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Phila[delphia] Dispensary from Independence Square [graphic].

The express man.

The farmer at the market.

Pier 80, foot of Snyder Av. [graphic].

[T. Wattson & Sons, biscuit bakery, 129 North Front Street, Philadelphia]

[Ritter Cotterell & Ritter wholesale drug & chemical warehouse. Paints, oils, glass & dye stuffs. 132 North Third Street, corner of Branch Street, Philadelphia]

[Robert Shoemaker's wholesale & retail drugstore, corner of Second and Green Streets, Philadelphia]

[Morocco leather manufactory, B. D. Stewart, S.E. corner of Willow Street and Old York Road, Philadelphia]

Bergner & Engel's Brewery. Office, 412 Library Street. Brewery, 32d and Thompson Sts. Philadelphia.

Bennett & Co. Tower Hall, clothing bazaar No. 182 Market St, between Fifth & Sixth. Philadelphia.

Alfred Jenks & Son's machine works, Bridesburg.

Elevation plan of Granite St. buildings and those connecting with Walnut, Dock and Front Streets.

Market St. Bridge.

[Laurel Hill Cemetery, view looking north from ridge, 3822 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia]

Theodore M. Apple, guager & cooper, no. 2 & 4 Gray's Alley between Front & Second and Walnut & Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia.

H. B. McCalla, successor to the late Andrew McCalla, No. 252 Market St. First hat & cap store below 8th St. south side, Philadelphia.

Joseph Oat & Son, coppersmiths, No. 12 Quarry Street Philadelphia.

[Lewis Fatman & Co., steam paste blacking, steam friction matches, 41 N. Front Street, Philadelphia]

[Lewis Fatman & Co., blacking manufactory, steam friction matches manufactory, back of No. 412 Coates Street, Philadelphia]

Edward Banister carpet warehouse. Stephen Foulk's cheap carpet & floor oil cloth warehouse. Carpetings.

[J. Mayland, Jr. & Co. tobacco & snuff manufactory. Segars, foreign & domestic. Wholesale grocers, N.W. corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia]

[James Lane's stove store, No. 218 North Third Street, Philadelphia]

John Bancroft, Jr. soap and candle manufactory. No. 19, Wood St. betw. 2nd & 3rd Sts. & Vine and Callowhill Sts. Philadelphia.

The old Hurst mansion, "standing back," facing the west, on the northeast corner of Fifth and South street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Old wooden houses, extending southwardly from the corner of Marble Street, on the west side of Tenth Street, to Miss Sally Keene's, late Maj. Lennock's property and residence, built by "Col." Peter L. Berry. N.W. corner of Chestnut and Tenth streets. [gra

Wood & Perot factory [graphic]

Old London coffee house, s.w. corner of Market and Front street. [graphic] / Photograph taken Augt. 1858 by James E. McClees.

[Chestnut Street between Sixth and Seventh streets; construction]

[Chestnut Street between Sixth and Seventh streets; construction] [graphic].

[Richard McAllister Coal Company delivery cart, Philadelphia]

[Richard McAllister Coal Company delivery cart, Philadelphia]

South side Chestnut St. from 3rd to Hudsons Alley, 1809.

[Benjamin H. Shoemaker, French Plate Glass Depot, 205-211 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Wm C. Rudman's Philadelphia pale ale on draught, warranted for from all pernicious drugs and alcoholic admixture, Brewery, 121 Green Street, Northern Liberties.

Ficken & Williams, steam sugar refiners, Crown, Willow and Fifth streets, Philadelphia.

Christopher Gallagher. Wholesale liquor dealer.

Franklin Iron Works. Sutton & Smith's iron foundry, Franklin Street between Second and Front Streets, Philadelphia

McNeely & Co. manufacturers of morocco, buckskin & chamois, white leather, bark tanned, sheep, calf & deer skins, parchment, vellum &c. 64 N[or]th 4th. St. below Arch St. near the Merchants Hotel, Philadelphia. Manufactory 4th & Franklin Aven[ue] [graphic

High Street, with the First Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia, 1800.

Carey, Bro. & Grevemeyer, 423 Market St., Philadelphia, booksellers, stationers and blank book manufacturers, paper curtains, oil shades and shading, floor and table oil cloth. Also, jobbers and manufacturers of wall paper.

[Billheads from J.D. Marshall & Bros., later D. Marshall & Bro., druggists, 1215 Market Street, Philadelphia to E. Somers]

[Chestnut Street from the Custom House, Philadelphia]

Bought of Barker, Moore, Mein, wholesale druggists and paint dealers, no. 609 Market Street, above Sixth.

Henry Adolph, manufacturer of furniture wholesale and retail, warerooms no. 36 North Second St., one door above the Christ Church Philadelphia.

Penny Pot Tavern & landing, and Griscom's Academy.

Arch Street Bridge at Front Street ; Friends' Bank Meeting

Gottleib Hartung's wine & lager beer hall and restaurant. Importer of Rhenish and Neckar wines, No. 512 Race St., Philadelphia.

Bridesburg Manufacturing Company.

The coal-cart.

The oysterman.
