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[Young Black girl articulated paper doll] [graphic].

Children's Art Union.

Joe Michl

While using children's elastic knee protector.

Grandpa's music lessons.

Compliments of Henry Baltz, Jr., meat and provisions, S.E. cor. of 18th and Fountain Sts. between Norris and Diamond.

Atkinson & Bair, manufacturers of fine harness, N.W. cor. 10th and Arch Sts., Philadelphia.

The new Philadelphia clothing house. Mackey, Johnson, Turner & Co., 922 Chestnut Street.

[E.H. Worne's lace and embroidery store trade cards]

Solar Tip Shoes

A. Singer, gent's, ladies', misses' and childrens, fine shoes, 104 N. Second St., Philadelphia.

Cressman's Pharmacy, N.E. cor. York & Fairhill Streets, Philadelphia. Deutsche Apotheke.

"Sew on your own buttons, I'm going for a ride."

Friedberger & Strouse, ribbons, silks, hats, feathers, &c., Nos. 113 and 115 North Eighth, and 733 Arch Street.

Children of all nations. A series of 50. [graphic].

A. Maron, 1612 Chestnut Stret, Philadelphia.

Jay[ne's] Carmina[tive] Balsam. Prepared only by Dr. Jayne, wholesale druggist & chemist, no. 84 Chestnut Street below Third, Philada.

[Sunshine Publishing Company, 423 Chestnut Street, basement Philadelphia Bank.]

J.W. Miller, wholesale dealer in books, stationery & cigars, No. 439 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

You cannot blot out...the fact that Louis Heilbron sells the best furniture, carpets, and bedding at most reasonable prices, at the largest furniture house in Reading, Pa. 838-840 Penn Street

[Jones & Fisher trade cards]

Lavine, Hartford Chemical Works, 30 Union Place. Try Lavine for washing.

Patapsco baking powder.

[Willett & Quinby trade cards]

Whitmore's stationery and leathergoods are standard for style and quality.

H.O. Wilbur & Sons, chocolate & cocoa manufacturers, Philadelphia, Pa.

Compliments of the West End Clothing House, 1634 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. Kuh; prop'r.

Compliments of Lehman & Bolton, lithographers, printers, publishers. 715, 171, 719 Arch Street. Philadelphia.

The Water Babies.

[Duryeas' Glen Cove Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

M.T. Hess, successor to D.L. Page, manufacturer of fine confections, no. 918 Arch Street, Philad'a.

[Charles E. Hires Company trade cards]

P. Edw'd Chillman & Co., photographers, 18 South Eighth Str., Philadelphia.

[Cooper & Conard trade cards]

"Sew up your own buttons, I'm going for a ride."

[Carter Medicine Co. trade cards]

Advertisement placards [graphic].

Henry C. Blair's Sons, apothecaries, [8th and Walnut Sts.], Philadelphia.

Geo. W. Allen, hatter, 808 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.



[M.A. Fritsche trade cards]

Factory of the Meter Co. Phila.

Fairmount from Lemon Hill south

Fairmount, from Lemon Hill, southeast.

Three black crows

"Wish you'd hush"

Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.

[Chamberlin weather strips trade cards]

Down where
