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Strike me pink if it ain't yo' anniversary! [graphic].

[African American child touching the hair of a crying white baby] [graphic].

The Union Pacific Tea Co. [graphic].

The guessing. Smith, Stevenson & Co., Byxbee house block, Meriden. [graphic].

Dey's de irons to make de angels' robes white and smooth in de colored folk's heaven. [graphic].

P.J. Brankin, artistic painter, no. 1815 N. Fifth Street, Philadelphia [graphic].

C.L. Jones & Co. tulip soap [graphic].

Wm. M. Smith, 474 Broad Street. [graphic].

[African Americans picking cotton with a cotton compress] [graphic].

Sapolio [graphic].

Lily White "the flour the best cooks use," Valley City Milling Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. [graphic].

Compliments of Villa Park Improvement Co. [graphic].

It stands at the head. "Domestic" sewing machine [graphic].

Finnerty's, the champion of all root beer extracts, 15c. per bottle. 106 Market Street [graphic].

Robinson's sura cura for rheumatism, &c., &c. Dr. Prior's cough balsam. [graphic].

Sanford's ginger [graphic].

Sanford's ginger [graphic].