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Penn Hotel & Denny's harness shop. [graphic] / On stone by W.H. Rease 17 1/2 S. 5th St.

City Marble Works and Steam Mantel Factory. Corner Tenth and Vine Streets Philadelphia. J.E. & B. Schell. [graphic] / Rease & Schell's Lith., No. 17 So. 5th St., Philda.

Colossal hand and torch "Liberty".

Colossal hand and torch "Liberty".

President Lincoln's hearse.

[Automatic Electric Shoe Shining Company of Philadelphia]

[Mr. and Mrs. Fairman Rogers chaperoning coach of young ladies, May 10, 1879]

East front of Main Building.

East front of Main Building.

[Hand-in-Hand Fire Company fire fighters and steam engine in front of the company fire station at Ninth Street above Poplar Street, Philadelphia]

Eden Baptist Church Phila

Williams Ogle, coach & harness maker No. 280, Chesnut [sic] Street, above 10th south side, Philadelphia.

High Street and market shambles.

[Eagle Hotel and Farmer's and Mechanic's House, probably at Water and Spruce streets] [graphic]

Pier 84 South [Philadelphia, Pa.]

Link-Belt type "CF" loader furnished to Baugh & Sons Company, Philadelphia, for handling acid phosphate to power operated buggies.

High Street Prison and Market Shambles.

The house intended for the President of the United States, in Ninth Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn & Engraved by W. Birch & Son.

[Political rally outside the Philadelphia headquarters of Republican presidential nominee William McKinley]

Philadelphia Divinity School 1931

Lobby, Hotel Walton, Phila, Pa. Lukes & Zahn, prop[rietor]s.

[Forrest Theatre prior to demolition for the construction of the Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company building at the southeast corner of Broad and Sansom streets, Philadelphia ]

[Fire truck in front of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Philadelphia]

[Dock workers transporting ice on a pier in Philadelphia]

Patterson & Lippincott, Poplar Street wharves

Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, of Philadelphia.

Indian Queen Hotel.

Shad fishing (taking up the net.)

Shad fishing (taking up the net.) [graphic] : On the Delaware opposite Philada. Glo'ster bleaching mills in the distance. / From nature and on stone by James Queen.

Chesnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia.

No. 15 South 4th St., 1831.

Trotting cracks of Philadelphia returning from the race at Point Breeze Park

Academy of Natural Sciences

[African American waiters in the large dining room, Great Central Fair of 1864, Philadelphia, Pa.]

[African American waiters in the large dining room, Great Central Fair of 1864, Philadelphia, Pa.]

The Centennial - George's Hill from Elm Avenue.

[United States Department of the Interior] Quartermasters Interior Depot, 21 and Oregon Ave., May 24, 1917 [sic]

Quartermasters Department of the Interior, 21st & Oregon Ave. Phila May 24, 1918

Lincoln Monument, Phila. Park

Lincoln Monument, foot of Lemon Hill.

[Picnic on the Wilson Estate]

24th Regiment, U[nited] S[tates] C[olored] T[roops] at Camp William Penn

[African American worker at a work site near the Trenton Elevated Railroad Bridge in Philadelphia.]

Die Hessen vom General Washington am 25ten Dec. 1776 zu Trenton uberfallen, werden als Kriegsgefangne in Philadelphia eingebracht.

Philadelphia Divinity School 1933

Court. Lombard St. W. of 7.

Court. Lombard St. W. of 7. [graphic].

Louis L. Peck manufacturer & dealer in burning fluid varnishes, pine oil, virgin & sp[iri]ts of turpentine absolute, apothecaries, deodorized and fluid alcohol, of a superior quality linseed oil, white lead, lamps of every description, German & English br

The Rev. Richard Allen, Bishop of the First African Methodist Episcopal Church, in the U. States

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