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[Two men hunting]

The coming power. "Swiftsure soap." Compliments of Ecker & Co., Otis & Holman Sts., Phila., Pa.

Open your mouth and shut your eyes.

Preparing for school.

The misfortunes of a sweet tooth.

Whack it off short Sam.

Warburton, "the" hatter, 430 Chestnut Street.

[Universal Fashion Co. trade cards]

Shortlidge's Media Academy, for young men and boys, twelve miles from depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, on the Philadelphia and West Chester R.R.

Two little nigs

"Doing business on a small scale"

Old Moravian burying ground - summer.

A group of natives, Chipigana. Tropical Scenery. Darien Expedition.

Pony riding, Camp Emlen, Norwood, Montg. Co., Pa. Conducted by Wissahickon Boys Club, Germantown, Phila.

[Joseph Hoover trade cards]

J. Holly, fine clothing, ready-made and to order, 1312 South St., Phila.

[Rosenbaum & Co. trade cards]

Philadelphia Sketch Club [graphic]

Burdsall's ladies' and gents' ice cream, oyster and dining parlor, N.E. corner Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia.

Bush & Co.'s borax soap company, Philadelphia.

[A. J. Chauveau trade cards]

[Bound Brook Route trade cards]

And he owes not any man.

[Crescentville - last of winter]

[Views of Milestown, Philadelphia along Old York Road, north of Branchtown, and above Oak Lane.]

Camac's Woods, Philadelphia.

[Laird, Schober & Mitchell trade cards]

Celluloid waterproof collars, cuffs & shirt bosoms. [graphic].

Sugar Cane plantation

[John Wanamaker & Co. unidentified location trade cards]

Pan American Exposition. This pretty little boy insists that___ Heide's licorice pastilles, mint and assorted jujubes are the best.

[S.D. Sollers & Co. trade cards]

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts December 1865. [graphic] / WEC.

[J.E. Caldwell & Co. trade cards]

At dinner, Girard College, Philadelphia.

D.S.B. & Co. New York. Soap makers & perfumers.

Westtown Boarding School, Chester Co., Pa.

[Morgan & Headly trade cards] [graphic].

[John Mundell & Co. trade cards]

[The Singer Manufacturing Company trade cards]

Rustic boat landing. Central Park, N. Y.

[I.S. Custer, Son & Co. trade cards]

Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding.

Col. R. S. Strader horses - Bulletsville Boone Co Ky

Cotton plantation scene.

A bran new coon in town

Ask for Liebig Company's extract of meat. Annual sale, four million jars.

[P. Madeira trade cards]

Photography under a cloud.

[Croft, Wilbur & Co. trade cards]
