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[Print containing sentimental genre scene and proof vignette bust portraits] [graphic].

View in Scotland

Master of ceremonies, Frank Shantz.

William Heaton, rubber goods of every description, 503 Chestnut St., Philad'a.

S.L. Miller, plain & fancy printer, Waldoboro, Me.

Ask for Bell Bros. Co.'s sheep-lined coats and ulsters. Manufactured by Bell Bro's Co. Dubuque, Ia.

Warburton, "the" hatter, 430 Chestnut Street.

[Universal Fashion Co. trade cards]

Wallace & Sons, manufacturers of the eagle pin, superior to all others in quality and finish.

I. Oakford & Son, hatters, 28 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

[Gunnis, Barritt & Co. trade cards]

Compliments of Sichel & Meyer, 50, 52 and 54 N. 8th St., Philadelphia.

Turquie. J. Chambers, real laces, No. 810 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Edward Casperson, boot and shoe maker, No. 3647 Woodland Ave. (formerly Darby Road.)

Views of a wedding ceremony.

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

[Racist metamorphic New Years Day card depicting a man kissing a series of women, including a grotesquely depicted African American woman] [graphic].

Joe Michl

The Philadelphia Wagon manufactured by Rech-Marbaker Co. Girard Ave & 8th St. Philadelphia Pa.

J. Sandberg with J. Simon, dealer in ready-made clothing and gent's furnishing goods, no. 429 North Second Street, East side, Philadelphia.

[Read's Grand Duchess Cologne trade cards]

[Jones & Fisher trade cards]

Compliments of the West End Clothing House, 1634 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. Kuh; prop'r.

[Wm. T. Hopkins trade card]

[P.R. Hansbury & Co. trade cards]

Compliments of Lehman & Bolton, lithographers, printers, publishers. 715, 171, 719 Arch Street. Philadelphia.

"Queen Bess" corset and skirt supporter. This is by far the best corset and skirt supporter ever made and is warranted in every particular. Manufactured only by the Worcester Corset Co., Worcester, Mass.

Star-braid and Fleisher's worsted yarns.

Compliments of Hershey Baking Co., York, Pa.

[Textile labels advertising Ginghams, and Balmoral skirts]

[Textile labels advertising Ginghams, and Balmoral skirts] [graphic].

J. P. Buggy, palmoral [sic] skirts. Manufacturer.

J. P. Buggy, palmoral [sic] skirts. Manufacturer. [graphic].

The secret out at last. Why Mrs. Brown has such a perfect figure.

A. Heinman men's furnishing goods, No. 140 No. Eighth Str. Philadelphia.

O. B. De Morat, photographer, No. 2 South Eighth St., Philadelphia.

The "new woman."

[M.A. Fritsche trade cards]

Chinese Gent and Lady.

Clark's mile-end 60 spool cotton [graphic].

Devlin & Co.'s Centennial souvenir. 1776-1876.

[Marks Bros. trade cards]

[John Wanamaker & Co. unidentified location trade cards]

[S.D. Sollers & Co. trade cards]

French etching silk for outlining. Eureka silk. Every spool warranted. The standard silk of the world.

[Julius Sichel trade cards]

"Palais Royal." Siedenbach & Cohen, fancy goods, laces, gloves and trimmings, S.W. cor. Eighth and Filbert Streets, Philad'a.

[J.E. Caldwell & Co. trade cards]

Children of all nations. A series of 50. [graphic].
