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Jolly Jack

Worldly Evils.

Your Own Portrait.

To a Snob.

Folks do say, my little drummer,

Rum Sucker.

Mrs. Doleful.

To a Recruiting Officer.

The Sponge.

A Recruiting Officer.

The Wounded Soldier.

To a Zouave.

The Toper.

You may swagger and blow, but people all know

You go in for the largest liberty

The Veteran.

Smoker of the filthy weed

I very much mistrust, old Lotion

The Rum-Cask.


Although you're a Lieutenant bold.


A Swell Head.

Always sleeping at your post.

Good Advice to Somebody.

The Returned Veteran.


The Opposer of Temperance.

My friend, your picture here you see.

The Literary Man.

One of the B'hoys.

You're a sweet looking sailor boy, gallant and bold

The Veteran.

When first you came before my eyes

A Spiritualist.


I'm thinking e'er the day is o'er.


The Veteran.

To a Chasseur.

The Mason.

One of the B'hoys.

A Hatter.