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Abolitionist Philanthropist.


Scrapbook with periodical illustrations, comic valentines, and patent medicine advertisements

Clarence Brooks & Co., manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West & West 12th Sts., New York.

African American caricature Franz Aman trade cards

Jeff. Davis The last ditch. : "Bless my stars if dere aint Massa Jeff Davis in de las' ditch at last.

[Abraham Lincoln caricature satirizing the draft] [graphic].

In seventeen hundred and eighty three, by the Treaty of Paris, our states were made free, and the Enterprise cork puller helped on the cause while the patriots drank to our land and its laws.

[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]

The negro on the brain. [graphic].

Grand complimentary benefit to Jos. Lindsay and Corp. R.L. Sanford : Joseph Lindsay was formerly a member of Baxter's Fire Zouaves, 72d Regiment, P.V., and was severely wounded at the Battle of Savage Station. Corp. R.L. Sanford was formerly a member of t

[Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats] [graphic].

[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]

[Proofs from specimen album loose prints collection]

"I'm a farder"

Eleventh St. Opera House : Eleventh Street, above Chestnut. The family resort. Carncross and Dixeys Minstrels ... Tuesday evening, March 15th, 1864 ... / R.F. Simpson, treasurer. J.L. Carncross, manager.

The election a medley, humbly inscribed, to Squire Lilliput Professor of Scurrillity. [graphic]

The election a medley, humbly inscribed, to Squire Lilliput Professor of Scurrillity. [graphic].

A new song suitable to the season, to the tune of good English beer. [graphic]

Northern coat of arms. [graphic]

Political caricature no.3. The abolition catastrophe, or the November smash-up. [graphic]

Practical amalgamation. [graphic]

Slavery as it exists in America : Slavery as it exists in England. [graphic]

Practical illustration of the Virginia Constitution. [graphic]: White man the bottom rail.

The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism. [graphic]

John Brown exhibiting his hangman. [graphic]

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

The Salt River gazette---extra, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1867. [graphic]: The Great Negro Party--born, 1856--died Oct. 8, 1867.

Life in Philadelphia. "Is Miss Dinah at home?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "How you find yourself dis hot weader Miss Chloe?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Shall I hab de honour to dance de next quadrille...?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Well brudder what 'fect you tink Morgan's deduction...?" [graphic] / C[lay], fec.

Life in Philadelphia. "What de debil you hurrah for General Jackson for?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / C.B.G.

Life in New York.

Life in New York. "Shall I hab the honour of glanting...?" [graphic].

Life in New York. "Shall I hab the honour of glanting...?"

A five points exclusive taking the first steps towards the Last Polish [graphic].

[African American faces]

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / Engd. by Chas. Hunt.

[Life in Philadelphia miniatures] [graphic].

[Life in Philadelphia miniatures]

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or getting up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or getting up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or how to get up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in New York

Life in New York. The rivals. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in New York. The rivals.

Life in New York. "Blakey I say, can't you by the powers of your stame engine..?" [graphic] / C. Ingrey, lithog., 310 Strand.
