America fur independent. am 4ten July 1776.

Major Andre, von drey Americanern angehalten zu Tarrytown am 23ten Septembr 1780.

In seventeen hundred and eighty three, by the Treaty of Paris, our states were made free, and the Enterprise cork puller helped on the cause while the patriots drank to our land and its laws.

In seventy six, that old Continental; that Fourth-of-July-m'an; hatchet-can't-lie-man gave orders for dinner, "and said "use Enterprise beef shaver, for beef so sliced, will meet with much favor."

The battle now is over, Bunker Hill no more. Will call the soldier from the maid he does adore, while to his side he would his gentle Nelly press, she tells him of the Enterprise fruit & jelly press.

[Diorama of a scene from the American Revolution displayed at the 27th Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society, held in the Main Building, Fairmount Park, Phila., 1880.]

The bloody massacre perpetuated in King Street, Boston, on March 5th, 1770, by a party of the 25th Regt. [graphic] / engrav'd, printed & sold by Paul Revere, Boston.

Die Americaner wiedersetzen sich der Stemple Acte, und verbrennen das aus England nach america Gesandte Stemple Papier zu Boston im August 1764.

Die Einwohner von Boston wersen den englisch-ostindischen Thee ins a Meer am 18 December 1773

FacSimile of the revolutionary flag, A.D. 1774. [graphic] / Lithographed by A. Hoffy.

FacSimile of the revolutionary flag, A.D. 1774. [graphic] / Lithographed by A. Hoffy.

Meschianza Mirror

Das erste Burger-Blut, zu Grundung der Americanischen Freyheit, vergossen bey Lexington am 19ten April 1774.

Die erste formliche Action zwischen den Americanern und Englandern bey Bunkers-Hill am 17ten Junius 1774.

Dr. Franklin erhalt, als Gesandter des Americanischen Frey Staats, seine erste Audienz in Frankreich, zu Versailles. am 20ten Martz 1778.

Landung einer Franzosischen Hulss Armee in America, Zu Rhode Island. am 11ten Julius 1780.

The British surrendering their arms to Gen. Washington after their defeat at York Town in Virginia October 1781

"Raising the liberty pole"

"Pulling down the statue of George III"

Die Hessen vom General Washington am 25ten Dec. 1776 zu Trenton uberfallen, werden als Kriegsgefangne in Philadelphia eingebracht.

The dawn of liberty [graphic] : General Gage said "The very children here draw on a love of liberty with the air they breathe. You may go my brave boys, and be assured if my troops trouble you again they shall be punished." / Max Rosenthal del.; L.N. Rose

Tobias Gilmore House, Raynham, 1781-1918. "Toby" Gilmore, born in Africa, was a patriot of the American Revolution. [graphic].

Die Americaner machen das Corps des General Bourgoyne zu Gesangnen, bey Saratoga. am 16ten Octobr 1777.

[George Washington crossing the Delaware]

Iron Mortar Shell

Die Americaner machen den Lord Cornwallis mit seiner Armee zu Gesangnen, bey Yorktown den 19ten Octobr 1781.

Cornwallis is taken!

[Entry of Washington into New York, after the city was evacuated by the British in 1783, Nov. 20th]

Official first day of issue. Honoring Salem Poor, Gallant Soldier, distinguished patriot of Bunker Hill, Valley Forge and White Plains. [graphic]

Washington's triumphal entry into New York, Nov. 25th, 1783

Washington crossing the Delaware. Evening previous to the Battle of Trenton Decr. 25th 1776

Diorama - Washington at Yorktown

Columbia's noblest sons [graphic] / Manson Lang, 542 Broadway, New York; Lithog. & printed by Kimmel & Forster 254 &n 256 Canal Str. N.Y.

Magna Britannia, her colonies reduc'd. [graphic].

[Thomas H. Wilkinson watercolor views of Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Thomas H. Wilkinson watercolor views of Philadelphia] [graphic].