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- Title
- Not a drum was heard nor a funeral note as his corpse to the ramparts we hurried -- : Not a loco discharged his farewell shot o'er the ditch where our hero we buried
- Description
- Cartoon of a funeral procession portraying the erosion of Democratic support for presidential hopeful Martin Van Buren, the "Kinderhook Fox," during the election of 1844. Depicts President Tyler, instrumental in Van Buren's defeat, stating, "Thus do all our hopes end in Clay," as he steers a funeral cart carrying Van Buren, depicted as a dead fox; his son, poet Robert Tyler; and a bale of cabbages. The cart is pulled by Andrew Jackson, depicted as an old nag boasting about his part in Van Buren's death. Following the cart are the devil sobbing and bemoaning that he is Van Buren's only friend and a rotund man in a wide brimmed hat who rings a bell and calls, "Bring out your dead." In the right, two barefooted African American men gravediggers, portrayed in racism caricature and attired in torn and worn clothes, hold shovels as they stand over and comment about the open grave they have dug for Van Buren. "Here comes Pompey, we'll have this Fox earthed at last." A small cabin, with an emaciated white man in the doorway, and labeled "Loco Foco Hall" (Loco Focos were a radical branch of the Democrats who supported Van Buren) stands in the background., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1844 by James Baille in the Clerk's office of the Dist Court of the Southern District of N. York., Gift of Mrs. Francis P. Garvan, 1977., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., Bucholzer was a New York cartoonist whose work was published by James Baillie from 1843 until 1847.
- Creator
- Bucholzer, H., lithographer
- Date
- 1844
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political cartoons - 1844-17 [8366.F.21]
- Title
- Handicap race presidential stakes 1844
- Description
- Satire of the presidential election of 1844 depicting the potential candidates; Whig Henry Clay, and Democrats Martin Van Buren, Lewis Cass, John Calhoun, Richard M. Johnson, and John Tyler on various mounts racing for the White House. Clay riding a racoon leads the pack claiming that no one can overtake him. Van Buren follows riding a fox and holding a weather vane labeled "N" (North) and "S" (South) with the slogans "Free Trade Texas" and "Abolition Oregon" attached. He acknowledges that Lewis Cass is closing in. Cass on his hound gloats that he has finally overtaken the "old fox." Calhoun, positioned fourth, rides a lion with an enslaved African American man and child, portrayed in racist caricature, on his shoulders and bemoans his extra weight. Johnson, on foot and holding a hook, follows Calhoun stating he will "hook on" to whomever gets in. Last is Tyler, who switched political parties, trying to ride the two mounts of the "Loco Foco" (radical Democrats) donkey and the "Whig" horse., Title from item., Date from copyright statement: Entered according to act of Congress in year 1844 by J. Childs in the Clerk's Office in the District Court of the Southern District of N.Y., Gift of Mrs. Francis P. Garvan, 1977., Lib. Company. Annual report, 1977, p. 51-52., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014., Clay, born in Philadelphia, was a prominent caricaturist, engraver, and lithographer who created the "Life in Philadelphia" series which satirized middle-class African Americans of the late 1820s and early 1830s.
- Creator
- Clay, Edward Williams, 1799-1857, artist
- Date
- 1844
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political cartoons - 1844-55W [8366.F.36]
- Title
- "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," was the cry they raised in forty two, when barrels were set up all over the land by the Enterprise Barrel Jack, Truck and Stand
- Description
- Trade card issued during the Columbian Exposition of 1893 advertising Enterprise Mf'g Co. of Pa. "Barrel Jack, Truck and Stand." Contains a scene showing the interior of a tavern in which the bar keep and customers raise pints of cider as a man delivers a barrel of it on an Enterprise barrel jack, truck and stand (i.e., dollie). A "Tippecanoe & Tyler Too" banner is displayed and bottles of liquor line the wall behind the bar. Another patron kneels in front of the bar and funnels cider from a barrel tipped on its side on a second dollie. Also contains a view of the Transportation Building designed by Adler & Sullivan. The exposition held in Chicago May 1-October 30, 1898 celebrated the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492. Enterprise Manufacturing Co. of Pa. was established in 1866., Advertising text printed on verso: Enterprise Barrel Jack, Truck and Stan. Price, $6.00. All Grocers, Druggists and Dealers in Oils or any kind of Liquids, where heavy barrels are placed on draught, are aware of the hard labor and time spent in handling and blocking them up. Our Barrel Jack, Truck and Stand saves time, and the labor is much lessened. Its simplicity of construction and rapidity of execution can be appreciated at a glance. One man can operate it easily and do in a few seconds what usually occupies two men from twenty to thirty minutes., Printed on verso: For Sale by the Hardware Trade. Send for Catalogue. The Enterprise M'f'g Co. of Pa., Third & Dauphin Sts., Philadelphia, U.S.A., Typeface on verso varies between prints., Vignette illustration on verso. Depicts a barrel loaded onto a barrel jack, truck and stand. Hands are visible on the handles and a foot on the release., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Michael Zinman.
- Date
- c1893
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Trade cards [P.2008.36.54 & 73]