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Finish of Dinghey race at Princess Hotel, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Bermuda dinghey, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Walking the greased pole at the Princess [Hotel, Hamilton, Bermuda] [graphic].

View of Hamilton from Paget Shore. 1st day trip to Gibbs Hill with N.A. French, Mr. Sumner & E.K. Bradley, [Bermuda] [graphic].

View from head of Wesley Lake, Asbury Park, [NJ] [graphic].

Schooner from beach, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Schooner from beach, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Landing steps foot of Queen St. Hamilton, W. from shed, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Off for the regatta. View of landing steps, foot of Queen St., Hamilton, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Ordinance Island & shed. St. Georges, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Pitt's Bay, boat on shore in foreground, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Small bay near St. Georges, Fort George in view, [Bermuda] [graphic].

[Young boys with rowboat, Sea Girt] [graphic].

U.S.S.S. Lancaster, NY Bay, [Monmouth Beach, NJ] [graphic].

Beach S. from end of our boardwalk, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Two cat-boats sailing Barnegat Bay. From Sch[oone]r John L. Dorsett, [Ocean County, NJ] [graphic].

Jennie Arnold sailing, Barnegat Bay, [Ocean County, NJ] [graphic].

Sloop on Barnegat Bay, [Ocean County, NJ] [graphic].

Our boat sailing on pond. Uncle Wm. [Canby], Harry [Henry Matthews Canby] & Aunt Edith [Dillon Canby] on board. Side view. [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

The Emma, stern view, [Sea Girt NJ] [graphic].

Thalatta [boat], from shore, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Schooner bow on. From under pier. [Atlantic City, NJ] [graphic].

Sch[oone]r. Robert Morgan, ashore at Atlantic City, From N[orth] [graphic].

Schooner from N. from Applegates pier, [Atlantic City, NJ] [graphic].

Our boat from shore. Stern view. [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Group of sailors on the "Galina" with a bear and a goat, [Constitutional Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia] [graphic.]

Thalatta, sailing from back of pond, [Sea Girt NJ] [graphic].

Capt. Tilton of the Eugenie & boat on beach, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[View of ship in Bermuda] [graphic].

Bermuda yacht from "Mondyne," [Bermuda] [graphic].

Dispatch with our party on board at Somerset Wharf, (Mangrove Bay) [Bermuda] [graphic].

Old hulk at Somerset Wharf, [Mangrove Bay, Bermuda] [graphic].

H.M.S. Terror, off Ireland I. [Bermuda] [graphic].

H.M.S. Northampton, the flagship at Dockyard, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Trinidad leaving dock, landing stage being taken down, [Bermuda] [graphic]

Dry Dock & Flag ship Northampton from S. of camber, taken from "Dispatch," [Bermuda] [graphic].

Shore of Hamilton Harbor near Pitts Bay, W. of Princess H[otel], [Bermuda] [graphic].

Bermuda yacht sailing in race for Princess Louis cup, from an island in Great Sound, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Bermuda yacht, in same race, [Great Sound, Bermuda] [graphic].

The Cara in race for Princess Louise cup, [Great Sound, Bermuda] [graphic].

Double exposure on boats in race for Princess Louise cup, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Bermuda yacht from shed, foot of Queen St., [Bermuda] [graphic].

Bermuda yacht from steps of Princess Hotel, [Bermuda] [graphic].

[Bermuda yacht], Stern view, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Ordnance Island, St. Georges from dock, [Bermuda] [graphic].

Boat in marshes near Excursion House. Left by the tide. [Sea Isle City, NJ] [graphic].

Albertine [paddleboat] at Highlands, [NJ] [graphic].

Boats and party in the Styx, Lake Hoptacong [graphic].

U.S.S.S. Lancaster. New York Bay. Bow on. From S.S. Taurus. [Monmouth Beach, NJ] [graphic].

Sch[oone]r Fred C. Holden in N.Y. Bay, [NJ] [graphic].
