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Bessie Morris & Patty Mellor at 5442 [Germantown Avenue, Deshler-Morris House] [graphic].

Bessie Morris & Patty Mellor at 5442 [Germantown Avenue, Deshler-Morris House] [graphic].

Charles James Rhoads & Sam[uel] B[uckley] Morris in backyard, 5442 [Germantown Avenue, Deshler-Morris House] [graphic].

Beadle's half dime singer's library. Selected favorites. Comic and sentimental songs of all nations and ages. [graphic] : "An encyclopedia of song." For sale here. Price five cents. / N. Orr, N. Y.

Alice [Shipley] & Bessie hauling down flag, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Ellie Rhoads, Anna Rhoads, & Bessie. Porch of Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

[Elliston Perot Morris Jr. and Marriott Canby Morris Jr. with dog and toy boat, Sea Girt] [graphic].

Goal, in Walnut Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn & Engraved by W. Birch & Son.

Life in Philadelphia. "Behold thou art fair Deborah,..." [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Behold thou art fair Deborah,..." [graphic].

Old Lutheran Church, in Fifth Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut [sic] St. Philada.

New market, in South Second Street Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn, Engraved & Published by W. Birch & Son.; Sold by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut Street Philada.

U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)

[Group portrait in front of the rear of a frame residence at an unidentified location.]

U.S. Custom House (formerly U.S. Bank)

A line shot - the recoil. [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

It stands at the head. "Domestic" sewing machine [graphic].

G.F.H. Guth, dealer in first class pianos, organs, sewing machines and musical merchandise [graphic].

[African American woman being courted by an African American man suitor as a dog bites his pants] [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Behold thou art fair Deborah,..." [graphic] / Chas. Hunt, Sc.

Scrapbook of Prints

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[A.C. Yates & Co. clothing trade cards]

[Scrapbook of prints]

[Academy of Music trade cards]

Group on porch at [Deshler-Morris House], 4782 Main St., [Germantown]. Lily Ellicott, Marriott Canby, Father, Geo. S. Morris, Geo Vaux, Jr. & Bess [graphic].

[Group on porch at Deshler-Morris House, 4782 Main St., Germantown. Lily Ellicott, Marriott Canby, Father, Geo. S. Morris, Geo Vaux, Jr. & Bess] [graphic].

Group. Ellie & Anna Rhoads, Bessie & Sam [Porch of Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

[Pulling the boat ashore, likely Elliston P. Morris Jr. and Marriott C. Morris Jr., Sea Girt] [graphic].

Practical amalgamation. [graphic]

The nigger emperor of Nicuragua [sic] on his throne. [graphic] : Attended by Chatfield & his black guards witnessing the detention of the steamer Prometheus, by the English brig of war Express, at San Juan.

Sunday laws : Hanging the cat on Monday for killing the mouse on Sunday. [graphic]

Practical amalgamation. [graphic] / ENC.

Second Street north from Market St. wth. Christ Church. Philadelphia [graphic] / Designed & Published by W. Birch Enamel Painter 1800.

Second Street north from Market St. wth. Christ Church. Philadelphia [graphic] / Designed & Published by W. Birch Enamel Painter 1800.

Second Street north from Market St. wth. Christ Church. Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn & engraved by W. Birch & Son.; Published by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut [sic] Street Philada.

Representation of the Philadelphia fish market

Dividing the beef, Lodge Grass Mont[ana]

The Philadelphia dandies. A group of fashionables. "Shoot folly as it flies." [graphic] / Kensett, sculp.

Enlistment of Sickles brigade [graphic].

Saturday evening. [graphic].

Mount Vernon--Washington's Residence. [graphic].

8418.F.2 left section

8418.F.2 right section

Marion crossing the Pedee.

Group in our parlor. Father, Cos. H[annah] P[erot] Morris, Auntie Beulah & Uncle Chas. Rhoads, Bess, Geo. S. Morris, Mother & Aunt Lydia Morris, also dog "Jet," [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].
