Metamorphic trade card promoting the American Wringer Company's Universal Wringer. Depicts a racist "before and after" scene with and without the product. The before scene shows an African American laundress "Dinah" wringing clothes by hand over a tub. She states in vernacular speech that "de wringing am awful." A white woman chastises her to "look at these torn clothes." She holds up a square shaped cloth with tears. A clock is visible in the background. The women are shown as bust-length. Dinah wears a kerchief, an open collared shirt, and her sleeves are rolled up. The after scene shows a smiling "Dinah," wringing laundry with a "Universal" clothes wringer under the happy gaze of her employer. The women reach a hand out to one another. Dinah wears a high ruffled collar shirtwaist with a bow at her neck, long sleeves, an apron, and kerchief. A clock rests on a sideboard in the background. The American Wringer Company was established about 1861 and operated until at least the early 20th century. The company often provided a clock as a premium to purchase their laundry equipment., Title from item., Date inferred from attire of figures depicted., Text printed on recto: Oh mistis de wringing am awful, always tear de clothes 'spect dat I neber get through. What Dinah, six o'clock and not done yet! And look at these torn clothes. "What Dinah! Finished washing so soon! Why it's only three o'clock." "Hi golly! Mistis, been done dese two hours dis chile hab no more trouble, since you done got dis wringer. Neber tear de clothes neder., Advertising text printed on verso: The Universal Wringer has the following points of superiority. 1. Rolls of solid white rubber. 2. Rowell's double cog-wheels. 3. Two independent pressure screws. 4. Double cogs at both ends of each roll. 5. Folding apron or clothes guide. 6. Rocking springs of wood and rubber., Distributor's name on verso: J. Russell & Co., Dealers in hardware, carpenters' and machinists' tools, 23 Dwight and 23 Race Streets, Holyoke, Mass., Gift of David Doret., Library Company holds a duplicate copy with a variant distributor [113420.D].
[ca. 1885]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection -American [P.2017.95.6]
Racist trade card promoting stove manufacturer Cribben, Sexton & Co. and depicting a genre scene with African American caricatures originally created for Harper’s Weekly in 1878 by Sol Eytinge that satirized the courtship and marriage of and the start of families by "The Twins." Figures are portrayed with exaggerated features. Shows the sisters getting married a parlor. The twins are attired in white, short-sleeved wedding dresses with ruffles at the bottom and veils. The groom at the left, a squat man, is attired in beige pants; a white waistcoat with a gold pocketwatch chain; a collared shirt; and a black jacket, while the groom at the right, a tall man, is attired in blue striped pants; a white shirt; and a black tie and jacket. An African American reverend attired in a black suit stands in front of them and officiates while holding an open bible. The twin's parents stand behind the couples. The father is attired in white pants, a shirt, and a waistcoat, with a black jacket and bowtie. The mother is attired in a brown dress with a white hat decorated with a bow and sash. Behind them watching the nuptials is a woman, attired in a white mob cap and a blue dress, seated in a wooden chair. She holds a boy in her lap, attired in a green pants and a beige jacket. Three other people view the ceremony through a doorway. In the left is a woman attired in a beige dress with a white apron and a cap; in the center is a man attired in a blue collared shirt; and in the right is a woman attired in a beige dress. A table with a cake and a decanter with glasses is visible behind the reverend. Henry Cribben and James A. Sexton founded the stove manufactory Cribben, Sexton & Co. in Chicago in 1873. The Company closed in 1965., Title from item., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Distributor's imprint printed on verso: Davison & Steinhilfer, Dealers in stoves and hardware, and a full line of universal perfect & elegant stoves and ranges always on hand, Strawberry Point, Iowa., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Cribben, Sexton & Co. [P.2017.95.38]
Racist trade card promoting Dannemiller Coffee Company and depicting a genre scene with an African American boy jockey, white children, and a horse. In the left, the jockey, attired in riding boots; white breeches; a white shirt and red vest; and a red and white jockey cap, stands beside a brown horse onto which he helps a white boy mount. He holds the bridle in his left hand and leans down to help the boy place his foot into the stirrup with his right hand. In the center, the white boy, attired in a Fauntleroy outfit with black boots and hat, grips the saddle to hoist himself up onto the horse. In the right, a smiling white girl with long, brown hair looks at the viewer. She descends a set of stairs holding the railing. She is attired in black shoes, a yellow dress with blue trim, stockings, and a bow in her hair. She carries a doll costumed in a red and white dress with matching red shoes and hat. A greyhound faces the girl at the base of the stairs. Edward Dannemiller (1850-1939) and his son Albert J. Dannemiller (1879-1955) founded Dannemiller Coffee Company in Brooklyn, N.Y., in 1904. The Company operated through the mid-twentieth century., Title from item., Place of publication from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso: A fair trial is all we ask, and we are sure of the result, if you take quality into consideration. It's merits are unequaled. Don't be deceived judge fore yourself. Lasst euch nicht batriigen urtheilt fiir euch selbst. A beautiful picture with each package., Manuscript note on verso: Stella Leonard., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1910]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Dannemiller [P.2017.95.39]
Trade card promoting Clark Thread Company and depicting a racist caricature of an African American man minstrel drummer. Shows the man, in near profile, smiling and beating drumsticks on a drum strapped to his chest. The drum is a giant spool of thread labeled "Clark's Mile-End spool cotton." He is attired in black shoes; blue pants with a yellow stripe; a white jacket with pink flowers and long tails, with large buttons; a white ruffled shirt with a high collar; and a white top hat with a black band. The George A. Clark & Brother Company, manufactory of embroidery and sewing thread, was founded in 1863 in Newark, N.J. The firm was renamed Clark & Co. in 1879, and in the 1880s created a six-cord, soft finished thread called "Our New Thread" or "O.N.T." The business merged with J. & P. Coats in 1896, which lead to a series of mergers with fourteen other companies. Into the 21st century, the company continues to manufacture thread under the name Coats & Clark., Title from item., Date deduced from history of the advertised business., Advertising text printed on verso: Clark's trademark Mile-End spool thread. Best six cord. All numbers from no. 8 to 100. The colors are especially dyed to match. All shades of dress goods and can be used instead of silk by dress makers and families. The black is strong and smooth, and of the purest dye. It will retain its very deep black hue as long as silk fabrics. The white, black and colored is the standard for use upon all sewing machines., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Clark [P.2017.95.32]
Bust-length portrait of an African American woman, possibly American-Canadian anti-slavery activist, journalist, publisher, teacher, and lawyer Mary Ann Shadd Cary. Sitter faces right and wears her long hair back and in a chignon and top knot. A head band with an ornament adorns her hair. She is attired in a dark-colored, V-neck garment with a white ruffled collar and dark-colored lace neckerchief. She also wears a cross necklace and drop earrings. Shad Cary, was born free in Delaware to parents active in the Underground Railroad, before relocating to Pennsylvania, then Canada in 1853. In later years, following the Civil War, Shad Cary resided in Washington, D.C. where she died in 1893. During her life, she founded a school for Black children in Pennsylvania and a racially integrated school in Ontario, Canada; was the first Black woman publisher in North America when she founded, in 1853, and edited the anti-slavery and civil rights advocacy newspaper "The Provincial Freeman,"; was the second Black woman to attend law school (Howard University) in the United States; and founded, in 1880, the women's rights advocacy organization the Colored Women's Progressive Franchise. Shad Cary also wrote for multiple newspapers, such as the National Era, served as a Civil War recruiter, and was the first African American woman to vote in a national election., Title from manuscript note on verso: Mariann [sic] C. Shadd, Washington, D.C., Photographer's imprint stamped on verso., Date inferred from active dates of photographer at address listed in imprint., Henrici & Garns operated from 709 South Second Street between 1874 and 1876.
Henrici & Garns, photographer
[ca. 1875]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department cdv portraits - sitter - Cary [P.2023.4]
Incomplete series of trade cards, including duplicate and variant imagery with the same series number, to promote "Crème" toilet soap manufactured by J.D. Larkin & Co. Depicts racist, anthropomorphic chimpanzee figures in social situations and leisure and cultural activities., Series no. I (variant 1) depicts a man and woman as well-dressed anthropomorphized chimpanzees greeting each other. In the left, the man attired in a black top hat, blue jacket, and checkered yellow pants, nods his head to the left and holds up his walking stick. In the right, the woman, her back to the viewer, is attired in a yellow bonnet adorned with flowers and a ribbon, and a long-sleeved green dress with a pink belt at the waist and a bow at the bustle. She lifts up her skirt and exposes her slip. Series no. I (variant 2) depicts an anthropomorphized chimpanzee as a man artist. He rests back on his chair, and holds a palette in one hand, and a paint brush in the other. He sits in front of an easel and canvas. He is attired in a green-colored smock shirt with collar and buttons, yellow pants, and brown laced shoes. His eyelids droop down and his mouth is slightly ajar., Series no. II depicts an anthropomorphized chimpanzee as a man hunter. He stands in front of a section of tall grass and holds a clutch of birds in his left hand and a shot gun under his right arm. He is attired in a hunting cap, red jacket, tan pants, and black high boots. Leather straps are criss-crossed over his chest. Series no. III depicts an anthropomorphized chimpanzee as a man fishing at a dock. The man hangs his legs over a pier and holds a pole into the water. A basket of fish lays beside him. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, a brown jacket with the collar turned up, and blue checkered pants. The backs of two other anglers are visible in the left background. Series no. IV (2 copies) depicts anthropomorphized chimpanzees as a man and woman couple on promenade. The woman, in the left, is attired in a yellow bonnet, a yellow, three-quarter length sleeved dress with ruffling down the front and ruching on the skirt, and white gloves. She holds a fan by her left cheek, looks to her left, and lifts up the skirt of her dress and shows the edge of her slip. To the right, the man smiles and looks over her shoulder. He is attired in a bowler, red jacket, and grey-striped pants and holds a walking stick up under his arm., Series no. VI depicts anthropomorphized chimpanzees as a man and woman couple getting married by a clergyman. The couple, their backs to the viewer, stand to the left of the clergyman attired in his ceremonial robes. The man wears a suit with a long jacket. The woman wears a white wedding dress with a veil adorned with floral ornaments. The dress is composed with ruched sleeves, and adorned with pink bows and ribbons. The figures all have solemn expressions. J.D. Larkin & Co. was founded in 1875. By 1881 the soap company included over 100 factory workers and sustained specialized departments for advertising and shipping, as well as solicited to door-to-door private residences in addition to shopkeepers. Trade cards with the company logo were included with each box of soap. By 1885 the firm only directly sold their products to residential customers and was known for their premiums. The company was sold in 1941 and continued as a mail-order business until 1962., Title from items., Date, publisher, and manufacturer (printer) from copyright statements on prints: Copyright J.D. Larkin & Co., Buffalo, N.Y. 1881 and Copyright Clay & Richmond, Buffalo, N.Y. 1881., Majority of prints (P.2020.3.1-4&7) distributed by J.D. Larkin & Co., P.2020.3.5&6 distributed by the People’s Manufacturing Co., Prints include the company logo “J.D. L. & Co., Buffalo, N.Y.” in two designs; one in cursive and the other as a monogram with a central block letter., Includes series numbers: I. (2 variant images); II.; III.; V. (2 copies, same image); and VI., Five of the prints contain variant advertising text on verso. All texts include statement: To Card Collectors.- There are six different designs in this set. We will mail the complete set to any address, on receipt of 3 c./three cent stamp., RVCDC, Description reviewed 2022., Access points revised 2022.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade cards - Larkin [P.2020.3.1-7]
Trade card advertising J.H. Richelderfer’s celluloid collars and cuffs and depicting a racist caricature of a Chinese boy smoking a pipe and carrying a cane. Shows the boy, wearing a queue hairstyle with a pink bow tied at the end of his braid and attired in a colorfully patterned Chinese robe with oversized celluloid cuffs, collar, and hat, and red, slip-on, cloth shoes. He holds the smoking pipe to his lips with his left hand and carries a walking cane in his right hand., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Stamped on recto: J.H. Richelderfer, Gent’s furnishing and over-gaiters, 1032 Chestnut St., S.E. Cor. of 11th., Text printed on verso: Celluloid (Waterproof linen.) Collard, cuffs and shirt bosoms. The following will commend the use of these goods to all who study convenience, neatness and economy. The interior is fine linen. The exterior is Celluloid – the union of which combines the strength of Linen with the Waterproof qualities of Celluloid. The Trouble and expense of washing is saved. When soiled simply rub with soap and water (hot or cold) used freely with a stiff brush. They are perspiration proof and are invaluable to travelers, saving all care of laundrying. Advice. In wearing the turn-down Collar, always slip the Necktie under the roll. Do not attempt to straighten the fold. The goods will give better satisfaction if the Separable Sleeve Button and Collar Button is used. Twist a small rubber elastic or chamois washer around the post of Sleeve Button to prevent possible rattling of Button, To remove Yellow Stains, which may come from long wearing, use Sapolio, Soap or Saleratus water or Celluline, which latter is a new preparation for cleansing Celluloid. Goods for sale by all dealers., RVCDC
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Richelderfer [1975.F.741]
Trade card advertising J.H. Richelderfer’s celluloid collars and cuffs and depicting a racist caricature of a Chinese man at the beach watching a white man demonstrate the waterproof qualities of his celluloid cuffs, collar, and bosom or bib. In the center, the white man, wearing a mustache and attired in a red robe, red-and-yellow striped shorts, and white celluloid cuffs, collar, and bosom, stands in the ocean with water dripping down his clothes, showing that they are waterproof. In the right, a Chinese man, wearing a queue hairstyle, a red tunic, blue pants, and slip-on, cloth shoes, carries two sacks of laundry and looks over at the man in the water. In the left, a white man, attired in a straw hat, a white collared shirt, a red vest, yellow striped pants, and red shoes, sits on the sand holding an umbrella and wipes perspiration from his face with a handkerchief. In the background, a white man swims in the water and a boat is visible., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Stamped on recto: J.H. Richelderfer, 1032 Chestnut St., Phila., Text printed on verso: Waterproof linen, patented. Ladies’ and gent’s cuffs, collars and bosoms, made from celluloid. Waterproof, elastic, durable. These goods are far superior to any Linen Goods yet placed before the public, and in recommending them, we would call attention to some of their remarkable features, which will commend their use to all who study economy, neatness and beauty. 1sr. The interior is fine linen. 2d. The exterior is celluloid. 3d. The unison of above, combines the strength of linen with the waterproof qualities of celluloid, 4th. The expense of washing is saved. If the goods are soiled, simply cleanse with soap and water. 5th. The goods never wilt or fray on edges and are perspiration proof. The best preparation to effectually cleanse them is celluline. For sale by all gent’s furnishing and fancy goods houses throughout the country., RVCDC
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Richelderfer [1975.F.745]
Racist trade card illustration depicting a group of well-dressed African American men and women strutting past other African American men, women, and children. The two well-dressed men are attired in striped pants, suit jackets, collared shirts, bow ties, and top hats. They both carry canes. The two well-dressed women are attired in frilled patterned long sleeved dresses and caps. One woman carries a parasol in her gloved hand. The other carries a handkerchief. The onlookers are dressed in plain clothing. A dog, a tree, a small wooden house, and a fence are visible in the image. The figures are depicted with exaggerated features. The illustration is based on one of a series of racist cartoons drawn by Sol Eytinge and printed in Harper's Weekly in 1878 which depicts the courtship and marriage of families by "The Twins." C.E. Wiswall & Co. was a boot and shoe company based in Chicago. The company's original building burned down durin gthe Chicago Fire of 1871., Title from item., Advertsising text printed on verso: Try us for your next pair of boots and shoes. We will give you a good article at a low price. C.E. Wiswall & Co., Proprietors., Based on "No. 8 Return from the honeymoon tour," photo - 5 x 7 - Unid. - Events [P.2017.26.7], Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - People [P.2017.95.144]
Five cartes-de-visite size racist and sexist social caricatures derived from the series "Life in Philadelphia," including figures in brightly colored and ornately patterned fashion. Lines of dialogue are included below the images. Depicts a scene of a white man sexually harassing a white woman, their fashion caricatured (P.9717.1); a thwarted celebration of the election of Andrew Jackson centered on an African American man and boy portrayed in caricature (P.9717.2); a discussion of hot weather between an African American man and woman portrayed in caricature (P.9717.3); a dance ball centered on an African American man and woman portrayed in caricature ((P.9717.4); and the purchase of silk stockings by an African American woman portrayed in caricature (P.9717.5). The prints are captioned respectively: "Good Evening Miss..."; "Why for you hurrah for General Jackson?"; "How you find yourself dis hot weder Miss Chloe?"; "Shall I hab de honor to dance de next quadrille...?"; and "Have you any flesh colored silk stockings...?" The scenes also contain detailed backgrounds that include cityscape, pedestrian traffic, figures at celebration, bucolic scenery, the interior of a ballroom with white attendees, and the interior of a clothing store attended by a white man clerk speaking with a French dialect. The African American figures are portrayed with exaggerated features and stances. The white woman figure is portrayed with an exaggerated silhouette because of her fashion comprised of a bell-shaped overcoat and dress., Title supplied by cataloguer., Date inferred from content., P.9717.1 contains lines of dialogue below the image: Good evening Miss, shall I have the pleasure of walking with you._ Me Sir!! for whom do you take me, Sir?_ Come that’s a good one!-for whom do I take you? Why for myself to be sure., P.9717.2 contains lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Hurrah! Hurrah for General Jackson. Why for you hurrah for General Jackson – you black Nigger – I’ll larn you better – I’m a ministration man., P.9717.3 contains lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: How you find yourself dis hot weder Miss Chloe? Pretty well I tank you Mr. Cesar, only I aspire too much., P.9717.4 contains lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Shall I habe de honour to dance next Quadrille wid you Miss Minta. Tank you Mr. Cato wid much pleasure only I’, engaged for de next nine Set!”, P.9717.5 contains lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Have you any Flesh color’d Silk Stockings young Man? Oui Madame! Her is von pair of de first quality., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021.
[ca. 1833]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Life in Philadelphia (London) [P.9717.1-.5]
Five cartes-de-visite size racist and sexist social caricatures derived from the series "Life in Philadelphia," including figures in brightly colored and ornately patterned fashion. Lines of dialogue are included below the images. Depicts a scene of a white man sexually harassing a white woman, their fashion caricatured (P.9717.1); a thwarted celebration of the election of Andrew Jackson centered on an African American man and boy portrayed in caricature (P.9717.2); a discussion of hot weather between an African American man and woman portrayed in caricature (P.9717.3); a dance ball centered on an African American man and woman portrayed in caricature ((P.9717.4); and the purchase of silk stockings by an African American woman portrayed in caricature (P.9717.5). The prints are captioned respectively: "Good Evening Miss..."; "Why for you hurrah for General Jackson?"; "How you find yourself dis hot weder Miss Chloe?"; "Shall I hab de honor to dance de next quadrille...?"; and "Have you any flesh colored silk stockings...?" The scenes also contain detailed backgrounds that include cityscape, pedestrian traffic, figures at celebration, bucolic scenery, the interior of a ballroom with white attendees, and the interior of a clothing store attended by a white man clerk speaking with a French dialect. The African American figures are portrayed with exaggerated features and stances. The white woman figure is portrayed with an exaggerated silhouette because of her fashion comprised of a bell-shaped overcoat and dress., Title supplied by cataloguer., Date inferred from content., P.9717.1 contains lines of dialogue below the image: Good evening Miss, shall I have the pleasure of walking with you._ Me Sir!! for whom do you take me, Sir?_ Come that’s a good one!-for whom do I take you? Why for myself to be sure., P.9717.2 contains lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Hurrah! Hurrah for General Jackson. Why for you hurrah for General Jackson – you black Nigger – I’ll larn you better – I’m a ministration man., P.9717.3 contains lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: How you find yourself dis hot weder Miss Chloe? Pretty well I tank you Mr. Cesar, only I aspire too much., P.9717.4 contains lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Shall I habe de honour to dance next Quadrille wid you Miss Minta. Tank you Mr. Cato wid much pleasure only I’, engaged for de next nine Set!”, P.9717.5 contains lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Have you any Flesh color’d Silk Stockings young Man? Oui Madame! Her is von pair of de first quality., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021.
[ca. 1833]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Life in Philadelphia (London) [P.9717.1-.5]
Series of trimmed, captioned scraps containing racist African American imagery based on the “Life in Philadelphia” series after the designs of Edward W. Clay first published 1828-1830. The series of primarily racist social caricatures lampooned the etiquette and conventions of early 19th-century, middle-class Philadelphians, particularly the growing community of free African American persons. Caricatures depict scenes of courtship, society balls, fashion, freemasonry, and the election of Andrew Jackson, as well as sexism, sexual harassment, and sexual innuendo. The figures are portrayed with oversized and exaggerated features and often in the fashion of dandies and belles. Scenes include an African American man leaving his card for “Clotilda” at her basement apartment door within the dishcloth of her African American woman house servant before him (P.2021.28.1a); an African American man-woman couple stopped during their walk in a park to watch a man watching them (P.2021.28.1b); an African American ball at which an African American man attendee asks an African American woman attendee for a dance in front of other African American attendees in the background (P.2021.28.2a); an African American man sexually harassing an African American woman on a city street (P.2021.28.2b); an African American woman and man in conversation on a Sunday (“day of our lord”)(P.2021.28.3a);, African American couple “Mr. Lorenzo” and “Miss Chloe,” seated on a couch, by a window, in a parlor in conversation (P.2021.28.3b); an African American ball at which an African American woman attendee asks an African American man attendee if he likes the waltz in front of other African American attendees in the background (P.2021.28.4a); an African American woman in a dry goods store asking a white man sales clerk, who speaks with a French dialect, about stockings (P.2021.28.4b); an African American military volunteer chastising an African American boy drummer at a military encampment (P.2021.28.5a); an African American man-woman musical couple where she plays the guitar and he sings “Coal Black Rose”(P.2021.28.5b); two African American masons in conversation about “Gen’l Jackson” in front of an altar at a masonic hall (P.2021.28.6a); an African American woman, “Dinah,” being asked by an African American man, “Mr. Durang,” about his new checkered “fashion trousers” (P.2021.28.6b). Women figures are attired in wide-brimmed, and/or ornately adorned, wide-brimmed hats or headpieces, puff-sleeved dresses or a hooded cape in ornate patterns, as well as gloves, slipper shoes, jewelry, and monocles. Men figures are attired in top or wide-brimmed hats, waistcoats, vests, large bowties, trousers or pantaloons, military uniform, masonic regalia, gloves, and slipper shoes or boots. Accessories held by the figures include purses, umbrellas, fans, walking sticks., Scenes also include detailed backgrounds and interior and exterior settings including residential facades; dogs; a white man seated on a bench in a park; ballrooms with attendees and a band playing in a balcony; a section of a city street with a guardhouse; parlors; a counter at a dry goods store; a volunteer military encampment; a masonic hall; as well as pieces of furniture, such as chairs, mantles, and side tables., Title supplied by cataloguer., Date inferred from content., P.2021.28.1a contains three lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Is Miss Clotilda at home? No sir she’s particularly ingaged in washing de dishes – Ah! give her my card!, P.2021.28.1b contains two lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Vol is you looking at my dear? Vy I’m looking at dat imperent fellow vat’s laughing at us?, P.2021.28.2a contains three lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Will you hona me wid your hand for de next codrille Miss Manda? Tank you sa’ but I’m ingaged for de nest ten set!, P.2021.28.2b contains two lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: What do you take me for? you black nigger? Why I take you for myself to be sure., P.2021.28.3a contains two lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Bery hot dis day of our lord Mr. Cesa! Berry hot indeed Miss Juliet – de terometa is 96 degree above joho., P.2021.28.3b contains two lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Mr. Lorenzo dat’s a nice dog you’ve got” Lord! Miss Chloe., P.2021.28.4a contains two lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: do you walse Mr. Wellington? No, my dear creta_ It’s to common. I go nothin but de Manourkey!, P.2021.28.4b contains two lines of dialogue in the vernacular and French dialect below the image: Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings, Sir? Oui Mamselle here is von pair of de last Parisian touch-, P.2021.28.5a contains two lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: You say I belong to de milishy you black varmont. I’ll let you know I’m a wolunteer., P.2021.28.5b contains two lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: How will your voice harmonize wid de sentiment. Mr. Cato you quite equal to Horn!, P.2021.28.6a contains three lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: Well brudder Jones what you tink of Genl Jackson now? Day say he’s gwang to be Anti Masonic! I don’t know, I tink dat depend on de new cabinet., P.2021.28.6b contains three lines of dialogue in the vernacular and dialect below the image: How you like de new fashion trousers Dinah. Oh quite lubly! You look like Mr. Durang when he play harlequin in de masqarade., Printed in upper left corner of P.2021.28.1a: [E?]dition., Printed in upper right corner of P.2021.28.2a and trimmed: 2nd E?[dition?], RVCDC
[ca. 1838-ca. 1855]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Life in Philadelphia (Miscellaneous) [P.2021.28.1a-6b]
Racist caricature about free African Americans' celebratory response to the abolition of the African slave trade by the United States, an act passed in 1807 that took effect in 1808. Depicts a group of over fifteen well-dressed men sitting and standing and drinking, smoking, and making toasts around a large dinner table. A number of the men raise goblets and/or pipes in the air. Soup tureens are visible on the table. One man, standing, drinks from a rum bottle. In the far right, an attendee, in a wide-brimmed hat, carries away another who is unconscious, his tongue out, and holding a pipe. The men are attired in waistcoats with tails, pants and pantaloons, some striped, vests, and cravats. Some wear their hair in pompadour styles and one man has white hair. The biting toasts address "De Orator ob de day," William Wilberforce, a prominent British abolitionist; William Eustis, Governor of Massachusetts and the disgraced former Secretary of War under Madison; "De Sun" which should shine at night; Joseph Gales, a publisher and secretary of the American Colonization Society who believed that only states had the right to emancipate enslaved persons; "Ning Edwards;" "De Genius ob Merica;" the "White man" who wants to colonize blacks "now he got no furder use for him;" and "De day we Celembrate" and why it did not come sooner. Figures are portrayed with oversized and exaggerated features and their skin tone is depicted in black hand coloring. During the early 19th century, summer celebratory processions commemorating the anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade occurred annually in major Northern cities like Boston, New York, and Philadelphia., Title from item., Date inferred from content and name of publisher., Contains eight bubbles of dialogue in the vernacular within image: De Orator ob de day_When I jus hear him begin he discourse, tink he no great ting, but when he come to end ob um, I tink he like to scorch cat more better dan he took_Moosick_Possum up de Gum tree/Gubner Eustas Cleber old sole as eber wore nee buckle in de shoe_99 cheer and tree quarter/De Sun _Wonder why he no shine in de night putting nigger to dispense ob de candle./De day we Celumbrate! who he no come sooner? Guess de hard fros & de backward spring put um back. 29 pop gun v. 2 grin. White man _ mighty anxious to send nigger, to de place dey stole him from, now he got no furder use for him./De Genius de Merica _ He invent great many curious ting: wonder who just invent eating & drinking. 30 cheer & ober./Joe Gales _ He ax Massa Adams “if he be in health my brudder” and den he cut he guts out./Ning Edwards_ Guess he no great Angs no more nor udder people all he cut such a swell., P.2016.45.2 trimmed and lacking imprint., See LCP AR (Annual Report) 2003, p. 40-42., Shane White and Graham White's Stylin': African American Expressive Culture... (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998), p. 111. (LCP Ii 4, A2880.O)., Digital image shown is P.9709.3., P.2016.45.1 gift of Dr. Richard Dunn & Dr. Mary Maples Dunn., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
Harris, I., engraver
[ca. 1833]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Life in Philadelphia (London Set) [P.9709.3 & P.2016.45.2]
Racist caricature about free African Americans' celebratory response to the abolition of the African slave trade by the United States, an act passed in 1807 that took effect in 1808. Depicts a group of over fifteen well-dressed men sitting and standing and drinking, smoking, and making toasts around a large dinner table. A number of the men raise goblets and/or pipes in the air. Soup tureens are visible on the table. One man, standing, drinks from a rum bottle. In the far right, an attendee, in a wide-brimmed hat, carries away another who is unconscious, his tongue out, and holding a pipe. The men are attired in waistcoats with tails, pants and pantaloons, some striped, vests, and cravats. Some wear their hair in pompadour styles and one man has white hair. The biting toasts address "De Orator ob de day," William Wilberforce, a prominent British abolitionist; William Eustis, Governor of Massachusetts and the disgraced former Secretary of War under Madison; "De Sun" which should shine at night; Joseph Gales, a publisher and secretary of the American Colonization Society who believed that only states had the right to emancipate enslaved persons; "Ning Edwards;" "De Genius ob Merica;" the "White man" who wants to colonize blacks "now he got no furder use for him;" and "De day we Celembrate" and why it did not come sooner. Figures are portrayed with oversized and exaggerated features and their skin tone is depicted in black hand coloring. During the early 19th century, summer celebratory processions commemorating the anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade occurred annually in major Northern cities like Boston, New York, and Philadelphia., Title from item., Date inferred from content and name of publisher., Contains eight bubbles of dialogue in the vernacular within image: De Orator ob de day_When I jus hear him begin he discourse, tink he no great ting, but when he come to end ob um, I tink he like to scorch cat more better dan he took_Moosick_Possum up de Gum tree/Gubner Eustas Cleber old sole as eber wore nee buckle in de shoe_99 cheer and tree quarter/De Sun _Wonder why he no shine in de night putting nigger to dispense ob de candle./De day we Celumbrate! who he no come sooner? Guess de hard fros & de backward spring put um back. 29 pop gun v. 2 grin. White man _ mighty anxious to send nigger, to de place dey stole him from, now he got no furder use for him./De Genius de Merica _ He invent great many curious ting: wonder who just invent eating & drinking. 30 cheer & ober./Joe Gales _ He ax Massa Adams “if he be in health my brudder” and den he cut he guts out./Ning Edwards_ Guess he no great Angs no more nor udder people all he cut such a swell., Inscribed: No. 11., See Lib. Company Annual Report 2003, p. 40-42., Shane White and Graham White's Stylin': African American Expressive Culture... (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998), p. 111. (LCP Ii 4, A2880.O)., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
Harris, I., engraver
[ca. 1833]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Life in Philadelphia (London Set) [7510.F]
Racist caricature about free African Americans' celebratory response to the abolition of the African slave trade by the United States, an act passed in 1807 that took effect in 1808. Depicts a group of over fifteen well-dressed men sitting and standing and drinking, smoking, and making toasts around a large dinner table. A number of the men raise goblets and/or pipes in the air. Soup tureens are visible on the table. One man, standing, drinks from a rum bottle. In the far right, an attendee, in a wide-brimmed hat, carries away another who is unconscious, his tongue out, and holding a pipe. The men are attired in waistcoats with tails, pants and pantaloons, some striped, vests, and cravats. Some wear their hair in pompadour styles and one man has white hair. The biting toasts address "De Orator ob de day," William Wilberforce, a prominent British abolitionist; William Eustis, Governor of Massachusetts and the disgraced former Secretary of War under Madison; "De Sun" which should shine at night; Joseph Gales, a publisher and secretary of the American Colonization Society who believed that only states had the right to emancipate enslaved persons; "Ning Edwards;" "De Genius ob Merica;" the "White man" who wants to colonize blacks "now he got no furder use for him;" and "De day we Celembrate" and why it did not come sooner. Figures are portrayed with oversized and exaggerated features and their skin tone is depicted in black hand coloring. During the early 19th century, summer celebratory processions commemorating the anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade occurred annually in major Northern cities like Boston, New York, and Philadelphia., Title from item., Date inferred from content and name of publisher., Contains eight bubbles of dialogue in the vernacular within image: De Orator ob de day_When I jus hear him begin he discourse, tink he no great ting, but when he come to end ob um, I tink he like to scorch cat more better dan he took_Moosick_Possum up de Gum tree/Gubner Eustas Cleber old sole as eber wore nee buckle in de shoe_99 cheer and tree quarter/De Sun _Wonder why he no shine in de night putting nigger to dispense ob de candle./De day we Celumbrate! who he no come sooner? Guess de hard fros & de backward spring put um back. 29 pop gun v. 2 grin. White man _ mighty anxious to send nigger, to de place dey stole him from, now he got no furder use for him./De Genius de Merica _ He invent great many curious ting: wonder who just invent eating & drinking. 30 cheer & ober./Joe Gales _ He ax Massa Adams “if he be in health my brudder” and den he cut he guts out./Ning Edwards_ Guess he no great Angs no more nor udder people all he cut such a swell., Inscribed: No. 11., See LCP AR (Annual Report) 2003, p. 40-42., Shane White and Graham White's Stylin': African American Expressive Culture... (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998), p. 111. (LCP Ii 4, A2880.O)., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
Harris, I., engraver
[ca. 1860]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Life in Philadelphia (London Set) [P.9713.3]
Series of illustrated trade cards and caricatures for Artemus Partridge & Thomas D. Richardson's "bee hive" dress trimmings' store at 17, 19 & 21 North Eighth Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations include various series depicting flowers; men and women couples promenading; bust-length portraits of well-dressed women; children playing and fishing on the beach; frogs and cherubs seated on or near mushrooms holding umbrellas in the rain; and anthropomorphic rabbits jumping rope, one rabbit pulling another on a sleigh with a banner labeled "Rabbit Transit," the sleigh crashing through the ice, and two African American men, portrayed in racist caricature, trying to lure rabbits into a trap. Other imagery includes an anthropomorphic moon smiling down at a boy sitting on the limb of a bare tree with two cats singing from sheet music labeled "Clair de lune"; a portrait of a mother holding her infant; a female cherub picking flowers; a girl picking flowers; a fox standing under a grapevine trellis; three cats in a basket; a girl blindfolding a dog; and a boy fishing in a pond., Title supplied by cataloger., Four prints [1975.F.660-662 & 665] copyrighted 1881 by Chas. Moritz., Printers and engravers include Graf Brothers (Philadelphia), Sunshine Publishing Company (Philadelphia), Wemple & Kronheim (New York), and Craig, Finley & Co. (Philadelphia)., Four prints [1975.F.701-704] signed with the same trademark initials (C.A. or A.C.) and contain French titles, including "Zozor revenant du bain," "Lili pechant la crevette," "Nini prenant sa leçon de natation," and "Petit marin faisant une découverte"., Gift of Emily Phillips, 1883., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized., Added to African Americana Digital Collection through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Partridge [various]
Series of illustrated trade cards for John Wanamaker & Co.'s 818, 820 & 822 Chestnut Street store in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict the eastern and western hemispheres of the world; sheep standing in the snow; striped socks; butterflies; an anthropomorphic owl attired in a plaid coat and top hat standing in the curve of the moon observing the townscape below; a boy and a girl standing on a path below a tree in which a large birds sits; Philadelphia's City Hall; a boy riding on a sled through the snow pulled by two turkeys; a bird on a tree branch; a hearth with a kettle over a fire; rabbits and a grasshopper; an owl and birds; a well-dressed boy reading a sign on a stone all for boys' clothing at John Wanamaker & Co.'s store; putti seated in a bird's nest and playing with a Dutch clog in a pond; Japanese men assembling a paper lantern; an owl flying above two Japanese men huddled on the ground; cricket players; a large ship at sea framed by a large horseshoe; Japanese men running and falling from their sled in the snow; an angry merchant holding a $20.00 I.O.U. from a man attired in a new suit smoking a cigarette; men sitting on the field of a shooting range; and children playing with wood blocks and spelling "Wanamaker". Includes a metamorphic trade card, which when open shows an advertising board for John Wanamaker & Co. propped in a man's crooked teeth in his wide open mouth and when closed, shows the man with his eyes open and mouth closed. In 1869, Wanamaker established John Wanamaker & Co. on the 800 block of Chestnut Street., Title supplied by cataloger., Two prints [1975.F.940 & 1006] copyrighted 1881 by E.O. Goodman., Two prints [1975.F.963 & 966] copyrighted 1878 by L. Prang & Co., Boston., Two prints [1975.F.990, 991, 1000] copyrighted 1881 by O.J. Ramsdell., One print [1975.F.993] copyrighted 1879 by G.H. Kendall, engraver, 285 Broadway, New York., Printers and engravers include Hiram P. Arms, Jr. (Philadelphia), Rogers & Florance (Philadelphia), L. Prang & Co. (Boston), and G.H. Kendall (New York)., Four prints [1975.F.958, 979 & 980, 993] contain advertising text printed on versos promoting John Wanamaker & Co.'s quality clothing and low prices., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1878-ca. 1881]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - John Wanamaker & Co. [1975.F.906; 1975.F.916 & 917; 1975.F.924; 1975.F.926; 1975.F.940 & 941; 1975.F.946; 1975.F.957 & 958; 1975.F.962 & 963; 1975.F.966; 1975.F.977; 1975.F.979 & 980; 1975.F.987 & 988; 1975.F.990 & 991; 1975.F.993; 1975.F.1000; 1975.F.1006; 1975.F.1009; P.9651.24; P.9728.16; P.9745]
Series of illustrated trade cards and caricatures for Artemus Partridge & Thomas D. Richardson's "bee hive" dress trimmings' store at 17, 19 & 21 North Eighth Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations include various series depicting flowers; men and women couples promenading; bust-length portraits of well-dressed women; children playing and fishing on the beach; frogs and cherubs seated on or near mushrooms holding umbrellas in the rain; and anthropomorphic rabbits jumping rope, one rabbit pulling another on a sleigh with a banner labeled "Rabbit Transit," the sleigh crashing through the ice, and two African American men, portrayed in racist caricature, trying to lure rabbits into a trap. Other imagery includes an anthropomorphic moon smiling down at a boy sitting on the limb of a bare tree with two cats singing from sheet music labeled "Clair de lune"; a portrait of a mother holding her infant; a female cherub picking flowers; a girl picking flowers; a fox standing under a grapevine trellis; three cats in a basket; a girl blindfolding a dog; and a boy fishing in a pond., Title supplied by cataloger., Four prints [1975.F.660-662 & 665] copyrighted 1881 by Chas. Moritz., Printers and engravers include Graf Brothers (Philadelphia), Sunshine Publishing Company (Philadelphia), Wemple & Kronheim (New York), and Craig, Finley & Co. (Philadelphia)., Four prints [1975.F.701-704] signed with the same trademark initials (C.A. or A.C.) and contain French titles, including "Zozor revenant du bain," "Lili pechant la crevette," "Nini prenant sa leçon de natation," and "Petit marin faisant une découverte"., Gift of Emily Phillips, 1883., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized., Added to African Americana Digital Collection through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Partridge [various]
Scrapbook containing clippings, prints, and ephemera predominately dated 1855 pertaining to the built environment, and social, cultural, economic, and political climate of Philadelphia. Contents include illustrated newspaper, periodical, and guidebook clippings describing prominent city landmarks, including cemeteries, benevolent institutions, and churches; columns reporting about city improvements; reports, lists, and statistics about mortality rates, market prices, and sheriff and real estate sales; and editorial and public interest stories related to local politics and mores, prominent trades, social events, municipal services, and city demographics. Subjects include the new Masonic Hall (history of the local organization, dedication ceremony, and description of building); the history and demolition of the second building of the Chestnut Street Theatre; the centennial anniversary of the Pennsylvania Hospital; the state of local trades, including Jules Hauel & Co.’s perfumery, the soda water business, "plaster images," lithography (P. S. Duval, p. 24), preserves and pickling (Jacob L. Wendall), milkmen, shipbuilding, manufacture of cassimeres, and over-worked and underpaid needle woman; municipal issues, including the mayor’s veto of councilmen wearing police badges, the reforms to street names and numbering, extended hours at the public squares, and the report of the Grand Inquest of 1850, including prison reform recommendations., Several articles describe new construction, predominantly churches, and improvements to the city infrastructure, particularly on Chestnut Street. Subjects include Fourth Baptist Church, First Reformed Dutch Church, First Baptist Church, Christ Church Germantown, New Moravian Church, and St. Jude’s Church;the opening of part of Delaware Avenue; the Market Street tunnel (1844); the extension of West Chester Railroad to Media; Reading Railroad Bridge; inauguration of the Wagner Free Institute; Germantown; the new offices of the Board of Surveys; the fancy and perfumery store of T. H. Peters & Co. (700 block Chestnut) and saddlery of Lacey and Phillips (700 Lodge Street); the opening of Belmont Avenue; the 1850 building season; and preservation of trees in areas of construction in West Philadelphia. Subjects addressed through editorials include the decrepit state of the Merchant’s Exchange (annotated "as written by G. G. Foster for the "Sunday Mercury"); the chimes of the Christ Church bell; the ca. 1765 cartoon “The Election, A Medley…” (p. 15); the horse market at Bush Hill; Chestnut Street and Custom House vendors; the omnibus system; a G.G. Foster article about “daylight ruffians" and their haunts; and "Negro Minstrelsy and Jakeyism." Other articles satirize "Philadelphia Customs" like cleanliness; advertise baby shows organized by P.T. Barnum and colleagues; and provide commentaries about the sale of the late Edward D. Ingraham’s library and estate; Phoebe Ann Rush’s mansion; Governor Pollock’s visit to the "colored High School in Lombard Street"; tariffs established by hotel keepers (1855); the extent of foot traffic at Third and Chestnut Street in one hour; the demographics of South Street; and stocking the Delaware with salmon., Ephemera includes seven lottery tickets, issued between 1796 and 1833, and playbills for Chestnut Street Theater and Deutches (i.e., German) National Theater. Lotteries represent the Union Canal of Pennsylvania, Washington Canal, Connecticut, Maryland, New York and Delaware. Scrapbook also includes detailed manuscript notes about "Morris’ Palace"; the Farmers & Mechanics Bank; Chestnut Street Theatre signage; "List of American Theatres"; "St. Peter’s church steeple and bells"; and "The German Theatre.", Graphic materials, predominately views and illustrations of landmarks, and advertisements, include wood engravings, engravings, and cameo stamps. Views and illustrations include images of Fairmount Water Works; "The Coal Wharves at Richmond, near Philadelphia"; Masonic Hall; Philadelphia Bank; "Front View of the American Sunday School Union Buildings, 146 Chesnut St., Philadelphia"; St. Mark's Church; the Philadelphia Library (i.e., Library Company); and the Orphan Asylum. Advertisements depict “A View of the Laboratory and Residence of Dr. Schenck, S.E. corner of Coates and Marshall Streets…”; Charles Ellis & Co., wholesale druggists (56 Chestnut); Beck & Co., perfumery (205 Arch, i.e., 500 block); "Messrs. Glenn & Co.’s Store, 180 Chestnut Street" (i.e., 700 block); Dr. McClintock’s Family Medicines (Ninth and Filbert); Blanchard & Co., wallpaper and upholstery (227 Chestnut, i.e., 700 block); James, Kent, Santee & Co., wholesale dry goods (147 N. Third, i.e., 200 block); M. Walker & Son, wire railing manufactory (Sixth and Market); Fritz, Williams & Henry, leather (29 N. Third); S. A. Harrison, warming and ventilating warehouse (Walnut near Sixth); "Northeast corner of Third and Chestnut Streets" (includes Moran & Sickels, printers); “Anthy. Finley’s Bookstore, corner of Chesnut and Fourth Streets”; Joseph Maples, sculptor and marble cutter (Arch near Broad); F. H. Smith, pocket book and port monaie manufacturer (Fourth and Chestnut); Fowler, Wells & Co., phrenologists (231 Arch, i.e., 600 block); Lippincott’s clothing warehouse (400 block Market); W. P. & G. W. Hacker, china, glass, queensware (60 N. Second); Henry Duhring & Co., hosiery and yarns (22 N. Fourth); and Lindsay & Blakiston, publishers., Cameo stamps advertise Jones’ Exchange Hotel (77 Dock); W. & E. H. Hawkins, flour & feed mills (Ninth above Poplar); and William Gorman boys clothing establishment (Ninth and Market). Majority of the advertisements include street and pedestrian traffic. Graphics also include prints from William Birch's and C.G. Child's "Views of Philadelphia" series; vignettes depicting an "ice water" fountain, trunks by T.W. Matson, "chamber furniture," a woman using opera glasses, a spit, an arm chair, the exterior of the “Book & Stationary, No. 104 South Third Street,” “Statue of William Penn,”and ladies bonnets; and illustrations of “the fashion of ladies costume of 1853 – not exaggerated!” including shawls and overcoats and military and fireman’s caps “worn in 1854”., Majority of contents annotated with a date or explicative manuscript notes by Poulson., Cut outs pasted on title page. Imagery includes allegorical female figures representing art and writing, a pedestal, and a gilted memorial vignette., Verso of title page contains Poulson inscription: “The dates of the articles herein, are those of the newspapers &c from which they were cut. Cutout of vignette of roman garbed woman holding a mirror frames the inscription., "Index to set in back part of vol. XI.", Insert opposite p. 40: Lettersheet inscribed with explicative text about “picture representing the building at N.E. corner of Third and Chestnut street." Insert opposite p. 44: 2 lettersheets inscribed with explicative text about contents (Wetherill Family and Finley's Bookstore) on p. 44. One signed by Thompson Westcott and dated 1858. Insert opposite p. 88: Lettersheet dated 1855 and inscribed with explicative text about the Philadelphia Bank received by Poulson from “Mr. Robins the present Prest. Of Philadelphia Bank”, Scraps with manuscript notes about the estates "Solitude" and "Landsdown House" tipped in before p. 80., Artists, engravers, and printers include Beller; Joseph H. Brightly; J. H. Byram; Edward Clarkson; W. Croome; George Devereux; W. E. Gihon; Gilbert & Gihon; A. Kollner; Jacob Maas; H. L. Stephens; William Strickland; H. Tanner; and R. Telfer., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Poulson, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1789-1866, compiler
1796-1855, bulk 1855
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol. 4 [(4)2526.F]
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and graphics dated between 1858 and 1859 pertaining to the built environment, and social, cultural, economic, and political climate of Philadelphia. Subject matter includes overviews of Central High School, the schism between Orthodox and Hicksite Quakers, and the construction of the Continental Hotel; descriptions of Maelzel's Chess Automoton; reports of sold, new, forthcoming, and razed buildings, particularly on Arch, Chestnut, Walnut, and North Third streets; the development of Fairmount Park; police station and fire hose company demonstrations and events; reports on the state of local trades and manufacturing, including wool, buttons, and straw goods; descriptions of fancy balls of local clubs and organizations, including the Sons of Malta; passed city ordinances, including the forbiddance of market wagons standing on Market Street; church events and pew sales; estate, building, and personal library sales by noted auction house M. Thomas & Sons; public displays of art, including Thomas Sully's "Illustrations of Robinson Crusoe" at the Earle's Galleries; theatre engagements, particularly at Walnut Street Theatre; weather conditions and their effects on the citizenry; and local anecdotes, including scams. Also contains real estate, stock, and cattle market price lists; classified, commencement, benevolent institution, and "Balls and Parties" listings; an illustrated sheet music advertisement for "Philadelphia Passenger Rail Road Polka by Goldsmith"; a public notice against coal ashes thrown on side walks; Poulson's invitations to club meetings (Wistar Party and Franklin Lodge); and periodical illustrations, advertisements, and prints showing businesses, schools, household furnishings and implements, and social satires, predominately about women's fashion., Graphic materials include engravings, lithographs, trade cards and cameo stamps depicting A. Wiltberger, druggist (233 N. Second); Charles Adams, dry goods (Arch & Eighth); D. G. Wilson and J. G. Childs & Co., Philadelphia Plantation & Road Wagon Works (2612 N. Second); Edwin Greble, dealer in foreign and domestic marble (1700 block Chestnut Street); E. P. Moyer & Bros., harness and trunk makers; Gans Leberman & Co. (16 N. Third), wholesale clothing emporium; George Doll & Co., importers of fancy goods (14 N. Sixth); Jones, White & McCurdy Dental College (700 block Arch); Lightfoot, Shoemaker & Co., hats (415 Arch); Mount Vernon Hotel (117-119 N. Second); North, Chase & North, stoves, heaters and ranges (Second anf Mifflin); [Samuel] Simes, chemist (Twelfth and Chestnut); Schaffer & Roberts, fancy goods and notions (429 Market); Watson & Cox, wire manufactory (46 N. Front); Wm. A. Drown & Co., umbrella manufactory (246 Market); Wm. Colbert, Safety Envelope Manufactory (123 S. Fourth); William Warnock, dry goods (39 N. 8th St.); the Hope Hose & Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 2 of Philadelphia; "H. Sebald, Designer & Engraver on Wood"; Maas & Vogdes, fancy printers; [William] McRea, stationer, card engraver & printer; "Phalon’s Cocin or Cocoa-nut Oil"; and "Spalding’s liquid glue." Prints also depict vignette images of cooking ranges, stoves, a piano, and a window awning, and cartoons satirizing ladies crinolines and the political "Salt River.", Majority of contents annotated with a date by Poulson., Title page illustrated with a lithograph and wood engraving. Lithograph is a ca. 1856 lithographer's advertisement issued by Wagner & McGuigan after the work of lithographer Maurice Traubel and artist William Croome. Depicts an allegorical, patriotic scene with the figure of Columbia, attired in a toga, American flag, and laurel wreath, and with a broken shackle under her foot as she stands on a pedestal. Wood engraving shows "Independence Hall.", Verso of title page contains Poulson inscription: "The "Articles" in the book are taken from fugitive sources only; and the dates affixed to each are those of the newspapers &c from which they were procurred." Cut out designed with ornamental pictorial details frames inscription., "Index to set in back part of vol. XI.", Artists, engravers, printers, and publishers include J. H. Byram; George G. Evans; Familton & Chemin; F. Pilliner; David Scattergood; Robert Telfer; [Wellington?] Williams; and Van Ingen & Snyder., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Poulson, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1789-1866, compiler
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol. 1 [(1)2526.F]
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, prints, and ephemera predominately dated 1857 and pertaining to the built environment, and social, cultural, and economic climate of Philadelphia. Majority of the contents are articles about city businesses and industries; public interest stories; editorials relating to public concerns and social mores; reports, lists, and statistics; and caricatures and cartoons. Several articles concern the new house numbering system; the chartering of Fairmount and Sedgeley parks; the Academy of Music (New Opera House), including the inaugural ball and first opera season; the temporary relocation of the Post Office; progress of Camden; volunteer fire companies, including the debate over the oldest instituted, new fire houses, and parades; fires on the 300 and 600 blocks of Chestnut (i.e., Peterson/Goodyear building and Melodion); transportation, including omnibus lines and the Camden and Atlantic, and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central railroads; and the new coinage of cents issued from the mint. Also contains numerous columns about building dedications, laying of cornerstones, and improvements and new construction to the city’s infrastructure, including Drown’s Umbrella Manufactory (86 Market); the silver plated ware establishment of John O. Mead (Ninth and Chestnut); the Butler house lot (800 block Chestnut); the hall of the "Colored Masons"; the Spring Garden district and Northwestern section of the city (Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fifteenth wards); the Pennsylvania Bank building; First Welsh Presbyterian Church (1500 Lombard); the Penn Widow’s Asylum; Washington building (000 block S. Third); and the restaurant of John Campbell (500 block Chestnut)., Other articles describe the Library Company’s receipt of the ca. 1720 Peter Cooper painting of Philadelphia; culture, politics, and economy of the year 1856; local medical schools and hospitals, including Penn Medical University, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia small-pox hospital, and Eclectic Medical College; local industries and trades, including Wood & Perot's ornamental iron work establishment, Newell & Knight barrel making machinery and the oyster trade; and Moyamensing Prison. Anecdotal columns and editorials provide commentaries about Philadelphia Insurance companies; Aprils Fools Day; servants; tramps; the city’s “noisy spot” of Third and Chestnut; the lore of stage coaches; popular catch phrases, including those from the theater; the Molly Maquires; the public expense of public lamps and paupers; the importance of newspapers, including as a more perfect venue for advertising than storefront signage; the poor use of the language in classified advertisements; storefront and tavern signages (p.41-42); and the cricket mania. Also contains historical pieces about the University of Pennsylvania; Independence Square; Chew’s Mansion; Zion Lutheran Church; and the Chinese Museum; reports, lists and statistics detailing the crime and mortality rate, sales of stocks and real estate; the retail, cattle and produce markets, meteorology and weather, telegraph use for the year, the comparative health of manufacturing cities, and architectural improvements in progress; a column about how the 1785 city directories represented the population of the city from the series "Philadelphia As It Was"; and an illustrated article about shawls., Graphics, predominately caricatures and cartoons, include lithographs, engravings, and wood engravings. Majority of cartoons satirize the hoop skirt, including the Clara and Charles series. Other cartoons satirize German beer culture, patent medicine, P.T. Barnum, and the social mores of the upper classes. Caricatures, often racist, depict African Americans while at work, including a sweeper, cook, and painter. Prints also include advertisements, vignettes, and views. Advertisements depict the Union hotel (300 block Arch); Thornley & Chism, importers, jobbers and retailers of fancy & staple dry goods (N.E. cor. Spring Garden and Eighth); Lincoln, Wood & Nichols, manufacturers and importers of straw goods; and Fairbank’s patent platform scales. Vignettes depict a knife cleaning apparatus, Olmstead stove, and a piano. Views show a genre scene titled by Poulson "An ‘omnibus’ sleigh and a 'rung' "; the Academy of Music; Jefferson Medical college, Presbyterian Church; Central Presbyterian Church; and "The Performing Elephants" at the National Circus accompanied by the classified for the performance. Scrapbook also contains ephemera, including the "Deaf and Dumb Alphabet" chart inscribed "In use at Phila Institution 1857 as per report Jany 1858" ; a "Premium medal, Franklin Institute"; and two elaborately illustrated tickets to the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society., Majority of contents annotated by Poulson with dates and explicative manuscript notes., Title page trimmed and illustrated with a ca. 1856 lithographer's advertisement issued by Wagner & McGuigan after the work of lithographer Maurice Traubel and artist William Croome. Depicts an allegorical, patriotic scene with the figure of Columbia, attired in a toga, American flag, and laurel wreath, and with a broken shackle under her foot as she stands on a pedestal., Chart "Length of Squares East and West" pasted on verso of title page., Label inscribed "The "Articles" in the book are taken from fugitive sources only; and the dates affixed to each are those of the newspapers &c from which they were procured CAP" pasted on verso of front free end paper., "Index to set in back part of vol. XI.", Insert: “Report of the President of the Girard College to the committee on Instruction September 3, 1850, Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Poulson, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1789-1866, compiler
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol. 9 [(9)2526.F]
Full-length portrait of the African American conjoined twins and performers posed near an arm chair. The women are attired in a long-sleeved damask dress with front ruching. Each wears a lace neckerchief, an adornment in her hair, and earrings. Millie (on the left) holds a fan in her hands. A backdrop illustrated with a changing screen is visible in the background. The twins were born in Whiteville, North Carolina on July 11, 1851, to Jacob and Monemia McKoy who were enslaved to Jabez McKay. Various enslavers and managers exhibited the twins nationally and internationally. By the end of the 1880s, the twins retired to a farm in their home state of North Carolina., Title printed on mount., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Date inferred from address of photographer., See History and medical description of the two-headed girl:...(Buffalo, N.Y.: Warren, Johnson, & Co., 1869). (LCP Am 1869 Hist, 70318.D)., Lib. Company. Annual report, 2015, p.42-43., Purchase 2015., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., RVCDC, Horace Ollivier operated his studio from 466 5th Avenue between 1889 and 1903.
Ollivier, Horace, photographer
[ca. 1889]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department cabinet card - sitter - Millie [P.2015.23.2]
Scene depicting the procession of the catafalque transporting the flower covered casket with President Lincoln to Independence Hall. Funeral officials, attired in black suits and top hats, attend the open air funeral car with canopy, draped in black cloth, and drawn by eight horses. Mourners line the city street including an African American man and woman., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 289, Reproduced in Edwin Wolf's Philadelphia: Portrait of an American city (Philadelphia: The Library Company of Philadelphia in cooperation with Camino Books, 1990), p. 221., Lib. Company. Annual report, 1971, p. 43., Purchase 1970., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Charles Tholey, Augustus Tholey, and their father, probably named Michael, worked as lithographers, engravers, and pastel portraitists in Philadelphia in the mid 19th century.
Tholey (Firm), artist
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **W146 [7929.F]
Eighth scene in a racist series of African American caricatures originally created for Harper's Weekly in 1878 by Sol Eytinge that satirized the courtship and marriage of and the start of families by "The Twins." The African American figures are depicted with exaggerated features and mannerisms. Shows the twins and their husbands in fashion-forward attire promenading down the street of their small town. In the right, an older man in the stance of the minstrel character of Jim Crow, and an older woman attired in a bonnet, polka dot dress, and apron, and leaning on a tree laugh at the couples as they approach them. From a distance, "Dr. Black" watches them from astride his donkey. Townscape, including a storefront with signage reading “Groceries” and “Watchin Dun Hyar,” as well as a “Eatin House” and saloon is visible in the background. Figures are visible in the windows of the grocery store., Blackface minstrelsy is a popular entertainment form, originating in the United States in the mid-19th century and remaining in American life through the 20th century. The form is based around stereotypical and racist portrayals of African Americans, including mocking dialect, parodic lyrics, and the application of Black face paint; all designed to portray African Americans as othered subjects of humor and disrespect. Blackface was a dominant form for theatrical and musical performances for decades, both on stage and in private homes. Jim Crow (mid to late 19th century) was a Minstrel character representing enslaved/rural Black manhood as foolish, lazy, interested in shirking labor., Title from item., Inscribed on original drawing: Reproduced from sketch in Harpers Weekly by the Cartoon Printing Co. Chicago., Date from copyright statement in other photographs in series: Copyrighted 1881 John McGreer, Chicago, Ill., Name of artist from stamp on verso: McGreer Chicago., Description of Blackface minstrelsy and minstrel character from Dorothy Berry, Descriptive Equity and Clarity around Blackface Minstrelsy in H(arvard) T(heater) C(ollection) Collections, 2021., Purchased with the Davida T. Deutsch African American History Fund., Lib. Company. Annual Report, 2017, p. 52., RVCDC, Desciption revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
McGreer, John, 1839-1908
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - 5 x 7 - Unid. - Events [P.2017.26.7]
Tenth scene in a racist series of African American caricatures originally created for Harper's Weekly in 1878 by Sol Eytinge that satirized the courtship and marriage of and the start of families by "The Twins." The African American figures are depicted with exaggerated features and mannerisms. Shows the tall husband of one of the twins, twin babies in hand, arriving at the home of the other twin and her husband after the birth of their twins. In the right, the twin lies in bed under the covers as “Dr. Black” turns to the entryway and prepares to give her a spoonful of medicine. Near them is the bed-ridden twins' husband, seated and feeding one baby twin a bottle as the other rocks in a cradle. To his right, the “grandmother,” attired in a bonnet, glasses, polka dot dress, and apron raises her hands in excitement as she greets the arriving husband of the twin's sister. A stool, framed pictures, and a sideboard adorn the room., Title from item., Name of publisher from other photographs in series., Date from copyright statement inscribed in original drawing: Copyrighted 1881 John McGreer, Chicago, Ill., Name of artist from stamp on verso: McGreer Chicago., Purchased with the Davida T. Deutsch African American History Fund., Lib. Company. Annual Report, 2017, p. 52., RVCDC, Desciption revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
McGreer, John, 1839-1908
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - 5 x 7 - Unid. - Events [P.2017.26.9]
Memory book compiled by Philadelphia High School for Girls student Mildred Davis Zaiser (later Cope) containing snapshot portraits with signatures and addresses of her classmates, including three African American students; prose and essays by her fellow students about their school experiences, teachers and classes; transcriptions of the class yell, motto, and commencement address; and class autographs and lists of class officers. Also contains an inserted snapshot photograph depicting four young well-dressed women in “Washington DC 5/9/14” (p. 31); snapshot photograph depicting history instructor “Miss Isabel W. Franklin” (p. 57); professional group portrait photograph showing the student members of “The Captain Ball Team of A prime 8” (a few of the girls hold a stuffed cat, a ball, and the school banners); anecdotal entries titled “Class Prophecy, And how it comes out” and “Class History”; tongue-in-cheek “Last Will and Testament” essay of student bequests to school instructors and departments; and a copy of the commencement announcement. “Miscellaneous” section contains several essays colloquially describing classes and written and signed by Zaiser’s fellow students, including ‘Physics Hour” written by Lucy Seiber (p. 169-171); “Mathematics Hour” written by Emily M. Woodward and Blanche Rostow (p. 172-177); “Drawing Hour” incomplete and unsigned (p. 178-179); “Physiology Hour” written by Marie Zaun (p. 181-184); “Gymnasium Hour” written by Della Martin (p. 185 -188); and “English Hour” written by Lillian Schivare (p. 189). Notes by Zaiser detailing the class flower and colors and her graduation gown and presents and the prose “Who’s Who in A8” written by Dorothy Noe (p 141-143) also comprise the manuscript content of the book. Captain ball is a game similar to basketball played on an area marked with six circles with the goal to pass the ball to the player in the end circle., Portrait sitters (p. 15-29) include: Rheba Luberoff, 1928 N. 7th St., Phila; Mary Olivell, 341 S. Lawrence St., Phila; Helen Mahoney, 1502 Hollywood St., Phila; Della Markie, 4118 Pechin St., Rox.; Minnie Mayerle, 2406 Sedgely St., Phila.; Minnie Mayerle, 2406 Sedgely St., Phila.; Della Markie, 4118 Pechin St., Rox.; Minnie Mayerle, 2406 Sedgely St., Phila.; Florence Martin, 1234 N. 54th St., W. Phila ;Lea Meisel, 630 N. 55th St., W. Phila.; Mattie Miller, 3859 Olive St., W. Phila. (African American student); Dorothy Noe, 3311 N. 17th St. [830 Windsor Square, Phila – crossed out in different hand]; Tillie Mellanoff, 634 Hoffman St., Phila.; Mary Patterson, House of Correction, Holmesburg; Helen Pechin, N.E. Cor. 20th St. and Columbia Ave., Phila.; Lillian Pollard, 5339 Lena St., Germantown; Helen Radcliffe, 801 E. Washington Lane [6213 Germantown Ave G’m’t – crossed out in different hand]; Blanche Rostow, 1222 N. 7th St., Phila; Marion Schurer, 1103 Fairmount Ave., Phila.; Lillian Schware, 1342 Poplar St., Phila.; Lucy Seiber, 7024 Second St. Pike, Lawndale, Phila.; Elva Smith, 2502 N. Garnet St., Phila.; Fannie Still (later Lloyd)(abolitionist William Still’s granddaughter), 1607 Bainbridge St., Phila.; Helen Taylor, Upsal and Sullivan Sts.; Esther Tittman, 419 Moore St., Phila; Arabella Turney, 2334 S. 17th St., Phila.; Rosalie Tutleman, 5230 N. Broad St., Phila.; Grace Wilhelm, 1524 Parker St., Phila.; Annie Wood, 762 N. Uber St., Phila. (African American student); Emily Woodward, 518 W. Venango St., Phila.; Mildred Davis Zaiser, 4548 Manayunk Ave., Rox.; Marie Zaun, 122 E. Gorgas Lane, Mt. Airy; and Alberta Goodwin, President of the Graduating Class, Feb. 1915., The portraits are bust-length and the sitters are posed in profile, facing forward, and looking down upon books. Most of the young women wear their hair long and swept back and up. Some wear their hair bobbed or with bangs. The attire of most of the students include white or patterned blouses and neckties and neckerchiefs. Some also wear necklaces and/or jackets or smocks or ribbon headbands., Book illustrated with art nouveau-style pictorial, border, and ornamental details depicting images of young women in flouncy dresses reading newspapers, holding brownie cameras, writing invitations and in a journal; views of desks and shelves containing objects associated with studying, school, and young women, including books, ink wells, candlesticks, a box of letters, and flowers; and borders and ornaments composed of rose and floral designs., Bound in limp olive suede with blind-embossed design and gilt titling on front cover. Cover stamped with design composed of book, quill pen, and a bough of greenery with banner., Title stamped in gilt on cover: The Girl Graduate: Her Own Book., Contains inscription: This book belongs to [Mildred Davis Zaiser]. Graduated from [The Philadelphia High School for Girls. 17th and Spring Garden Sts.] Inscription in art nouveau-style border shaped like a frame and composed of flowers and branches., Title page illustrated with art nouveau-style border composed of vinery, roses, and the bust of a young woman attired in a flouncy blouse and with a yellow ribbon in her hair., Table of Contents: Date. Flower. Colors 11; Class Yell. Motto 13; Class Photographs 15; Class Autographs 33; Class Officers 49; The Teachers 53; Class Prophecy 61; Her Invitations 75; The Programmes 83; Social Events 95; Press Notices 113; Her Gowns 125; The Presents 133; Jokes and Frolics 141; Baccalaureate Sermon 161; Miscellaneous 169., Several editions of "The Girl Graduate" with variant cover designs and a loose leaf version were published 1906-ca. 1927., Purchase 2015., Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Mildred Zaiser Cope (1897-1981) was raised in a German section of Philadelphia and noted as the "German Dictionary" by her classmates at her graduation in 1915. She still lived with her parents in 1920 when she worked as a clerk for the Board of Education. By 1930 she had married William Cope and lived in Norwalk, Connecticut., Louise Perrett (b. 1878) was an illustrator who studied under Howard Pyle. She was also an instructor at the Art Institute of Chicago circa 1920s. She partnered with Sarah K. Smith on several memory albums first published by Reilly and Britton Co. in the early 1900s. By 1940 she was an art teacher at the Elizabeth Peabody House in Boston.
Perrett, Louise, illustrator
[ca. 1915]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums [P.2015.2]
Trade card after an 1870 Sol Eytinge Harper's Weekly illustration with white figures depicting a racist, caricaturized genre scene to promote the coach varnish firm Clarence Brooks & Co. Scene shows a white photographer taking the portrait of an African American toddler in hi studio. The African American figures are portrayed with caricatured and exagerrated features. In the right, the white photographer stands next to his camera and tripod. He holds a cloth in his right hand, at his side, and a yellow-colored, monkey-like string puppet in his raised left hand. He wears a beard and is attired in a long brown jacket and blue striped pants. Between him and his young sitter is a framed advertisement above maroon paneling on an olive-colored wall. The advertisement reads: "Clarence Brooks & Co., Fine Coach Varnishes, Cor. West & West 12th Sts." In the left, the African American girl sits stiffly on a plush, green arm chair. Her eyes are opened wide in a surprised expression. She wears a sleeveless pink dress with blue bows at the shoulders. Behind her, in the doorway, are two African American women. The younger woman, likely to be perceived as the girl's mother, peers around from the left of the doorway. She wears a stylish hat, white blouse, and red bow at her neck. An older woman, likely to be perceived as the girl's grandmother, stands in the right of the doorway. She wears a brown-colored bonnet with a large bow around her chin and a brown-colored dress and shawl. Clarence Brooks established his varnish business in 1859 as Brooks and Fitzgerald, later Clarence Brooks & Co. In the early 1880s the firm issued calendars illustrated with African American caricatures in genre scenes, often after Sol Eytinge Harper's Weekly illustrations., Title from item., Publication date inferred from dates of activity of publisher (1888-1892) as cited in Jay Last, The Color Explosion (Santa Ana: Hillcrest Press, 2005)., Purchased with funds for the Visual Culture Program (Junto 2015)., Housed with the Emily Phillips Advertising Card Collection., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
National Bank Note Co.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Brooks [P.2016.17.1]
Incomplete collection of playing cards from the racist card game "Game of In Dixieland. No. 1118" issued by the Fireside Game Co. of Cincinnati, the subsidiary company established in 1896 by executives of the U.S. Playing Card Company. Advertised by the publisher as "life-like reproductions of characteristic sketches from the Sunny South," the captioned and lettered cards depict stereotyped and caricatured portraits and scenes of African American men, women, and children and African American southern life. The object of the game was to compile all the cards with the same letter into a book, with the winner holding the most books. Cards include: "A1. The Crossing Sweeper." Scene depicts an African American boy street sweeper on a street corner. He is attired in oversize jacket and pants. He also wears a cap and holds a broom. "A3. In Clover." Scene shows three young African American boys, attired in worn long-sleeve shirts and pants, seated on a log and eating quarters of a watermelon. The boy in the middle wears a bucket hat. Stacks of watermelon, including the remaining quarter of the one being eaten by the children rest at their feet. "A4. Picking Cotton." Scene shows an African American boy in a field of cotton, bent over, and picking a cotton boll. He wears a cap, long-sleeved shirt, and loose ankle-length pants. He is barefoot. Men picking cotton and a cart are visible in the background. "B2. Picking Up a Living." Portrait shows an African American girl holding a large satchel over her left shoulder. She wears a checkered, long-sleeved dress, and floppy hat. "B3 '"Jest A Restin’."' Portrait shows a young African American man seated on a crate next to a barrel and a second crate. He wears a domed cap; loose, long-sleeved jacket; cropped pants; and rolled-down boots., "D4. Heavily Laden." View shows two young African American girls, attired in ankle-length shift dresses, and aprons, and carrying buckets on their heads. Girl in left, balances the bucket on her head, and her apron contains a hole at the chest. The girl in the right holds the bucket on her head with her hands. They are bare foot and stand near the brick wall of a mill. "E1.A Georgia Charmer." Bust-length portrait shows an African American woman, slightly smiling, and her right hand resting on the side of her chin. She wears a light-colored blouse with slightly puff sleeves; a short-brimmed, straw hat; and bracelet. "F2. The Coquette." Full-length portrait shows a young African American woman, her hand on her hip, bare foot, and standing in front of the door to a log cabin. She wears a kerchief on her head, a shirtwaist, belt, and calf-length skirt. "F3 '"Look pleasant, please."' Reproduction of a drawn view shows an African American man taking a photograph of an African American woman, three African American children, and a dog on a beach. The women and children, attired in summer dresses and jumpers, sit and stand on a log and the photographer stands by a makeshift camera and removes the lens cap. The photographer wears a hat, overalls, and a long-sleeved shirt., "G2. A Genuine Brunette." Full-length portrait shows a very young African American girl, bare foot, attired in a shift dress, and seated on a step. She frowns slightly and she clasps her hands in her lap. "G4. Learning to Walk." View shows two, very young, African American girls, in blousy dresses, standing side by side on a sidewalk and in front of the brick wall of a building. "H3. The Virginia Pine Chopper." Full-length portrait shows an older African American man, with a white beard, seated on a stump, holding an ax over his left shoulder. He also has the handle of a tin pail over his left wrist and holds a walking stick in his right hand. He is posed in a dirt yard laden with sticks. Stacks of logs and a wooden fence are visible in the background."I2. A Mississippi Beauty." Half-length portrait shows a young African American woman, her left hand resting on the side of her chin. She looks slightly to the right and has a slight smile. Her hair is pulled back and somewhat teased at the crown. She wears a shirtwaist and checkered, apron dress., "J2. A Hidden Nest in the Bushes." View shows two African American boys seated on their knees in a field and eating slices of watermelon. They wear wide-brimmed caps, long sleeved shirts, and pants. Boy in right also wears a jacket. “J3. On the Wharf.” View shows an African American man and woman seated on the edge of a wharf. The man attired in a long-sleeved shirt, vest, pants, and cap, sits with his feet dangling over the edge. The woman attired in a shirtwaist, skirt, and cap sits with her feet on the wharf landing. Sailing vessels are visible in the background. "K3.'"Mos’ to de end ob de road."' Full-length portrait shows an older African American man, with a beard, seated on a chair, in front of a crumbling brick wall. He wears a worn jacket, vest, shirt, and pants. A hat with kindling rests at his bare feet. He holds a walking stick that he rests between his legs. "L3. Among the Virginia Pines." View shows a log cabin, in the distance, along a dirt road lined with dry underbrush and a few trees, some barren. A woman stands in the yard of the cabin. Fireside Card Co. was dissolved in 1908 and U.S. Playing Card Co. began to issue educational card games., Publication information from copies included in the World Web Playing Card Museum. Publication date inferred from copyright date included on box covers., Card letter printed in upper left corner., Copyright statement printed on 8 of the cards: Copyright ’96 by L.D. Baldwin., Gift of Jennifer Woods Rosner., Housed in phase box., Many stained and in poor condition., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
Fireside Game Co.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums [P.2019.47]
Full-length portrait of the African American women conjoined twins and performers known as the "two-headed nightingale" and "Carolina twins." The twins wear their hair in chin-length pin curls and are attired in an off-the shoulder, short-sleeved, light-colored, calf-lengthed dress, black boots, and crown-shaped headpieces adorned with stars. Millie (left) holds a newpaper to her side in her left hand. Christine (right) holds a book in her hands in front of her. They stand, looking toward the viewer, and posed in front of a backdrop depicting a window view. The feet of a posing stand are visible behind their feet. Millie and Christine were born in Whiteville, North Carolina on July 11, 1851, to Jacob and Monemia McKoy who were enslaved to Jabez McKay. Various enslavers and managers exhibited the twins nationally and internationally. In 1870, the sisters traveled and performed throughout the midwest., Title from item., Photographer's imprint printed on verso., Contains semi-legible printed ink transfer in upper edge of image., See History and medical description of the two-headed girl:...(Buffalo, N.Y.: Warren, Johnson, & Co., 1869). (LCP Am 1869 Hist, 70318.D)., RVCDC, John H. Fitzgibbon was a St. Louis photographer who began as a daguerreotypist. He operated from 116 North Fourth Street between 1866 and 1876 before founding the journal, "The St. Louis Practical Photographer and Illustrated Monthly Journal."
Fitzgibbon, John H., 1816?-1882, photographer
[ca. 1870]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department cdv portraits - sitter - Millie [P.2023.28]
Trade card advertising J.H. Richelderfer’s celluloid collars and cuffs and depicting racist caricatures of Chinese men laundry workers in shock when a white man holds up a box of celluloid collars and cuffs. In the left, a white man, attired in a black bowler hat, a white collared shirt, a red bowtie and waistcoat, a blue-and-white checked suit, and black shoes, stands holding and pointing his finger to a box labeled, “Wear Celluloid Cuff & Collars.” Four Chinese men laundry workers jump up in surprise on their tiptoes with their mouths open and grimacing and their queue braids flying straight up into the air. The men have long fingernails and are attired in gold hoop earrings, colorful clothes, including yellow, red, or green tunics, and yellow or blue short pants, and cloth, slip-on shoes. In the left, one laundry worker stands behind the white man with his hands in a steaming washtub. Also visible are two baskets full of laundry on the ground, a table with irons on top, and white sheets hanging on a line. The text, “The Last Invention” is printed on the bottom right., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Stamped on recto: J.H. Richelderfer, Gent’s furnishing and over-gaiters, 1032 Chestnut St., S.E. Cor. of 11th., Text printed on verso: Celluloid (Waterproof linen.) Collard, cuffs and shirt bosoms. The following will commend the use of these goods to all who study convenience, neatness and economy. The interior is fine linen. The exterior is Celluloid – the union of which combines the strength of Linen with the Waterproof qualities of Celluloid. The Trouble and expense of washing is saved. When soiled simply rub with soap and water (hot or cold) used freely with a stiff brush. They are perspiration proof and are invaluable to travelers, saving all care of laundrying. Advice. In wearing the turn-down Collar, always slip the Necktie under the roll. Do not attempt to straighten the fold. The goods will give better satisfaction if the Separable Sleeve Button and Collar Button is used. Twist a small rubber elastic or chamois washer around the post of Sleeve Button to prevent possible rattling of Button, To remove Yellow Stains, which may come from long wearing, use Sapolio, Soap or Saleratus water or Celluline, which latter is a new preparation for cleansing Celluloid. Goods for sale by all dealers., RVCDC
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Richelderfer [1975.F.728]
Full-length portrait of the African American co-joined twins and performers. The women are attired in striped-patterned shirtwaists, a white ankle-length skirt with a black lace overlay, and black high-heeled boots with white stripes. Each wears a white neckerchief, and an adornment in her pulled back hair. Millie (on the left) holds a white fan in her hands. A backdrop and ornate, wooden pedestal with a book resting on it are visible in the background. The end of a drape partially covers the book. In the left, another wooden prop is partially visible. The twins, born enslaved, were exhibited nationally and internationally under various owners and managers. By the end of the 1880s the twins retired to a farm in their home state of North Carolina., Title supplied by cataloger., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Date inferred from age of sitters and active dates of photographer in New York., Printed on verso: I was born in the State of North Carolina, Columbus Co., Anno Domini, 1851. And pronounced by scientists to be the 8th wonder of the world. / 'Tis not modest of one's self to speak,/ Buts, daily scanned from head to feet,/ I freely talk of everything,/ Sometimes to persons wondering./ Some people say I must be two!/The doctors say it is not true,/Some cry out humbug, till they see,/ And then exclaim, "great mystery."/ Two heads, four arms, four feet,/ All in one perfect body meet./I am most wonderfully made, /All scientific men have said./ None like me since the days of Eve,/ None such perhaps shall ever live./ If marvel to myself am I,/Why not to all pass me by?/ I am happy too, because content;/ For some wise purpose I was sent./ Our maker knows what he has done,/ Whether I'm created two or one./ Respectfully, Millie Christine. The Carolina twin, surnamed the 2-headed Nightingale., Mount trimmed., See History and Medical Description of the Two-Headed Girl:...(Buffalo, N.Y.: Warren, Johnson, & Co., 1869). (LCP Am 1869 Hist, 70318.D)., See LCP AR (Annual Report) 2015, p.42-43., Lib. Company. Annual Report, 2018, p. 61., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Horace Ollivier operated a New York studio beginning around 1881 at 779 Broadway.
Ollivier, Horace, photographer
[ca. 1881]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department cdv portraits - sitter - Millie [P.2018.28]
Scrapbook containing scraps, cutouts, periodical illustrations, and trade cards. Contents depict sentimental, genre, and religious scenes; images of children, animals, mothers and mothering; fancy heads; patriotic, historical, and allegorical figures, including George and Martha Washington; advertisements for Philadelphia, Hartford (Conn.), and New York businesses, including promotions for druggists, patent medicines, and soap; imagery documenting the Centennial Exhibition 1876, including portraits of prominent figures; figures in European costumes; scenes of rural life and European scenery; and landscape views. Also includes a small number of views of factories and industrial buildings; a patent medicine advertisement including an African American man servant character opening a door (p. 76); a print depicting a stanza from Robert Burn’s “The Cotter’s Saturday Night” (p. 22); illustrations of Little Red Riding Hood; the periodical cartoon “A Parent’s Vengeance” (p. 53); "La Belle Chocolatiere from the original painting by Leotard now in the Dresden Gallery" (p. 57); a cutout from a women’s fashion plate (p. 77); H.M.S. Pinafore theatrical character illustrations printed by Ledger Job Printing Office (p. 64); and a calling card for Mary S. Bassett (back inside cover)., Businesses represented include B. T. Babbit (soap); Clark’s O.N.T. (thread); C. F. Rump (leather goods); Corning & Tappan (perfumes); Marburg Bros. (tobacco); Devlin & Co. (clothiers); Dundas, Dirk & Co. (pharmacists); [Hiram] Duryea’s Starch Works; Fairbanks scales (E. & T. Fairbanks & Co.); J. Milton Brewer (druggist); C. L. Hauthaway & Sons (shoe polish); Charles S. Higgins (German laundry soap); The New York Bazar (fancy goods, Phillip Isaacs, proprietor); Demorest’s Monthly Magazine (W. J. Demorest, publisher); Edwin C. Burt (shoes); E. P. & Wm. Kellogg; Samuel Gerry & Cos. (patent medicine); Alex. Boost (analytical chemist); Chas. F. Hurd & Co. (chinaware); E. P. & Wm. Kellogg (photographers & art dealers); and Willcox & Gibbs (sewing machines)., Title supplied by cataloger., Front cover stamped: Scrap Book, Various artists, engravers, and printers including F. Beard; Illman Bros.; Ledger Job Print; L. Prang & Co.; Major & Knapp; Thomas Moran; and Shober & Carqueville., Cutouts and calling card pasted to inside front and back covers., Edges of scrapbook leaves contains stitching in different colors, including yellow, green, blue, red, lilac, and purple., Purchased with funds for the Visual Culture Program., Housed in phase box., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021.
[ca. 1876-ca. 1879]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Linen [P.2013.69.1]
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, prints, and manuscript notes, predominantly dated between 1856 and 1860, pertaining to the built environment, and social, cultural, economic, and political climate of Philadelphia. Subject matter includes the Sunday Dispatch newspaper column series “Indian Names”; reports on municipal services, including the fire department; population, trade, and crime statistics; mortality rates; real estate sales; descriptions of new building construction, including the Continental Hotel, Jayne Building (1856), new Bank of Pennsylvania (1856), churches, and storefronts on Arch, Market and Chestnut streets and in various wards, including the Twenty-Fourth and Fifteen, and near Rittenhouse Square; commentaries about city businesses and industries, including Harvey & Ford, turners in ivory and bone, Lacey & Phillips, saddler, markets, flour mills, sawing machines, omnibuses, joiner, and envelope and paper bag machinery, and the publishing trade. Other articles discuss fashion trends; the Schuylkill Rangers gang; “Street Nomenclature”; the early histories of Philadelphia, Germantown, Roxborough and Manayunk; benevolent and educational institutions and societies, including the Alms House, Philadelphia Orphan Society and the City Institute; food ways and manufacturing; the growth of Philadelphia; and a “Fistic”, i.e., fighting exhibition at Franklin Hall (1860). Also contains classifieds dated 1786; vignette wood engravings showing top hats, a stove, a plane, and a city fire plug; and satirical articles and illustrations, including African American characters, about the “Fine Arts”, i.e., street trades, fashion, the 1857 mayoral election, and improper use of a heating stove titled "A Picture of the Season.” Majority of graphics are wood and intaglio engravings, predominately advertisements showing storefronts., Graphics depict the Custom House; the Northern Home for Friendless Children; Mills B. Espy, pickels and fruits (109 S. Third.); the exteriors and interiors of Samuel Simes, store and family medicine laboratory (S.W. cor. Chestnut and Twelfth) and Wm. D. Rogers, coach manufactory (Sixth & Master); Loxley House (307 S. Second St.); Church of the Epiphany and Residence of Mr. Godey; Henry A. Bower (“N.E. cor. 6th and Green Sts.”); United States Hotel; Farmer’s and Mechanic’s Bank; Franklin Swimming Bath (68 N. Twelfth); Charles Ellis & Co., wholesale druggists (65 Chestnut.); Jones & Co., clothing store (200 Market); Baker & Williams, ranges & warm air furnaces (406 Market); "Schuylkill River, below Norristown, Pennsylvania"; Philadelphia Steam Marble Works (1700 block Chestnut); Continental Hotel; Consolidation Bank (331 N. Third St.); Union Saw & Tool Manufactory. Johnson & Conway, Office and Wareroom (Fourth & Cherry); and the Bulletin Building., Majority of contents annotated with a date by Poulson., Title page illustrated with a ca. 1856 lithographer's advertisement issued by Wagner & McGuigan. Depicts an allegorical, patriotic scene with the figure of Columbia, attired in a toga, American flag, and laurel wreath, and with a broken shackle under her foot as she stands on a pedestal., Verso of title page contains Poulson inscription: "The dates of the articles herein, are those of the Newspapers &c from they are cut." Inscription framed with cut out designed with ornamental pictorial details., Artists, engravers, printers, and publishers include D. C. Baxter, George T. Devereux, David Scattergood, and Joseph M. Wilson., "Index to set in back part of vol. XI.", Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Loxley House engraving (p. 14) accompanied by extensive manuscript note by Poulson.
Poulson, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1789-1866, compiler
1786-1860, bulk 1856-1860
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol. 8 [(8)2526.F]
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, prints, drawings and manuscript notes, predominantly dated to the 1850s, pertaining to the history, the built environment, and social climate of Philadelphia. Subject matter includes clippings about Federalists, Leiper Railroad, beer brewing, historic private houses, and Patrick Lyon from the newspaper column series "Reminiscences of Philadelphia" (Christian Observer, 1856), "Philadelphia Peculiarities" (Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, 1856), and "Recollections from the Past" (authored by Poulson) and "To Readers and Anxious Inquirers" (Sunday Dispatch, 1856); articles about the early history of Germantown and Independence Hall, the origin of April Fools, a “Venerable document,” i.e., a 1747 indenture between the Library Company and librarian Robert Greenway, and the 1859 cholera epidemic at the Arch Street Prison; and newspaper advertisements for the Zoological Institute (48 S. Fifth St.), Page's Patent Safety Cab, and Colonel Chaffin, “The Celebrated Dwarf, at the Masonic Hall" (1845). Also contains an editorial about the poor quality of the Philadelphia Directory for 1865; a song sheet "Social Quoit Club" by Charles Alexander inscribed with a note about its provenance by Poulson on the verso; Poulson manuscripts about notable houses, including the Butler Mansion (Chestnut & Eighth Sts.), William Waln House (Chestnut & Seventh Sts.), and James Fisher mansion (Chestnut & Ninth Sts.); and prints, watercolors, and sketches, several created and signed by Poulson, predominantly showing Philadelphia residences, landmarks, and city and landscapes., Graphic materials include a Charles Magnus print after the Trumbull painting, "Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776"; the captioned George Gilbert illustration "A View of the Grand Civic Arch... in Honor of Lafayette" (1824); a Le Met miniature portrait of Timothy Palmer; a James McClees photograph of the engraving "The Hour of Sunset, on the Fourth of July 1776" and Poulson watercolor and sketches (often with extensive manuscript captions) showing "Episcopal Academy," "A House on the North side of Chestnut Street, next to that on the N.E. corner of Eighth Street, lately occupied by Danl. W. Coxe, Esq. who deceased there June 3, 1852" (1857), "Sketch of the river Schuylkill at Fairmount. The wooden floating bridge and tavern &c by C. A. P. under the tuition of Jemmy Cox, the drawing master," "Jonathan Leedom’s Iron Store, no. 211 S. Front St. or now no. 343," "Sketch of the Emlen or [Benendye?] house Chestnut St. opposite the State house and next to Jacob Ridgway’s house on the east" (1858); and advertising vignettes and cameo stamps for businesses, including a segar store (Mulberry St.), G. S. Appleton, bookseller, publisher & importer of foreign books (148, i.e, 600 block Chestnut St.), W. C. Allen, broom & variety store, and a multi-manned press of “The Saturday Evening Post.” Other images include satiric women's fashion vignettes and a cut out caricature of an African American man advertising Sanford's Opera House., Majority of contents annotated with a date by Poulson., Title page illustrated with a ca. 1856 lithographer's advertisement issued by Wagner & McGuigan. Depicts an allegorical, patriotic scene with the figure of Columbia, attired in a toga, American flag, and laurel wreath, and with a broken shackle under her foot as she stands on a pedestal., Verso of title page contains Poulson inscription: "The "Articles" in the book are taken from fugitive sources only; and the dates affixed to each are those of the newspapers &c from which they were procured.", Back free end paper contains Poulson inscription: "The dates of the articles herein, are those of the Newspapers &c from they are cut.", "Index to set in back part of vol. XI.", Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Poulson, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1789-1866, compiler
ca. 1824-1864
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol. 2 [(2)2526.F]
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and prints predominately dated 1858 and pertaining to the built environment, and social, cultural, economic, and political climate of Philadelphia. Majority of the contents are articles about city businesses, industries, and municipal services; public interest stories; editorials relating to public concerns and social mores; and reports, lists, and statistics. Subjects include the operation of the fire department, including the introduction and trials of steam fire engines, the discontinuation of fire bells, and the yearly report of the “Fire Detective”; the City Passenger Railroad, including its commencement, progress and improvements to the city, and the auction of former omnibus horses at Herkness’s Auction House; balls, parades, lectures, and other forms of entertainment, including the questionable protocols of the minor theatres, horse racing in Chestnut Hill, and the opera season at the Academy of Music; fashion, including histories of the red petticoat and crinolines, hoop skirts, and satires about style and cost; the prison system, including Eastern State Penitentiary and corruption; the Great Comet and Blizzard of 1858; the removal of the market sheds and increasing the value of properties on Market Street; the inauguration of the Schuylkill Navy; and the economic state of shad fishing and fisheries, the oyster trade, dairy owners, ice dealers, paper manufacturers, and dentists., Several articles also report about city construction, improvements, and renovations. Sites referenced include businesses on downtown Chestnut Street and in South and North Philadelphia (Bailey & Co., silverware; Levy & Cox, retail dry goods store; Caldwell & Co., jewelry; the Butler House Hotel; John McClure, stationery store; John Fuss, lager beer); Church of the Incarnation, and Pine Street Presbyterian and Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal churches; Hunting Park; and the new market house (Sixteenth and Market). Editorials address the institution of a city ordinance against public smoking; the daily inhabitants of the State House Square and Custom House steps; the plight and nuisances of city street beggars, fortune tellers, gamblers, and organ grinders; and the heavy use of opium by Americans. Additional articles discuss Christmas, including retail store windows adorned for the holiday; events and activities of local organizations, including the Washington Monument Association, American Systematic Beneficence Society, American Veterinary Association, and the Newsboys’ Aid Society; auctions by M. Thomas & Sons, including the Howard Tilden estate, the wine cellar of the late Joseph Gratz, and oil paintings sold below market value; the closing of the Jones Hotel; proposal by city commissioner James M. Leidy for the creation of ward maps to aid city development; histories of the 12 1/2 Society and Hurst Mansion; the exercise mania; lost and found advertisements; the “fogyism” and “favoritisim” of the Franklin Institution mechanical exhibitions; and views of historic landmarks and the Hope Hose Company by photographers James McClees (p. 57) and Walter Dinsmore (p. 102)., Reports, lists and statistics detail mortality and crime rates; the domestic, flour, produce, hay, cattle, and pork markets; the weather for the week, season, and year; real estate and stock sales; churches in the city; taxes; the public schools; fire companies; current town topics; and “Local” and “Noteworthy” events, fires, and railroad and steamboat accidents for the year. Also contains the “Annual Message of the Mayor” reporting on the state of the city and classifieds for patent medicines and entertainments, including fortune tellers, the National Circus, and balls and parties attended, according to Poulson, by “firemen, apprentices boys, new boys, gamblers and fancymen" who are the " ‘efficient beaus’ " of the factory girls, milliners, shop girls etc."… on the occasions.” Ephemera includes a “Ticket of Admission to ‘Franklin Hall’ " for the Heenan & Jones Sparring Exhibition., Scrapbook also contains graphics including an albumen print, engravings, wood engravings, trade cards and cameo stamps. Comic and advertising vignettes, caricatures, and advertisements predominate as genres. Comic vignettes include many satirizing the fashion of large hoop skirts. Other vignettes satirize the new police uniform, gentlemen’s collars, the Irish, and African Americans ("Baker-street beauties"). Non-satiric vignettes show predominately home furnishings and wares, including silver utensils and serving ware, boxes for papers and deeds, a wire dish cover, coffee pots and kettles, pudding moulds, perforated nursery lamps, serving platter, and a double oven cooking stove. Caricatures (some hand-colored) depict burglars (annotated by Poulson as “ ‘fair hits’ at…the inconsiderable folly of the ‘compassionate’”); "The City Inspector," i.e., a street rag picker; the crude manner of men “on the balconies in front of the ‘gentleman saloons’”; a ‘Schuylkill Ranger’ and “chocker’ gang member; “A Juvenile Party” annotated as "A fair hit at precosity [sic]"; Kris Kringle; and comparisons of country and city doctors, store-keepers, and belles., Advertisements include views of " 'Sharpless’ new store on the N.W. cor. of Chestnut and Eighth Street (Butler property)' "; Crystal Building, F.H. Smith, forte monnaie, pocket book, & dressing case manufacturer (Fourth and Chestnut); Barnes cough syrup establishment (333 Chestnut); Giovanni & Oliver, wholesale fruit store (248 Market); Bailey & Co., British sterling silver ware (819 Chestnut); Perry & Erety, booksellers, binders & stationers (Fourth and Race); Warnick & Leibrandt, Philadelphia Stove Works & Hollow-Ware Foundry (First Wharf above Noble Street); Girard House ( 800 block Chestnut); Henry O.B. Banks, paint and glass store (400 block Callowhill) French, Richards & Co., wholesale, drug, paint & glass warehouse (1000 block Market); M’Daniels & Fort, saddlery, hardware & coach trimmings (101 N. Third); Wright, Hunter & Co., plumbers and gas fitters (900 Walnut); Moore’s Porter & Ale Brewery (1300 block Fitzwater); Anspach, Jacoby & Co., dry goods (Third and Cherry); J. Thornley’s India Rubber Emporium (311 Chestnut); John C. Keller, stove manufacturer (Ridge Avenue and Willow Street); St. Lawrence Hotel (1000 block Chestnut); Merchant’s Hotel (000 block N. Fourth Street); Mansion House (1000 Market); and Weymer & Brothers, dealers in warm air furnaces, stoves, and ranges & c. (1000 block Coates). Graphics also depict a photographic reproduction of a daguerreotype of the moon, a hand-colored illustration showing lady’s "Winter Fashions," and an illustration of "Lalla Rookh, The Tight Rope Elephant" annotated “exhibited at ‘Dan Rice’s great show’ … 29th of March 1858.” Many of the advertisements include street and pedestrian traffic and merchandise displays., Majority of contents annotated by Poulson with dates and manuscript notes, particularly social commentaries., Title page illustrated with a ca. 1856 lithographer's advertisement issued by Wagner & McGuigan after the work of lithographer Maurice Traubel and artist William Croome. Depicts an allegorical, patriotic scene with the figure of Columbia, attired in a toga, American flag, and laurel wreath, and with a broken shackle under her foot as she stands on a pedestal., Front free end paper contains Poulson inscription: "The "Articles" in the book are taken from fugitive sources only; and the dates affixed to each are those of the newspapers &c from which they were procured CAP." Inscription framed with cut out containing filigree and an eagle. Clipped vignette of a pointed finger also pasted on page., "Index to set in back part of vol. XI.", Artists, engravers, printers, and publishers include Calvert & McClaine, Robert Crump, M’laughlin Bros, J.B. Neagle, E. Rogers, J. Spitall, and J.W. Steel., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Poulson, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1789-1866, compiler
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol. 10 [(10)2526.F]
Collection of illustrated ephemera, primarily letterheads, billheads, receipts, and fliers, for pharmaceutical firms in the United States (predominantly New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Mid-West), and London issued between 1800 and 1940. Firms well represented include Frederick Stearns & Co.; Maltine Manufacturing Company; and Wm. R. Warner & Co. Materials also document The Altenheim Dispensary; C.A. Bartlett & Co.; Dr. Shoop Family Medicine Co.; Henry K. Wampole & Co; J. N. Harris & Co.; J. H. Schenck & Son; John C. Baker Co.; Johnson & Johnson; National Remedy Company; R. H. Steward Company, Inc.; and Upjohn Pill & Granule Co. Also contains advertisements, bags, calendars, envelopes, illustrations, label proofs, and show cards. Prominent firms represented include Antikamnia Chemical Company; A. Vogeler & Co. (later Charles A. Vogeler Co.); Charles E. Hires Company; Lehn & Fink; Lydia Pinkham; and Morse Yellow Dock Root Syrup Company. Other firms, businesses, and products include Arctic Soda Apparatus; Barker's Cheveux Tonique; Chamberlain's remedies; Dr. Peiro Oxygen treatment; George T. Brown & Co.; A. Gsell; Merchant's Gargling Ointment; Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved Hair Restorer; T. Jacob's Oil; Tilden & Company; and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills., Illustrations depict various subjects. The most numerous are views of pharmaceutical factories and storefronts, often including street and pedestrian traffic. Imagery also depicts pharmaceutical and soda apparatus; genre and satiric scenes; children and animals; portraiture; the devil and death; and figures in traditional Japanese costume. Collection also includes ca. 1800 trade card "The Front of Swinton’s Original [Anthony] Daffy’s Elixir Warehouse, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street London"(Advertisements); "The Grand Stand Baseball Game" advertising the laxative "Pluto Water" (Advertisements); a placard for Fowler & Wells Co. containing an image of a phrenological head and corresponding explanatory key (Miscellaneous); and a sheet of stamps advertising Daggett & Ramsdell's Ha-Kol headache remedy (Miscellaneous)., Title supplied by cataloger., Various engravers and printers, including J. Bonsor; Detroit Lith. Co.; Donaldson Brothers; Doty & Bergen; R. Gair; Major & Knapp Eng. Mfg. & Lith. Co.; The Meisenbach Co.; The Richmond Lith. Co.; A. W. Robinson; and Strobridge Lithographing Co., Majority of the letterheads, billheads, and receipts contain manuscript and typewritten notes. Subjects include solicitations, giveaways with purchases, receipt of testimonials, corrections of mailing lists from postmasters, price lists, and the potential cost to consumers of the stamping of proprietary medicines (1898)., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand., Digitized for AMD: Popular Medicine. Series I.
[ca. 1800-1931, bulk 1870-1900]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Graphic Popular Medicine Ephemera Collection [P.2010.37]
Plate one from the 1832 edition of, "Scraps," Johnston's popular satirical series of societal caricatures published between 1828 and 1840, and in 1849. Depicts a montage of nine scenes lampooning contemporary social issues and every day life such as corporal punishment, public drunkenness, popular fashion, marital relations, and libraries. Includes "Lock on the Understanding in two Toms bound in boards" depicting two "Toms" locked in a stockade without refreshment discussing their "Dry Goods" & "Stationary" business;" Heavy Wet" depicting a white man homeowner shocked to see a bank of snow fall from his roof unto a passerby's head; 'What a piece of work is a Man...." depicting hogs ashamed to be seen with a white man drunkard unconscious in their slop near a distillery; "Cowed Down" depicting a white wife upset about her cow's well-being as she watches her "mischievous" white husband being gored by it; "The Menagerie" depicting a confused African American man witnessing children mistaking a white man dandy and white woman dandiette for wild creatures at an animal menagerie; "Bullying Up" depicting a white farm boy haranguing a bull in front of his angry mother; "The Cat Doth Play & After Slay" depicting a picture "copied from an innkeeper's sign in Jugtown, N. Jersey" showing a cat playing a fiddle in front of a horse-drawn sleigh; "The Library" depicting the interior of a library where a foppish white woman, a Frenchman, and white men librarians misinterpret and misunderstand comments about popular literature; and "A Soporific" depicting an ailing white man unaffected by "laudanum opium" requesting his Reverend to preach a sermon in order to put him to sleep., Title supplied by cataloger., Printed in upper left corner: Plate 1., Published in D.C. Johnston's Scraps No. 3 1832 (Boston: D.C. Johnston, 1832), pl. 1., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Accessioned 1893., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
Johnston, David Claypoole, 1799-1865
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1832 Scr (a) [5656.F.25]
Plate four from the 1832 edition of "Scraps," Johnston's popular satirical series of societal caricatures published between 1828 and 1840, and in 1849. Depicts a montage of nine scenes lampooning contemporary social issues and everyday life such as fashion, religious hypocrisy, ignorance, vanity, country life, class inequities, the military, and higher education. Includes 'The Glass of Fashion & The Mould of Form' depicting a white man sales clerk falsely flattering a white man dandy trying on a puff-sleeved coat; "Faith and Works" depicting a hypocritical white man Deacon, near a fireplace, reneging the shelter that he promised to a cold, poor white woman outside his door while his African American servant offers her money; "Arrival of a Country Cousin" depicting a snobby, white, city gentleman snubbing his country cousin; "About to be Astonished" depicting a dimwitted gloating white man farmer about to intentionally kill a sleeping "varmint" and unintentionally kill his friend with a sickle; "Champagne [Campaign] or the Fatigues of Modern Camp Duty" depicting a grossly intoxicated troop of white military officers toasting their intellect and patriotism; "A Body Coat & A Coat of Arms" depicting a rotund and thin "John Smith" exchanging wrongly delivered coats; "The Able-Bodied Man & The Exempt" depicting a scraggly white soldier encountering an "exempt" hardy white gentleman; "Symptoms of Extravagance" depicting a white man, attired in rags, debating the necessity to "dress better on Sunday"; "College Acquirements" depicting an African American man and woman, portrayed in racist caricature and speaking in the vernacular, discussing 'de college for de colour'd circles' based on the beneficial effects of college on "Massa Bob," including his staying out later, no longer reading, and drinking champagne., Title supplied by cataloger., Printed in upper left corner: Plate 4., Published in D.C. Johnston's Scraps No. 3 1832 (Boston: D.C. Johnston, 1832), pl. 4., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Accessioned 1893., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
Johnston, David Claypoole, 1799-1865
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1832-Scr (d) [5656.F.24]
Photographic reproductions of drawings based on a racist series of African American caricatures originally created for Harper's Weekly in 1878 by Sol Eytinge that satirized the courtship and marriage of and the start of families by "The Twins." The African American figures are depicted with exaggerated features and mannerisms. Includes "No. 1 The Flirtation" showing the "Twins" meeting their suitors; "No. 2 The Introduction" showing the "Twins" being formally introduced to their suitors; "No. 3 The Courting" showing the "Twins" being courted together; "No. 4 The Proposal" showing the "Twins"suitors proposing to them in different manners; "No. 5 The Duel" showing the "Twins" suitors preparing to duel with guns; "No. 6. The Wedding" showing the "Twins" dual wedding; "No. 8 Return from the Honeymoon Tour" showing the "Twin" couples promenading in town; "No. 9 Coming Events" showing the town doctor and the husbands of the "Twins" racing down a dirt road on donkey back; and "No. 10 The Event Or Where '2 Pair is Better Than 4 of a Kind'"showing the arrival of the "Twins" twins., Title supplied by cataloger., Date from copyright statement on four of the original drawings in the series: Copyrighted 1881 John McGreer, Chicago, Ill., Name of artist stamped on versos: McGreer Chicago., Series missing No. 7. The Wedding Feast., Name of publisher inscribed on four of the original drawings in the series (No. 2-3, 6, and 9)., Inscribed on two of the original drawings in the series (No. 2 and 8): Remodeled from sketch in Harpers Weekly or Reproduced from sketch in Harpers Weekly by the Cartoon Printing Co. Chicago., Inscribed on one of the original drawings in the series (No. 3): Reproduced from sketch by Sol Eytinge in Harpers Weekly by the Cartoon Printing Co. Chicago., Purchased with the Davida T. Deutsch African American History Fund., Lib. Company. Annual Report, 2017, p. 52., John McGreer (1833-1905) was a dime museum painter, landscape artist, and cartoonist. He worked in Chicago after 1870 and was a partner in the novelty and satire printing firm Cartoon Printing Co., later Cartoon Publishing Co., by the early 1880s. In 1897, he patented statuettes of African American caricatures for use as cardholders. He resided in New York and was noted as a landscape artist at the time of his death in 1908., See Shawn Michelle Smith, Photography on the Color Line: W. E. B. DuBois, Race, and Visual Culture (Durham: Duke University Press, 2004), 82-86., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
McGreer, John, 1839-1908
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - 5 x 7 - Unid. - Events [P.2017.26.1-9]
Circular promoting Clark Thread Company and depicting racist caricatures of African, Asian, and indigenous men. Volume also contains several lines of narrative, promotional text written as a children’s story. The front cover is a color illustration of three white "merry gentlemen" in Cololonial attire and riding on horseback as "they hunt and hunt." The men are attired in tri-corn hats; red jackets; white breeches with riding boots; and white wigs. They ride on a road towards the viewer. The figures are bordered with pictorial details of the Clark’s O.N.T trademark. The rider in the middle raised his hat with his hand. Image is reproduced in black and white on p. [2]. P. [3] shows the horsemen observe three white children standing before them whom they believe "...must be princes. They sew their clothes with O.N.T." P. [4] show the "gentlemen" observe from a distance three African Zulu men. The men drive a lion into a net made of O.N.T. thread. One man is nude except for a feather on his head and bangs a large drum labeled "Clark's O.N.T. spool thread." Another man is attired in a skirt made of palm leaves and carries a shield and arrows. A third man carries arrows and wears a feather on his head. P [5] shows the "hunters" "spy" "three happy Hottentots" who roll down a hill on large spools of Clark's thread in a "chariot race." The three African men have their hair in buns atop their heads and are attired in white shorts and hoop earrings. One man is also attired in a shell necklace, and two men hold spears. P. [6] shows the three men find a Chinese man flying a kite strung with O.N.T. thread thread and to which a Chinese boy is attached. He is seated on a rug with his back to the viewer. To his right is a pipe. His hair is styled in a queue, and he is attired in a white shirt with a vest decorated in a print of dragons and slip-on, cloth shoes., P. [7] shows the white men finding an Inuit man on a sled made from a Clark's spool and pulled over the ice by a team of dogs. The sled driver is attired in a hooded parka and boots. P. [8] the three riders encounter a Native American man reigning in a buffalo with O.N.T. thread. He is attired in knee-high boots; a patterned blanket draped around his chest; hoop earrings; and a feather headdress. P. [9] shows a view of the back of the three riders bordered by pictorial details of the Clark’s O.N.T trademark. The back cover is a color illustration of a white girl with long blonde hair attired in black boots; red stocking; a green dress; and a blue striped apron. She is seated on an oversize spool of O.N.T. thread and playing cat's cradle with a white boy. The boy is attired in a red fez; a green coat; blue stockings; and black boots. The George A. Clark & Brother Company, manufactory of embroidery and sewing thread, was founded in 1863 in Newark, N.J. The firm was renamed Clark & Co. in 1879, and in the 1880s created a six-cord, soft finished thread called "Our New Thread" or "O.N.T." The business merged with J. & P. Coats in 1896, which lead to a series of mergers with fourteen other companies. Into the 21st century, the company continues to manufacture thread under the name Coats & Clark., Title from item., Advertising text printed on verso of front cover: Use Clark's trade mark O.N.T. spool cotton on white spools! It is superior to all others for hand and machine use. Garments sewed with O.N.T. fast black will never show white on the seams after being worn or washed., Advertising text printed on verso of back cover: Use Marshall's linen thread on 200 yard spools. Guaranteed full length. Made from the bext flax, and Milward's Helix Needles in patent wrappers. For sale everywhere., Place of publication deduced from place of operation of advertised business., Date deduced from history of advertised business., Distributor's name printed on p. [1]: George A. Cole, sole agent., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Clark [P.2017.95.31]
Collection of silhouettes, primarily bust-length and cut at a Peale's Museum (Philadelphia, Baltimore or New York) in the early 19th century. Items often contain physiognotrace impressed lines and some contain amateur pencil markings. A small number also include eyelash cutouts, contain ink details to depict hair or collars, or are folded in fours. Many silhouettes also include hair adornments and other fashion details, including ribbons, bows, collars, bonnets, hats, and flowers. Collection also contains one non-portrait cutout composed of a bird, several branches, and a temple-like structure, as well as several numbered leaves of silhouettes removed from an album. Leaves contain 1- 8 silhouettes, some cut and some in ink. The silhouettes also show flowers adorning clothing, hair, and as bouquets; hair ornaments; ribbons; and hats. Some silhouettes depicted as if framed or with pictorial details or overdrawn with scales of dimension. A small number of uncut silhouettes inserted in one of the albums [P.9346] and a scrap completed February 25, 1837 by silhouette sitter Miss Anne Sophia Billmeyer, Germantown containing manuscript notes related to religious values and morals, possibly notes from a sermon, also form the collection [P.2010.29.17]., Sitters identified by inscriptions include Lydia Biddle; Paulus Brzostowski; Isaac Collins, Jr.; William Dilworth; Rebecca Gratz; Rubens Peale; Robert Pearsall, Sr.; Robert Pearsall, Jr.; Benjamin Say, Thomas Shillitoe; John Snyder, Jr.; and Benjain West. Surnames of other identified sitters include Bartram, Lansadale, Caldwell, Collins, Headley, Logan, and Smith., Title supplied by cataloger., Several blindstamped: Museum or Peale's Museum [with image of eagle]., Some blindstamped: Day's Patent or Todd's Patent., Some sitters identified by inscriptions on recto or verso. Some inscriptions illegible., Some annotated with addresses, or a number, or a series of sequential numbers., One of albums (P.9347) accompanied by list of sitters written in manuscript., Artists include Raphaelle Peale, William James Hubard, T. P. Jones, Moses Williams, Martha Ann Honeywell, J. M'Conachy, Isaac Todd, and Augustus Day., P.9339.22c blindstamped: T. P. Jones, fecit., P.9341.31d blindstamped: J. M'Conachy., P.2012.3 mounted on textile and suggested, but doubtfully by Martha Ann Honeywell., Silhouette of Rebecca Gratz [8146.F] inscribed: Cut with scissors by Master Hubbard without Drawing Machine. Accompanied by manuscript letter signed R. Gratz, secy., Silhouettte of John Snyder, Jr. [P.9343.1] inscribed: Cut by M. Honeywell with the mouth., Silhouette of Mr. Shaw's Blackman [P.9339.59a] attributed to Moses Williams., Silhouette of Moses Williams [(3) 5750.F.153b] probably by Moses Williams but possibly by Raphaelle Peale., P.9340.80 contains manuscript note: Mr. Gill will call for two pictures in frames paid for [pr J. L. S.?], Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., P.9339-P.9341 and P.9346 & P.9347 bequest of James Rush., P.9686 gift of Elizabeth McLean., Three of collection [P.2012.1.1-3] transferred from Things Found in Books Collection., Index to sitters available at repository.
[ca. 1803-ca. 1841]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Silhouette Collection [5306.F.144 c1; (3)5750.F.39 1/2d(v); (3)5750.F.153b; 8146.F; 8416.F; P.9339; P.9340; P.9341; P.9342; P.9343; P.9346; P.9347; P.9686; P.2010.29.1-17; P.2012.1.1-3; P.2012.3]
Photograph album compiled by James B. Nicholson containing predominantly portrait photographs of prominent local and national members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and their families, including men, women, and children. Photographs depict full-length, bust-length, and vignette portraits; group portraiture; and collages. Several male sitters wear the regalia of the Odd Fellows and most sitters are fashionably attired. Group portraiture depicts employees of Pawson and Nicholson in front of the bookbinding shop (139 S. Seventh), and rosters and meetings and excursions of members of the fraternal organization (1870s-1880s), including Warrior Lodge, no. 873. Collages include portraits of the Rulafson family of San Francisco and examples of work from the respected photographic firm Bradley & Rulafson. Also includes images of the photography department and sculpture at the Centennial Exhibition (1876); photographic reproductions of a Sir Walter Scott manuscript donated to the Sanitary Fair (1864), and an Odd Fellow membership certificate and medal; and a John Sartain engraved portrait of "E. Grand Captain General of Pennsylvania" Varhan Smith.
Photograph album compiled by James B. Nicholson containing predominantly portrait photographs of prominent local and national members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and their families, including men, women, and children. Photographs depict full-length, bust-length, and vignette portraits; group portraiture; and collages. Several male sitters wear the regalia of the Odd Fellows and most sitters are fashionably attired. Group portraiture depicts employees of Pawson and Nicholson in front of the bookbinding shop (139 S. Seventh), and rosters and meetings and excursions of members of the fraternal organization (1870s-1880s), including Warrior Lodge, no. 873. Collages include portraits of the Rulafson family of San Francisco and examples of work from the respected photographic firm Bradley & Rulafson. Also includes images of the photography department and sculpture at the Centennial Exhibition (1876); photographic reproductions of a Sir Walter Scott manuscript donated to the Sanitary Fair (1864), and an Odd Fellow membership certificate and medal; and a John Sartain engraved portrait of "E. Grand Captain General of Pennsylvania" Varhan Smith., Sitters include James B. Nicholson (often attired in regalia), his wife Adelaide, and sons Clarence and celebrated Civil War Colonel John Page; James Alexander Bartram ("first cousin of my father");; Past Grand Master George F. Borie; orator Henry Armitt Brown; Nicholson's partner James Pawson; Pennsylvania state senator George D. Jackson; businessman and District Deputy Grand Master, Clarion County Ruloff Ruloffson; Philadelphia businessman and Grand Treasurer M. Richards Muckle; Grand Sire Samuel H. Perkins; Past Grand Master Francis M. Rea; "Grand Master" Alfred R. Potter; the family of Past Grand Master Samuel Haworth; and "Gutekunst's daughter" attired in a costume., Green morocco binding., Spine stamped: Photographs., Photographers identified by inscriptions on album page., Several sitters identified by inscriptions on album page. Many noted as "Deceased.", Multiple portraits arranged as collages on many of the album pages., Various photographers include W. H. Bennett, P. E. Chillman, Frederick Gutekunst, and David Lothrop., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Album housed in phase box with index to sitters., James Bartram Nicholson was a premier Philadelphia bookbinder in the partnership Pawson & Nicholson established in 1848. He was also a prominent member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows serving as a Grand Sire (1863-1864), grand scribe, and grand secretary (1863-1901), as well as authored "I.O.O.F.: The Story of 65 or The History of the Grand Lodge of the United States... (1896)." He married Adelaide Broadnix (b. ca. 1822) in 1841 and with her had three sons, Colonel John Page (1842-1922), Howard B. (b. ca. 1855) and bookbinder Clarence S. Nicholson (b. ca. 1858) and a daughter Eliza (b. ca. 1852).
Nicholson, James Bartram, 1820-1901
ca. 1853-ca. 1880
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums [P.9080]
Series of twelve captioned illustrations from the Clarence Brooks & Co. Fine Coach Varnishes 1880 calendar portraying scenes after the racist “Blackville” series drawn by Sol Eytinge for “Harper’s Weekly” in the 1870s and depicting caricatures satirizing the social mores, customs, and daily lives of African Americans of all classes. The figures are portrayed with exaggerated features and mannerisms. The attire of the figures includes long-sleeved dresses, shirtwaists and skirts, smocks, shirt, pants, jackets, and caps, and hats. Some of the attire depicted, particularly for younger figures, is worn and/or tattered. Includes scenes from the Eytinge Blackville series within a series - “the twins” (March, May, September illustrations). Scenes are titled (sometimes with text in the vernacular) and depict “The First Ulster in Blackville” (January) of a winter scene showing African American children, attired in shirts, pants, or skirts and hats or bonnets, paused from a snowball fight as an African American man in a blue ulster (an overcoat with hood), holding a cane, and smoking walks between them; “Christmas Dinner Done!” (February) showing an older African American man, attired in an overcoat, pants, and hat, and African American boy, attired in a shirt, pants, and a hat with a scarf tied around his head and chin, in a field, and watching a rabbit run away from a trap held by the boy; “Love in Blackville. The Wooing of the Twins” (March) showing African American women twins, each being courted by an African American man within an open room that has a stove and mantle as their older African American parents “watch” from a doorway;, "April-Fools Day-An Aggravated Case (April) showing an older African American woman, with an upset expression, standing in front of a row of cabins and near a basket of cabbages on a town block, and holding a dead rat within a cabbage as she is watched by two snickering African American boys, the practical jokers, standing within the opening to an alley; "The Great Social Event at Blackville. The Wed"ding of the Twins" (May) showing two African American women twin brides and their grooms within a parlor, near a table of food, being married by a reverend in front of friends and family of all ages; "The Coaching Season in Blackville._ The Grand Start" (June) showing an African American driver pulling at the reins of an unruly four-mule team coach of which African American passengers of all ages sit in and on the cab as African American towns folk wave from a line of cabins in the background and an African American boy and dog run past the wheel of the vehicle; "The 'Fourth' in Blackville" (July) showing a fenced paddock in which an African American boy holds an American flag in one hand and a gun in the other by a group of African American children and a woman who run, cover their eyes, jump the fence, and shield each other under the sight of an African American man in the window of an adjacent cabin; “Hi Abe Come Under De Brellar! Does Your Want to Sunstruck Yerself! De Fremoniter’s Gone Up Moren a Foot!” (August) showing a group of African American children of different ages, under a torn umbrella held by the tallest child, a girl, and approaching a young African American boy, “Abe,” within a fenced yard with a pond and patches of greenery and across from a cabin in which an African American man and woman, stand and sit in the doorway;, “After Doing Paris and the Rest of Europe, The Bridal Party Return to Blackville" (September) showing “the twins” on promenade with their husbands and an African American women caregiver holding their two babies as they walk on a dirt path lined by African American townsfolks of all ages who stare and also include an older woman who laughs behind a tree; "Who Struck De Futest?” (October) showing an older African American man, seated outside a cabin, and holding up a switch to two African American boys, in worn clothing, standing within the yard, near a broken object, and across from an African American girl in the cabin doorway and three boys seated and looking over a fence lining the property in the background; The “Small Breeds” Thanksgiving-Return of the First-Born from College 'Bress His Heart! Don’t he look edgecated?' ”(November) showing a young African American man portrayed in disheveled attire and manner as though drunk entering the door to his family, including a grandmother figure and a child in a high chair, at dinner around a cloth-covered table; and “No Small Breed Per Yer Uncle Abe Dis Chris'mas! Ain’t He a Cherub?” (December) showing “Uncle Abe,” an African American man holding a large, plucked turkey (with head and feet) near his chest and on a table surrounded by older women and child-aged family members who stand near a chest of drawers, a stool, and two windows with curtains visible in the background. Exterior scenes also often include a dog or cat, or a cabin or cabins, the latter marked “Clarence Brooks & Co. Fine Coach Varnishes. Cor. West & West 12th St. N.Y.” in the background; as well as fencing, groves of trees, and dirt paths. Interior scenes often include a dining table, chairs, displays of food and household items, such as a candlestick and framed prints advertising Clarence Brooks & Co. April-Fools Day image includes a cobble-stone street., Clarence Brooks established his varnish business in 1859 as Brooks and Fitzgerald, later Clarence Brooks & Co. In the early 1880s the firm issued calendars illustrated with African American caricatures in genre scenes, often after Sol Eytinge Harper’s Weekly illustrations., Title supplied by cataloger., Publication information inferred from image content and similar material issued by Clarence Brooks & Co. during the early 1880s., Two of the series contains ornamented borders (P.2022.8.2 & 4)., All of the prints inscribed in pencil on the verso with the name of a month, some abbreviated, between January and December., Image for “The First Ulster in Blackville” (P.2022.8.1) originally published in Harpers Weekly, March 18, 1876., Image for “Love in Blackville. The Wooing of the Twins” (P.2022.8.3) originally published in Harpers Weekly, May 11, 1878., Image for The Great Social Event at Blackville. The Wedding of the Twins (P.2022.8.5) originally published in Harpers Weekly, July 13, 1878., Image for “The Coaching Season in Blackville._ The Grand Start” (P.2022.8.6) originally published in Harpers Weekly, September 28, 1878., Image for “The ‘Fourth’ in Blackville” (P.2022.8.7) originally published in Harpers Weekly, July 14, 1877., Image for “After Doing Paris and the Rest of Europe, The Bridal Party Return to Blackville” (P.2022.8.9) originally published in Harpers Weekly, October 26, 1878., Image for “Who Struck de Futest” (P.2022.8.10) originally published in Harpers Weekly, June 13, 1874., Image for “No Small Breed fer yer Uncle Abe….” (P.2022.8.12) originally published in Harpers Weekly, January 1, 1876., Purchased with funds for the Visual Culture Program., RVCDC
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *ephemera - calendars - C [P.2022.8.1-12]