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If My Passion

If My Passion

Ill looking, ill conditioned

Innocent A MEWS MEANT.

It's evident

The Old Bachelor.

One of the Codfish

Original, Should Be

Original, Should Be

Pray Tell Me


Propriety Personified.

Pug-nosed Smoking Boy


The Shirk.

Sleepy Looking Harness Maker.

Stands ther Poulterer

Talking Churchwomen.


There You Are

Thick Finger’d Fumbler

This Valentine to You

Tho’ in butter

Thou languishing young lady bird

To a Barman.

To a Barman.

You Darling Pet.

You’re a gentleman true

You’re Awful Nice!

Bloated and Ugly.

Hic, Hic, Hic.

When I’m stuck

Who foolishly regards himself.

Why you silly

You think, no doubt

To a Blacksmith.

To a Bobby

To a Gossip.

To be out of fashion

Ugliest of the fair

What, my chap

When age comes on

With a fine hat

A Bargain Second Hand

Begone, you dirty

A Big Bloat.

Blue Ruin.

You are an ill

A Baker.

The Baker
