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[Eighth Street looking south from Arch Street]

State House. [graphic].

Bingham House Philada. [graphic] / Bartlett & Smith, photographers.

Views at De Silverwood. Near Holmesburg, Pa.

Landsdown [sic] entrance looking south

State House, Philadelphia [graphic] / M.P. Simons, 1320 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Landscape and portrait photographer.

Market St. looking east from Schuylkill

Continental Hotel, Philadelphia Pa

Continental Hotel, Philada.

Lincoln Monument, Phila. Park

Lincoln Monument, foot of Lemon Hill.

[De la Plaine House], Corner of Germantown Avenue & School Lane [graphic].

Harrison & Newhall, corner of Race and Crown streets, Philadelphia. Commission merchants and importers Rio coffee, sugars, hides &c. Philadelphia.

United States Hotel, Philadelphia

View of Chestnut Street Philadelphia.

Passenger Railroad Relief Association of Philadelphia [certificate]

St. Augustine's Church. Philadelphia, Penna.

St. Bonifacius Church. Norris Square Philadelphia, Penna.

[View of the water works at Centre Square] [graphic] / Drawn and presented by Geo. Lewis.

South east corner Broad and South Penn Square 1865 [graphic] : Tabernacle Presbyterian Church / Henry B. McIntire.

East side of Broad St. north from Walnut St. 1865 [graphic] / Henry B. McIntire.

South west corner 12th and Market Streets, 1841 [graphic] / H. B. McIntire.

West side of Broad St. north from Walnut St. 1865 [graphic] / Henry B. McIntire.

[Chestnut Street, rooftop view east from Odiorne's studio at 920 Chestnut Street] [graphic].

St. Ann's Church Philadelphia, Pa.

[Gen'l Washington's carriage]

North Broad St., Phil., PA.

La Pierre House.

La Pierre House.

Third St., north of Walnut, east side.

American Hotel. Henry A. Charter. Chestnut Street, opposite the State House Philadelphia.

Col. M. Corcoran addressing the crowds in front of the Continental Hotel, Phila., August 21, 1862.



La Pierre House Philada. [graphic] / Bartlett & Smith, photographers.

La Pierre House, Academy of Natural Science, and Union League, Broad Street, below Chestnut. [graphic]

La Pierre House, Academy of Natural Sciences, and Union League, Broad St., below Chestnut, Phila[delphia] Pa.

R. & G.A. Wright. Manufacturers of fine perfumery &c. 624 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Birdseye view of Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, with the buildings of the International Exhibition 1876

Lippincott Mansion


U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)


U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)

Before Girard Bank on Broad & Chestnut [graphic].

1227 + 1229 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

1227 + 1229 Market St., [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

Race Street in Philadelphia's Chinatown.

Grand Centennial depot, at the main entrance to the exhibition grounds. [graphic].

 [Robeson's Ridge Road, Philadelphia]   [graphic].
