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[African American man attired in a brown hat and smoking a cigar] [graphic].

[African American man pulling a donkey on a rope] [graphic].

[African American man riding a donkey] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel playing the bones] [graphic].

[African American man holding on to a bucking donkey] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel playing the banjo] [graphic].

[African American man minstrel playing the accordion] [graphic].

[African American man smiling and carrying a watermelon] [graphic].

[African American man smiling and carrying a watermelon] [graphic].

[African American man attired in a white collared shirt and beige bowtie] [graphic].

Joyous birthday [graphic].

Hiram W. Stout, groceries, &c., 5th and Erie Ave. [graphic].

Fine clothing, for men, youths and boys at the Misfitstore, cor. 10th & F Sts. [graphic].

Happy contraband [graphic].

Joseph L. Varnam, ladies' and gents' & children's boot & shoe maker, Bustleton, 23rd ward, Philad'a.

B.M. Weld, drugs & medicines, also boots, shoes, slippers, etc. Bradford, Vermont.

Cartes de visite reproductions of "Campaign Sketches" [graphic] / [Designed and drawn on stone by Winslow Homer]

Northern coat of arms. [graphic]

Telephone for the Alden fruit vinegar [graphic].

My boss sells the New York sewing machine. The brightest diamond of them all. [graphic].

Buy the Universal plow. Made at Canton, Ohio. [graphic].

Elkhart paper pail [graphic].

George Miller & Son, wholesale confectioners, 610 & 612 Market street, Philadelphia [graphic].

Gold Medal Coffee is the purest and best [graphic].

Lautz Bro's and Co.'s soaps Buffalo NY. U.S.A. Beat that if you can. [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Use Lautz Bros. & Co's soaps, best in the market [graphic].

Minstrels! [graphic] : Branch, 1602 South St.

Schaeffer Bros. Booksellers, stationers & fancy goods, 16 So. Union St. Middeltown PA. [graphic].

And he got! [graphic].

"They all do it" [graphic].

Who's dar? [graphic].

[African American man on a mule-drawn plow] [graphic].

[African American man jockey] [graphic].

[African American man sailor] [graphic].

[African American man jockey] [graphic].

Customer. "Rather cool weather Pete, for a close crop like that." Pete. "Can't help it Boss---the proprietor says long hairs gits in de wittles." [graphic].

Mirth! music! originality! The success of the season! "Jollities" [graphic].

I. Knopf, fine shoes, also trunks & valises. 822 Market St. Phila. [graphic].

Go to Edelman's for your kid gloves, zephyrs, ribbons and hosiery, 335 Northampton St., Easton, PA. [graphic].

Out of Vacuum Harness Oil in an inland town. People cannot exist without it. Sold by WM. R. Fero, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, hats, etc. Glen, N.Y. [graphic].

Van Stan's Stratena, the best cement in the world. [graphic]: Great lecture on Van Stan's Stratena by Julius Augustus Cesar at Ethiopian Hall. Mends china, glass, wood, bone, metal, jet, coral, porcelain, leather, ivory, stone, &c. &c.

W.H. & S.V. Lines [graphic].

For the holidays, good dinners, &c., to be had at the Model Coffee House, Chas. Huber, Proprietor. [graphic] No. 48 East Seneca Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Separate room for ladies.

S.H. Zahm & Co., dealers in new and second-hand books, stationery and blank books, Nos. 18 & 20 South Queen Street, Lancaster, PA. [graphic].

50 new elegant embossed chromo cards with your name printed on them, for only 8 cents in stamps. This offer lasts only till October 30, after that our regular price will be charged. Address Star Card Co., East Boston, Mass. Box 38 [graphic].

Compliments of McGeoch & Pierce. [graphic].

[Frederick A. Rex & Co. trade cards]
