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[Shankland's American fashions]

[Shankland's American fashions]

Shankland's American Fashions for the Spring & Summer of 1853, 100 Chesnut [sic] Street Philadelphia.

Shankland's American fashions for fall & winter. 1851-2. 100 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Shankland's American fashions for the spring & summer of 1851, 100 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Shankland's American fashions for the spring & summer of 1852, 100 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Shankland's American fashions for the fall & winter of 1854 & 5, 100 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Paris, New York & Philadelphia fashions, for spring & summer 1855. Published and sold by F. Mahan, no. 211 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, Paris & New-York fashions, for spring & summer 1854.