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Philadelphia fashions, 1837. [graphic] / C.

Practical illustration of the Virginia Constitution. [graphic]: White man the bottom rail.

Northern coat of arms. [graphic]

A new song suitable to the season, to the tune of good English beer. [graphic]

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

The shackle broken - by the genius of freedom [graphic] / Lith. & Print. by E. Sachse & Co.

Emancipation: the past and the future. [graphic] / Th. Nast.

The past and the future. [graphic] / Th. Nast.

The Fifteenth Amendment. Celebrated May 19th 1870. [graphic] / From an original design by James C. Beard.

[Double-sided proof print containing a racist caricature with a mammy and a comic genre scene with a bookmaker] [graphic] / Bernhard Hall 1902.

"I say Billy, do you know why I'm doing this? Cause, I'm going to run for Congress soon!" [graphic] /. Potomac.

A "dodge" that won't work. [graphic] / J. Cameron.

Happy Lil' Sal as the queen of the May. [graphic] / R.F. Outcault.

Abraham's dream! : "Coming events cast their shadows before." [graphic].

The Declaration of Independence illustrated. [graphic] / Fabronius; Designed by R. Thayer; L. Prang & Co. Lith, Boston.

The (Fort) Monroe doctrine. [graphic]

Emancipation. [graphic] / Th. Nast; King & Baird, Printers, 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia.

Views of slavery : [graphic] / Does the slaveholder admit the slave to be a human being? If so we would ask his interpretation of the following sentiment "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do you even so to them."

The result of the Fifteenth Amendment, and the rise and progress of the African race in America and its final accomplishment, and celebration on May 19th A.D. 1870. [graphic]

The Freedman's Bureau! An agency to keep the negro in idleness at the expense of the white man. Twice vetoed by the president, and made a law by congress. Support Congress & you support the negro. Sustain the president & you protect the white man [graphic

The election a medley, humbly inscribed, to Squire Lilliput Professor of Scurrillity. [graphic]

The election a medley, humbly inscribed, to Squire Lilliput Professor of Scurrillity. [graphic].

Practical amalgamation. [graphic]

Jim Crow, the American mountebank performing at the Grand Theatre. [graphic] / IH.

The smokers. [graphic] / C.

Johnny Q., introducing the Haytien Ambassador to the ladies of Lynn, Mass. Respectfully inscribed to Miss Caroline Augusta Chase, & the 500 ladies of Lynn who wish to marry black husbands. [graphic] / EWC.

Practical amalgamation. [graphic] / ENC.

Pore lil' Mose sends his Pa a valentine. [graphic] / R.F. Outcault.

John Brown exhibiting his hangman. [graphic]

The Salt River gazette---extra, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1867. [graphic]: The Great Negro Party--born, 1856--died Oct. 8, 1867.

The triumph. [graphic]

[Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats] [graphic].

The pious Mr. All-bone, taking leave of his directors previous to his departure for Europe. [graphic].

A strike! A strike! [graphic] / C.

"Your plan and mine." [graphic]

Slavery as it exists in America : Slavery as it exists in England. [graphic]

[Scraps no. 3. for 1832] [graphic] / Designed engraved and published by D.C. Johnston.

The man that blocks up the highway [graphic].

The resurrection of Henry Box Brown at Philadelphia [graphic] : Who escaped from Richmond Va. in a box 3 feet long 2 1/2 ft. deep and 2ft. wide. / Kramer, del.

'Conquering prejudice, 'or 'fulfilling a constitutitional duty with alacrity.' [graphic] /. P. Kramer.

The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism. [graphic]

"No higher law." [graphic] /

Practical illustration of the fugitive slave law. [graphic] /. EC, del.

A grand slave hunt, or trial of speed for the presidency, between celebrated nags Black Dan, Lewis Cass, and Haynau. [graphic] /. T.C., del.

Political caricature no.3. The abolition catastrophe, or the November smash-up. [graphic]