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[African American woman with a cat] [graphic].

[Series of photographs of children in North Carolina] [graphic].

[African American woman playing the harp] [graphic].

[African American woman with gold earrings] [graphic].

Beauty on the street- front view. J.T. F[ritch], jobber & dealer in tobacco cigars, snuff, pipes &c. Main Street, Kurtztown, PA. [graphic].

The Union Pacific Tea Co. [graphic].

Let Dinah Black tell you the story [graphic].

A cotton ball [graphic].

Concentrated leaven or bread powders.

The Universal clothes wringer [graphic].

Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton [graphic].

People's boot and shoe store, 104 Clark Street, corner Washington Street. [graphic]: The return from Europe.

Berry, Eliza.

Green, Sarah Margru Kinson, d. 1858.

African American caricature Franz Aman trade cards

Cotton field.

[Group portrait of members of the First Association of Spiritualists, Philadelphia]

[Group portrait of members of the First Association of Spiritualists, Philadelphia]

[Portrait of an African American family]

Tobacco - Virginia

[African American man delivering firewood to an African American woman]

Dr. W. W. Wogan [graphic].

"They all do it" [graphic].

[Two African American women domestics baking bread] [graphic].

[Copy photograph of African American woman caregiver with her young white charges] [graphic] / F. Gutekunst, 712 Arch St. Philadelphia.

Buy clothing for self & boys of Tefft & Boswell, the great Oak Hall clothiers, No. 70 E. Main-St. Amsterdam, N.Y. [graphic].

Dey's de irons to make de angels' robes white and smooth in de colored folk's heaven. [graphic].

Ellen Craft, the fugitive slave. [graphic] / Hale's Dagotype.; J. Andrews & S. A. Schoff, sc.

Copy photograph of African American woman caregiver with her young white charges

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / C.

Sketches of character. Plate 2. At home. Plate 3. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by E. W. Clay; C. G. Childs lithy.

Sketches of character. Plate 2. At home. Plate 3. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by E. W. Clay; C. G. Childs lithy.

Millie Christine

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / C.

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / C.B.G.

Life in Philadelphia. Sketches of character: At home. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by H. Harrison; C. Ingrey, lithog. 310 Strand.

2 headed girl, Millie Crissie [graphic] / J. H. Fitzgibbon, photographer, 116 North Fourth Street, St. Louis, Mo.

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / Engd. by Chas. Hunt.

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / Engd. by Chas. Hunt.

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / Engd. by Chas. Hunt.

Northup, Anne Hampton, 1808-1876.

Tucker, Ruth


High art and elegant clothing. Merchant tailor misfits, 400 South Eighth St., first door bel. Pine. Private house. Please ring the bell.

The oysterman.

Virginia Hall before dinner, [Hampton Institute, Va.] [graphic].

An unpleasantness in Swampoodle

David Murray, our waiter at Haverford [College] & his wife at door of Gym [graphic].

Cotton field.

[African American woman nursing a baby on a porch in the presence of a man.]
