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Carpenter Shop, Boy's Parlor, [62 Church Lane], from side opposite door, [Germantown] [graphic].

[Exterior view of the building of the] Boys Parlor [25 West Penn Street, Germantown] [graphic].

[Exterior view of the building of the] Boys Parlor [25 West Penn Street], upright [graphic].

[Man carrying child on his back], Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ [graphic].

[Scene at night], Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ [graphic].

[Crescentville - last of winter]

[Views of Milestown, Philadelphia along Old York Road, north of Branchtown, and above Oak Lane.]

Camac's Woods, Philadelphia.

Old first high school house - Juniper street, Penn Square. [graphic] / Photogh. F.D.B. Richards.

The cruel boys robbing the bird of her little ones.

The dishonest boy

Industry & sloth.

[Two boys in front of the Swann Memorial Fountain in Logan Circle in winter.] [graphic].

[Central High School for Boys, South Juniper Street facing Penn Square below Market Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].


[Young men in bathing attire], G[erman]t[ow]n Boys' Club, Stone Harbor Camp, [NJ] [graphic].

[Man carrying child on his back, Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ] [graphic].

[Scene at night, Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ] [graphic].

The cruel boys. [graphic] : What shows a worse disposition than to abuse a poor dumb creature. It is the beginning of a course, that leads to robbery and murder.

Lift your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord. Psa cxxxiv.2 [graphic].

La Bamboula. [graphic].

"Come, birdie, come, oh! Come with me." [graphic].

Correos. America del Sur [graphic].

[Correos. America del Sur] [graphic].

Happy birthday [graphic].

He'p yo'se'f to grapefruit from sunny Florida [graphic].

[African American boy and white girl on a candy stick seesaw] [graphic].

Two boys strolling past temptation

[Construction of the Germantown Boys' Club near 10 W. Penn, Germantown] [graphic].

Fording to the Island. Boys Parlors Asso[ciation] first camp, Upper Delaware R[iver] [graphic].

If you want to be stylishly shod and comfortably fitted, bring your feet to Lee Reinberg, shoe man, 7 and 11 S. George St., York, PA. [graphic].

Hoffy's lithographic & painting establishment. 88 Walnut St. Philadelphia.

Thomas M. Harris & Co. sole manufacturers Philadelphia

Solar Tip shoes for children

[Laird, Schober & Mitchell trade cards]

Shooting turkeys for Thanksgiving-Day

Spoiling the slide [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. fine coach varnishes cor. West & West 12th Sts. New York.

Use Dannemiller's Cordova coffee, in 1 pound papers, because it's the best [graphic].

Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic].

Spoiling the slide [graphic] : Clarence Brooks & Co. fine coach varnishes cor. West & West 12th Sts. New York.

Statue: "Out in the rain".

Sugar Cane plantation

[John Wanamaker & Co. unidentified location trade cards]

Pan American Exposition. This pretty little boy insists that___ Heide's licorice pastilles, mint and assorted jujubes are the best.

[S.D. Sollers & Co. trade cards]

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts December 1865. [graphic] / WEC.

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts December 1865.

[J.E. Caldwell & Co. trade cards]

At dinner, Girard College, Philadelphia.

D.S.B. & Co. New York. Soap makers & perfumers.
