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Three black crows

Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.

1888-1889 third supplement to catalogue of electrotypes from A. Blanc, Horticultural Engraver, No. 314 N. Eleventh St. Philada., Pa., U.S.A. [graphic] : Registered Cable Address, "Blanc, Philadelphia."

B.M. Weld, drugs & medicines, also boots, shoes, slippers, etc. Bradford, Vermont.

[Eagle Starch Enamel Manufacturing Co., Frankford, Phila., Pa.]

[Geo. S. Harris & Sons print specimens]

National Farm School for children of colored soldiers and colored orphans - Eastern Branch, Washington, D.C. : Established March 1866, by H. de Mareil, editor & proprietor of the Messenger Franco American. Incorporated by act of Congress 25th July 1866. [

L. S. Plaut & Co., 715, 717, 719 Broad St., Newark, N. J.

[Glorification of the American Union]

[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]

[Croft, Wilbur & Co. trade cards]

I'm a masher

[Series of Clarence E. Brooks & Co. Fine Coach Varnishes, cor. West & West 12th St. N.Y. racist 1880 calendar illustrations after the "Blackville" series] [graphic].

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]

[Abraham Lincoln miscellany] [graphic].


From the plantation to the senate

Distinguished colored men