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Philadelphia Zoo postcards.

[Biblical animal collecting cards] [graphic].

Pleis' celebrated fit powders & liver pills, 860 N. Third Street, Philadelphia.

McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee [paper doll]

Cloaks & Dolmans in every style at Ehrichs' Eighth Avenue & 24 th St. The largest assortment and the lowest prices in the city.

[White deer exhibition, Zoological Gardens, Philadelphia]

Nath'l W. Appleton, stationer, No. 7 School Street, Boston.

Eagle house

Vicuna, (Lama, Vicugna.)

Vicuna, (Lama, Vicugna.)

Giraffe, (camelopardalis giraffa)

[Grey wolf, (canus occidentalis)]

Bruchall's zebra.

American elk, (cervus canadensis.)

American elk, (cervus canadensis.)

Giraffe, (camelopardalis giraffa.)

Giraffe, (camelopardalis giraffa.)

Rapson's trimmings and zephyrs, 132 N. Eighth Street, corner of Cherry St.

Lewis Voight & Son, artistic paper hangings.

Summit Water, from Harrison, Maine, the invaluable tonic that builds up the debilitated.

[Sternberger's old reliable feather, mattress and bed clothing depot trade cards]

[Wm. Gunzer trade cards]

[J. Peter Gohl trade cards]

[Martha Maxwell and her exhibit of "Woman's Work", Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition]

[Martha Maxwell's exhibit of "Woman's Work", Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition]

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap.

[Helen Beitler graphic ephemera collection]

Bought of Barker, Moore, Mein, wholesale druggists and paint dealers, no. 609 Market Street, above Sixth.

[Martha Maxwell posing with habitat grouping, Mrs. M.A. Maxwell's Rocky Mountain Museum, Boulder, Colorado]

R. & J. Beck, opticians, No. 1016 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Hall's vegetable Sicilian hair renewer. Prevents gray hairs and baldness.

New transfer picture-album offering a collection of fine transfer pictures and the direction how to fix them [graphic].

[Theo. Ricksecker's trade cards]

[Wm. F. Simes & Son trade cards]

[Job printing specimens for certificates, bank notes, receipts, labels, and billheads] [graphic].

[John Wanamaker & Co., 818, 820 & 822 Chestnut Street trade cards]

[William H. Helfand miscellaneous popular medicine ephemera collection]

[William H. Helfand graphic popular medicine ephemera collection]