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The game of secession or sketches of the rebellion

Jeff. Davis in prison. [graphic].

Jeff. Davis in prison.

[Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats] [graphic].

Cartes de visite reproductions of "Campaign Sketches" [graphic] / [Designed and drawn on stone by Winslow Homer]

[Proofs from specimen album loose prints collection]

[Scrapbook with linen pages] [graphic].

Franks Dining Room, for ladies and gents, open day and night, 216 N. Ninth St., Phila. [graphic].

Mechanical target and gun. Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Co., 813 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

"I'm a farder"

The Freedman's Bureau! An agency to keep the negro in idleness at the expense of the white man. Twice vetoed by the president, and made a law by congress. Support Congress & you support the negro. Sustain the president & you protect the white man [graphic

A distinguished arrival. [graphic] : Negro soldier - "Hi dar! Show dis ole lady a room - one wid a closet to put dis yar skelle in tum in!"

A distinguished arrival.

The election a medley, humbly inscribed, to Squire Lilliput Professor of Scurrillity. [graphic]

The election a medley, humbly inscribed, to Squire Lilliput Professor of Scurrillity. [graphic].

A peep into the Antifederal Club. [graphic]

A new song suitable to the season, to the tune of good English beer. [graphic]

[I] take the responsibility. [graphic] / Hassan Straightshanks, Del.

Not very like a whale but very like a fish. Seventh Ward Promenades. [graphic] /. A. Shad

The results of abolitionism. [graphic]

The black Republicans at their devotions. [graphic]

I take it on my responsibility. [graphic]

The meeting of the Friends. City Hall Park. [graphic]

Northern coat of arms. [graphic]

Political caricature no.3. The abolition catastrophe, or the November smash-up. [graphic]

Practical amalgamation. [graphic]

Slavery as it exists in America : Slavery as it exists in England. [graphic]

Sunday laws : Hanging the cat on Monday for killing the mouse on Sunday. [graphic]

The Great Rohan & the cattle market. [graphic]

Scent to the legislature. [graphic] / Andrews, Del.

Republican platform, or the political montebank. [graphic]

Fate of the radical party. [graphic] / JAL; Am. News Co. Agent N.Y.

The precarious situation. [graphic]

The precarious situation. [graphic]

The travelled monkey - wiser & sadder. [graphic] / JML.

The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism. [graphic]

The two platforms. [graphic]

Jeff. Davis., the compromiser, in a tight place. [graphic]

John Brown exhibiting his hangman. [graphic]

The Salt River gazette---extra, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1867. [graphic]: The Great Negro Party--born, 1856--died Oct. 8, 1867.

The man that blocks up the highway [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "How you find yourself dis hot weader Miss Chloe?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Shall I hab de honour to dance de next quadrille...?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Well brudder what 'fect you tink Morgan's deduction...?" [graphic] / C[lay], fec.

Life in Philadelphia. "What de debil you hurrah for General Jackson for?" [graphic].

Life in New York.

Life in New York. "Shall I hab the honour of glanting...?" [graphic].

Life in New York. "Shall I hab the honour of glanting...?"

Two souls with but a single thought.

[African American faces]
