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"The coon" wedding march

African American dandy

Clarence Brooks & Co., manufacturers of fine coach varnishes, cor. West & West 12th Sts., New York.

A darktown wedding, the ceremony

"Wish you'd hush"

Mrs. Lena Mason's Chautauqua meetings, Aug. 1st - Sept. Phila, Pa.

African American caricature Franz Aman trade cards

Loading a Mississippi steamer, New Orleans U.S.A.

Official first day of issue. Honoring Salem Poor, Gallant Soldier, distinguished patriot of Bunker Hill, Valley Forge and White Plains. [graphic]

Photographing the Baby

He dreamt dat from away off thar de angels sent him news. He 'woke and found it was Dunbarr dat sent dem bully shoes; 60 N. Fourth St. Philadelphia.

[African American woman nursing a baby on a porch in the presence of a man.]

Cars loaded with cotton bales on levee near cotton growing district, Texas.

A bran new coon in town

I'se a dude!

Your home is not complete without the Missouri Steam Washer. The best washing machine in the world. Johnston Bro's. St. Louis. Philadelphia.

Is yo' sho' lady when I wears dese stockings I won' fin' ma laigs all black.

In seventeen hundred and eighty three, by the Treaty of Paris, our states were made free, and the Enterprise cork puller helped on the cause while the patriots drank to our land and its laws.

[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]

[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]