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[Full-length portrait of an unidentified, seated boy] [graphic].

[Three-quarter length portrait of an unidentified, seated woman] [graphic].

[Half-length portrait of an unidentified man] [graphic].

[Half-length portrait of an unidentified man] [graphic].

[Half-length portrait of an unidentified man] [graphic].

[Bust-length length portrait of an unidentified man] [graphic].

[Bust-length length portrait of an unidentified man] [graphic].

[Bust-length portrait of an unidentified man] [graphic] / Chas . M. Ising Dag’ps. S.W. Cor. Of 8th & Arch Sts. Philada.

[Half-length length portrait of two young white men] [graphic] / Van Loan Gallery, 159 Chesnut St., Philada.

[Bust-length portrait of an unidentified man] [graphic] / Root, 140 Chestnut St. Philada.

[Half-length portrait of an unidentified man] [graphic] / Willard, No. 1628 Market St.

[Half-length portrait of an unidentified Japanese woman] [graphic].

[Portrait of an unidentified man, missing his right eye, facing slightly right] [graphic].

[Three-quarter length portrait of a young boy] [graphic] / W & F Langenheim, 216 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Fashions for fall & winter 1856-7 by A. F. Ward no. 125 Chestnut Street Philadelphia

[Unidentified young African American woman]

[Unidentifed African American man]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

[Unidentified African American man in militia uniform] [graphic] / Cheston's 227 Lombard St., between 2d and 3d, Philadelphia.

[Half-length, forward facing portraits of an unidentified older man and woman portrayed side by side] [graphic] / [S.] Greiner, 1897.

Beadle's half dime singer's library. Selected favorites. Comic and sentimental songs of all nations and ages. [graphic] : "An encyclopedia of song." For sale here. Price five cents. / N. Orr, N. Y.

Life in Philadelphia. An unfair reflection. [graphic] / Designd & drawn by W. Summers; Hunt sculpt.

Life in Philadelphia. An unfair reflection. [graphic] / Designd & drawn by W. Summers; Hunt sculpt.

[Gutekunst and Haldt family cased photograph collection] [graphic].

Harrison's columbian Hair Dye

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

Life in Philadelphia. "Good evening Miss..." [graphic] / Monsr. [Clay], fec.

Life in Philadelphia. "Good evening Miss..." [graphic] / Monsr. [Clay], fec.

Promenade in Washington Square. [graphic].

[Unidentified young African American woman]

[Unidentified young African American woman]

Game of Dr. Busby [graphic].

[Racist metamorphic New Years Day card depicting a man kissing a series of women, including a grotesquely depicted African American woman] [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Good evening Miss..." [graphic] / Chas. Hunt, Sc.

Harrison's Columbian hair dye [graphic] : Manufactured by Apollos W. Harrison, 8 1/2 South 7th St.

Joe Michl

The Philadelphia Wagon manufactured by Rech-Marbaker Co. Girard Ave & 8th St. Philadelphia Pa.

J. Sandberg with J. Simon, dealer in ready-made clothing and gent's furnishing goods, no. 429 North Second Street, East side, Philadelphia.

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Read's Grand Duchess Cologne trade cards]

[Jones & Fisher trade cards]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

[Portrait of an unidentifed woman] [graphic]

Compliments of the West End Clothing House, 1634 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. Kuh; prop'r.

[Wm. T. Hopkins trade card]
