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The chivalry at the English court. [graphic]

I'm not to blame for being white, sir! [graphic]

Arms of ye confederacie. [graphic] / H.H. Tilley Del. et Sc.

The (Fort) Monroe doctrine. [graphic]

[Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats] [graphic].

Slavery as it exists in America : Slavery as it exists in England. [graphic]

The house that Jeff built. [graphic]

Views of slavery : [graphic] / Does the slaveholder admit the slave to be a human being? If so we would ask his interpretation of the following sentiment "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do you even so to them."

"No higher law." [graphic] /

Handicap race presidential stakes 1844. [graphic] /. EWC.

A grand slave hunt, or trial of speed for the presidency, between celebrated nags Black Dan, Lewis Cass, and Haynau. [graphic] /. T.C., del.

The smokers. [graphic] / C.

Emancipation: the past and the future. [graphic] / Th. Nast.

The past and the future. [graphic] / Th. Nast.

A West India sportsman. [graphic] : Make haste with the sangaree Quashie and tell Quaco to drive the birds up to me - I'm ready. / J.F.

John Bull and the Nicaragua question [graphic] : John's duplicity and disregard of treaty obligations.

Emancipation. [graphic] / Th. Nast; King & Baird, Printers, 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia.

The result of the Fifteenth Amendment, and the rise and progress of the African race in America and its final accomplishment, and celebration on May 19th A.D. 1870. [graphic]