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Use Merrick's thread. "Gully this cotton beats 'em all!" [graphic].

On the o high o! [graphic] : Compliments of Goodwin brothers, wheel-wrights.

Brother Gardner addresses the lime kiln club on the virtues of Dixon's Stove Polish [graphic].

Muzzy's corn starch [graphic].

Frank Miller's blacking. [graphic].

J.H. Short, dealer in music and musical merchandise, 94 Town Hall, Stamford, Conn. Piano and organ music 1/3 off. [graphic].

St. Jacobs Oil, "it conquers pain" [graphic].

St. Jacobs Oil, "it conquers pain" [graphic].

Standard screw fastened boots & shoes are the best in the world. [graphic].

Refrigerators. N.B Stevens, 43 Kilby Street, Boston. [graphic].

Magnolia ham, winter cured. Don't talk bout henhouses to me. [graphic].

Frank Miller's crown dressing. [graphic] : Well dis chile am 'stonished at his own genius- dat Frank Miller must be a conjuror-shua!

J.C. Hand & Co. Fine furniture, no. 1205 Market Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].

[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]

Creditor of Johnsing & Skinner--"I'll hab a hundred and fifty cents on de dollar, or I'll lick de hul firm."

[Geo. G. Burbank, druggist and apothecary, 235 Main St., Worcester, Mass.]

Compliments of J.C. Williams & Son, Central Pharmacy, 50 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.

Photography under a cloud.

Is dese' your chickens miss

Jeff. Davis in prison. [graphic].

Jeff. Davis in prison.

I'se a dude!

Your home is not complete without the Missouri Steam Washer. The best washing machine in the world. Johnston Bro's. St. Louis. Philadelphia.

I'm a masher

"De breddren and sisters will now relate dere experience."

Brother Gardner addresses the Lime Kiln Club on the virtues of Dixon's Stove Polish

"I'm a farder"

The black Republicans at their devotions. [graphic]

"I say Billy, do you know why I'm doing this? Cause, I'm going to run for Congress soon!" [graphic] /. Potomac.

Pay day at the custom house, N.Y. [graphic] / Magee, del.

Philadelphia fashions, 1837. [graphic] / C.

The Great Rohan & the cattle market. [graphic]

"The Freedman's Bureau." [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

A "dodge" that won't work. [graphic] / J. Cameron.

The two platforms. [graphic]

[Scraps for the year 1830] [graphic] / Designed etched & published by D.C. Johnston.

[Road to Philadelphy]

[Road to Philadelphy]

Wootten's excelsior stove lustre or pure black lead

The Inasmuch Mission

The Inasmuch Mission [graphic] / Frank H. Taylor.

Life in Philadelphia. An unfair reflection. [graphic] / Designd & drawn by W. Summers; Hunt sculpt.

Life in Philadelphia. An unfair reflection. [graphic] / Designd & drawn by W. Summers; Hunt sculpt.

Smoke Day's standard Durham smoking tobacco

Uncle Tom's Cabin. On the Levee

Abraham's dream! : "Coming events cast their shadows before." [graphic].

[Migrating emancipated slaves]

Jim Crow and his poney [sic] never fail to please [graphic].

A line shot - the recoil. [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

No. 5 The duel [graphic] / McGreer.
