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Thomas Sparks shot & bar lead manufacturer. Warehouse no. 121 Walnut St. Philadelphia.

S. Griffiths, manufacturer of wrought iron tubes and fittings for gas, steam and water. Works in Vine st: betw: Schuylkill 2d and 3d Streets. A constant supply at warerooms no. 15 Nth. Del. 7th St, Philadelphia.

Summer luxuries.

The wharf.

The staff of life.

Fine oysters.

The butcher.

The express man.

The farmer at the market.

Christopher Gallagher. Wholesale liquor dealer.

To the depot.

The coal-cart.

The oysterman.

Idle talk.

The wood-cart.

The draymen.

Harrison & Newhall, corner of Race and Crown streets, Philadelphia. Commission merchants and importers Rio coffee, sugars, hides &c. Philadelphia.

[M. L. Hallowell & Co. Importer and jobbers in silk goods, 147 Market Street, Philadelphia]

The rag tender