Illustrated billheads containing ornate lettering, pictorial and ornamental details, and a vignette exterior view of the sign-covered, five-story storefront of the firm established by Joseph D. Marshall, and Robert T. Marshall circa 1870. Signage reads "Paints, Oils & Glass. Coal Oil. J.D. Marshall & Bro. Drugs and Chemicals." View also shows a horse-drawn wagon and carriage in the street and partial views of adjacent buildings. Pictorial and ornamental details include a mortar and pestle in a shield-shaped frame and art-noveau-style borders decorated with garlands, a vase, and sprigs of leaves. Prints also contains lists of products sold by the firm, including Anchor Varnish Works and Hubbard Varnish Works, Annatta, Lamp Chimneys, Pure Neatsfoot Oil, Sweet Oil, and "Spts Turpentine." Joseph D. Marshall left the partnership by 1891., Printers include Stockdale, Printer, 117 S. Second St., P.2011.46.170 completed on March 29, 1873 for $6.55; P.2011.46.17 completed on November 27, 1876 for $6.65; P.2011.46.172 completed on May 12, 1879 for $4.45; P.2011.46.173 completed on October 18, 1879 for $12.81; P.2011.46.174 completed on May 15, 1891 for $7.75; and P.2011.46.175 completed on June 12, 1891 for $8.68. Items billed include soap, candles, lard, candy, matches, cigars, pomade, toilet powder, ginger, German chocolate, and nutmeg., Majority of prints contain punched holes., All prints annotated as payment received., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1870 - ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - J [P.2011.46.170-175]