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Friend Jane envelope

Friend Susan and Friend Broadbrim envelope

Friend Thomas envelope

North. [graphic].

Emptyheaded and Lazy

A Farmer.

A Machinist

Now I'm Sure

Hearts! at once

I do not wish

I vow to me

It's Time You Were Married.

Old Coachee, mounted

Soft Headed Self

Tho’ you are Porter

‘Tis all in vain


You poor pen

Thou lazy hussy

A Country Store Keeper

Deserted old damsel,

Dirty, ugly, vulgar,

Einer Durchschauten.

A Dutchman.

Emptyheaded and Lazy

Just A Little Flattered

Look Dandy, pray

Man Crossed in Love

Man with Elk Horns

Married for Money

Miss Bonnet-builder

Now My Jolly Sailor

Of Dandizetts You're Sure

Oh! Daughter of Fair

Oh, Dear Me

Oh, Dear Me

Oh! Thou Art

Goddess of the fries

Group of men

A Holy Show.

Hoop de Doo.

Hurra! for the races

I as soon would wed

I Love a Man

I send you

If My Passion

If My Passion

If My Passion

If My Passion

Ill looking, ill conditioned
