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Lore Mountain, from Dinis Road, Killarny [sic], Ireland.

River scene upper east park.

Specialties in curtains and furniture , Walraven, 1105 Chestnut Street.

[Gunnis, Barritt & Co. trade cards]

[West bank of the Schuylkill River from Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia]

Kane's boat, deer park, Philada. park.

E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company. Wilmington, Del. U.S.A. Manufacturers of explosives of every kind. Established 1802.

A. L. Gerhart & Co.'s commission & forwarding warehouse, No. 365 Market Street.

Thomas Borbidge, forwarding and commission merchant, no. 278 Market Street.

A. Wright & Nephew, Vine Street Wharf, Delaware.

Fresh deviled crabs. McMenamin & Co., Hampton, Va.

[Shoneman Bros. trade cards]

Regetta [sic] at Fairmount.

[D.S. Ewing trade cards]

D & H Canal & coal dock, Honesdale, Pa.

Boat House and Lake, Philadelphia, Penn.

Boat landing. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

First steamboat on Hudson River.

Pleasure yacht, Flirt.

Photograph album

[Charles F. Haseltine trade cards]

[Relics and curiosities] dept. Dr. Kane's boat.

[Dr. Kane's boat, Relics & Curiosities Department, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864]

John Stevens' first steamboat.

Explorations West of the 100th Meridian. Expedition of 1871, Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Com'dg.

[A.C. Yates & Co. clothing trade cards]

Belmont and waterworks. Mount Pleasant, Fairmount Park, Philada. [graphic].