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[Climbing a tree, Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ] [graphic].

[Climbing a tree, Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ] [graphic].

[Boy with an inner tube, Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ] [graphic].

Albert & Bayley fine shoes, 449 Broad Street Newark, N.J. [graphic].

Try Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding [graphic].

See that hump? Something inside for you [graphic].

Meikleham's, Opera house block, Cohoes, N.Y. [graphic].

Nath'l Fisher & Co. school shoe. New York. [graphic].

[African American boy butler carrying a bouquet of flowers] [graphic].

[African American boy doorman carrying a bouquet of flowers] [graphic].

Mrs. O'Toole- Give it to im Mickey, t'was for de loikes of sich as him, yer fayther got kilt in the war [graphic].

"Dem brats done gone and stole dat melon." [graphic].

[Copy photograph of African American woman caregiver with her young white charges] [graphic] / F. Gutekunst, 712 Arch St. Philadelphia.

[African American boy butler carrying a bouquet of flowers] [graphic].

Ask your grocer or druggist for Law's Bluing. Each package makes one quart of bluing strong enough for ink, and will blue, bleach, or color very nicely for rag carpets. [graphic].

Merrick Thread Co., "Fooled dis time, cully. Dis cotton ain't gwine to break." [graphic].

Classical Seminary. Franklin Square. S.E. corner Race & Seventh streets, Philadelphia.

Copy photograph of African American woman caregiver with her young white charges

Girard College for orphans at Philadelphia, Penn. [graphic] / Designed and executed by Thomas U. Walter Archt. ; Engraved by A.W. Graham.

A View of Reading [graphic] : Taken from the west side of Schuylkill and most respectfully dedicated to the citizens of Berks County Pa. / By F.A. Holtzwart.

The Hunters three and O.N.T. [graphic].

Peter Moran Sketchbooks

Pharaoh's Daugher.

[Morgan & Headly trade cards] [graphic].

[John Mundell & Co. trade cards]

[The Singer Manufacturing Company trade cards]

Rustic boat landing. Central Park, N. Y.

At a fire. What boys may expect when they get in firemen's way.

[I.S. Custer, Son & Co. trade cards]

Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding.

[Four boys and a man with a dog] Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ [graphic].

[Group in a tree], Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ [graphic].

[Parachute game], Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ [graphic].

[Parachute game], Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ [graphic].

[Boy with an umbrella and a dog], Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ [graphic].

[Group outside camp], Boys Parlors Camp, Wildwood, NJ [graphic].

Col. R. S. Strader horses - Bulletsville Boone Co Ky

The life & age of man. Stages of man's life from the cradle to the grave. [graphic].

Cotton plantation scene.

At a fire. What boys may expect when they get in firemen's way.

On a Virginia turnpike

[African American family in front of their Pennsylvania residence]

923 Olive St. (house torn down) [graphic].

[Artist's study of detail from Second Street north from Market St. wth. Christ Church. Philadelphia.]

Trotting cracks of Philadelphia returning from the race at Point Breeze Park

A bran new coon in town


Bread St. bel. Arch St. A Jewish family and a delegation of the darktown brigade. [graphic].

Bread St. bel. Arch St.

Bread St. bel. Arch St. [graphic].
