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Scott's Hall, Lock Haven for two nights only, Monday and Tuesday evenings, June 22d and 23d : The far-famed and old established Sanford's Opera Troupe, from his opera houses, Philad'a and Harrisburg The best troupe in the world. Two companies condensed in

Sanford's new Opera House : Programme: ... The exempts, ... Les Miserables! ... To conclude with Dan Gardner's farce of Fanny's serenade ... Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence quarter before 8. In preparation The shoemaker and tailor of Kensington in which

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second and Third. : Programme for this evening ... Strange scenes from the stranger ... Handy Andy. ... To conclude with the opera of The rivals! ...

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second and Third. : Glorious bill! for Saturday evening, Nov. 19, '64. Sanford's great troupe! in all their original variety Sanford as Uncle Tom. Programme. ... The exempts ... Les Miserables! ... To conclud

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Saturday evening, November 26, 1864 House crowded to excess to witness Sanford's Opera Troupe 25 performers 25 Programme. ... Strange scenes from the stranger ... Lawyer outdone! ... To conc

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third. : Monday evening, November 28, 1864 The great pantomime of Ye shoemaker and tailor of Kensington, by Sanford's Opera Troupe Programme. ... The exempts! ... Challenge dance ... I'm from the cou

Adams Tampico Chewing gum. Each wrapper has a different Picture and joke, from "The Judge." [graphic] / H Mitchell.

Opening night : The management take pleasure in introducing, for the first time in New Orleans, the celebrated Aeolian Minstrels! (from their Chestnut Opera House, Philadelphia,) who will have the honor of appearing every eve'ng & Saturday noon in their c

Grand complimentary benefit to Andy Williams and Billy Burr : on Wednesday eve'ng, Nov, 2d, '64 on which occasion the Jenks' Comedy Combination will appear in one of their screaming farces. ... Also, the Star Minstrels ... Admission, twenty-five cents Doo

Laugh and be merry. : Grand complimentary benefit to Wm. D. Dunsford late of Co. "F," 196th Regiment, P.V. The Excelsior Minstrels at Washington Hall, S.W. corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 4, 1865. Leader, E. Brennan

City Hall, Burlington Second & positively last night this Friday evening, Feb. 26, 1864. : Entire change of programme. Everything new! Crowded houses nightly! Everybody delighted! Patronized by the first families in the city! Morris' Minstrels brass band

City Hall, Bordentown For one night only, positively This Saturday evening, Feb. 27, 1864. : Having just concluded a season of fifteen nights at the Concert Hall, Philadelphia, (acknowledged by all the most successful engagement ever played in that city)

City Hall, Burlington For two nights only, positively Thursday and Friday evenings, Feb. 25 and 26. : Having just concluded a season of fifteen nights at the Concert Hall, Philadelphia, (acknowledged by all the most successful engagement ever played in th

Head quarters of the Army of the Potomac Our Head-Quarters! (late "New Idea") Concert Saloon, : No. 609 Chestnut Street, (above Sixth.) Sole lessee and proprietor, Chas. St. Clair Superintendent, J.J. Fullerton Leader of orchestra, J.K. Search Stage manag

Head quarters of the Army of the Potomac Our Head-Quarters! (late "New Idea") Concert Saloon, : No. 609 Chestnut Street, (above Sixth.) Sole lessee and proprietor, Chas. St. Clair Superintendent, J.J. Fullerton Leader of orchestra, J.K. Search Stage manag

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Sanford's Troupe! Tuesday evening, December 20th, '64 Go see the star troupe Nino Eddie one week more! Programme. ... Strange scenes from The stranger ... Our ancestors! ... Sublime & ridicu

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Sanford's Troupe! Monday evening, December 19th, '64 Go see the star troupe Nino Eddie one week more! Programme. ... Strange scenes from The stranger ... Our ancestors! ... Sublime & ridicul

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Wednesday evening, December 14, 1864. Most extraordinary performance in the world by Nino Eddie The audience spell-bound at the most daring feat ever performed by man or boy. This wonderful

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Wednesday evening, Dec'r 21st, 1864. Card to the public. Mr. Sanford begs leave to acquaint the unknowing, who are daily asking the question, whether ladies attend his entertainments? at the

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Friday evening, December 23d, 1864. Card to the public. Mr. Sanford begs leave to acquaint the unknowing, who are daily asking the question, whether ladies attend his entertainments? at the

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : the temple of minstrelsy. Grand gala night! Saturday, Dec. 10th in which are given chaste and drawing-room amusements, by Sanford's Opera Troupe! Programme. ... Der Deitcher's dog, ... After

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : the temple of minstrelsy in which are given chaste and drawing-room amusements, by Sanford's Opera Troupe! comprising a combination of vocalists, musicians, comedians & artists of the highes

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : the temple of minstrelsy in which are given chaste and drawing-room amusements, by Sanford's Opera Troupe! comprising a combination of vocalists, musicians, comedians & artists of the highes

Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Thursday evening, Decem'r 22, 1864. Card to the public. Mr. Sanford begs leave to acquaint the unknowing, who are daily asking the question, whether ladies attend his entertainments? at the

Masonic Hall, Manayunk positively one night only. : Carncross and Dixey's Minstrels the star troupe of the world! In their great Ethiopian soirees ... Wednesday ev'ng, June 17, 1863, ... Burlesque monster concert a la Germania. ... Poor old maids! ... Bab

Greer's Hall for positively two nights only! : Carncross and Dixey's Minstrels the star troupe of the world! In their great Ethiopian soirees ... This Monday evening, June 29th, 1863, ... Burlesque monster concert a la Germania. ... Poor old maids! ... Ba

Greer's Hall. Positively the last night! : Carncross and Dixey's Minstrels the star troupe of the world! In their great Ethiopian soirees Entire change of programme! New novelties, burlesques, &c. This Tuesday evening, June 30, 1863. ... Burlesque monster
