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William E. Channing, D.D.

William E. Channing

Wm. Lloyd Garrison.

Wm. Lloyd Garrison.

Miss Fanny Kemble in the character of Portia

H.B. Stowe

H.B. Stowe

H.B. Stowe

H.B. Stowe

Benjamin Lay. [graphic] / Kneass Sc.

Fanny Kemble [graphic] / Painted from recollection by T. Sully.

Roberts Vaux

Roberts Vaux [graphic] / Painted by Henry Inman; On Stone by A. Newsam.

Thomas Clarkson [graphic] / From a picture by H. Room; T.A. Dean, sc.

Rev. Christopher Rush

Thomas Wentworth Higginson

Rev. Christopher Rush

Thomas Clarkson, A.M.

Plates from "Sketches supposed to have been intended for Fanny Kemble's journal"

From the plantation to the senate

Distinguished colored men

Afro-American historical family record