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H. Jahke, wholesale & retail dealer in all descriptions of fresh & salt pork, hams, lard, tongues, &c. 130, 131, 132 & 133 Nineteenth St. market, residence, cor. Baring & Sloan Sts., West Phila.

The eureka poisoned fly-plate will kill every fly in the house.

[Armand Dalsemer trade cards]

He dreamt dat from away off thar de angels sent him news. He 'woke and found it was Dunbarr dat sent dem bully shoes; 60 N. Fourth St. Philadelphia.

[Proofs from specimen album loose prints collection]

Franks Dining Room, for ladies and gents, open day and night, 216 N. Ninth St., Phila. [graphic].

Mechanical target and gun. Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Co., 813 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

A new song suitable to the season, to the tune of good English beer. [graphic]

The results of abolitionism. [graphic]

I take it on my responsibility. [graphic]

Much ado about nothing or a militia court-martial. [graphic]

Scent to the legislature. [graphic] / Andrews, Del.

Jeff. Davis., the compromiser, in a tight place. [graphic]

Two souls with but a single thought.

[African American faces]

St. Johns Episcopal Church's minstral club - graphic of minstral show April 12 and 13, 1901

[Simian circus rider atop a galloping horse] [graphic] / Anness.

Fred C. Davis, land surveyor and insurance agent, Felchville, VT., will insure against all kinds of accidents [graphic].

P.J. Brankin, artistic painter, no. 1815 N. Fifth Street, Philadelphia [graphic].

Gantz, Jones & Co.'s sea foam. [graphic].

Bissell & Underwood, wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, flour, fruit, canned goods, choice teas, spices, &c., &c., Turner's block, Church Street, Willimantic Conn. [graphic].

Every body uses Scull's champion coffee [graphic].

Compliments of Malven, Gordon & Co., Port Jervis, N.Y. 1891 [graphic].

The duel about the twins [graphic] : Universal, perfect and elegant stoves and ranges. Manufactured by Cribben, Sexton & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Bissell & Underwood, wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, flour, fruit, canned goods, choice teas, spices, &c., &c., Turner's block, Church Street, Willimantic Conn. [graphic].

James Boyd's fine shoes. Presented by Irving J. Brown [graphic].

Buckley's 3950 Market Street, West Philad'a [graphic].

C.L. Jones & Co. tulip soap [graphic].

Ole zip coon. Use kitchen and hand, mineral soap [graphic].

Look back gentlemen, into the future / W. [graphic].

We have the nicest styles of men, boys & childrens' clothing at the Globe Clothing House no. 25 N. Eutaw St. near Lexington [graphic].

The City Store, No. 4 Main Street, Spartanburg, S.C., A. Freisleben, proprietor [graphic].

Kerr & Co., 34 Walker St. N.Y. [graphic].

Dis yer misery makes dis chile done gone mournin orful! orful! No. 18 cured this gempleman thanks to massa Hartshorn. [graphic].

Clam bake at 12 m. 4-6:30 p.m. Melville Garden, Downer Landing...Boston Harbor, Open every day except Monday. One of the finest harbor resorts in New England. [graphic].

Lustre starch [graphic].

Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes [graphic].

J.H.T. Hopkins, custom and ready made clothing. 658 Main St., Cambridgeport [graphic].

E. Schoeneck, dealer in choice groceries, provisions, flour, etc., 359 W. Lake Street, Chicago. [graphic].

Wm. M. Smith, 474 Broad Street. [graphic].

Corn Picking. Population 1,542,180. Area in sq. miles 59,475 [graphic].

[African Americans picking cotton with a cotton compress] [graphic].

[African American woman on a balcony talking on a tin can telephone to an African American man minstrel] [graphic].

A happy new year [graphic].

"Othello" [graphic].

United we stand. Divided we fall [graphic].

[African American man minstrel playing a drum] [graphic].

[African American domestics holding a white sheet] [graphic].

Ask for the "Wenck" perfumes. (Warranted the best.) And take no other. [graphic].

Compliments of Malven, Gordon & Co., Port Jervis, N.Y. 1891. [graphic].
