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Girard College

Girard College

Girard College

South east view of West-town Boarding School. Chester Co. Penna. Instituted 1794, opened 1799, enlarged 1847.

Summer luxuries.

The wharf.

The staff of life.

A ride to the city.

Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. Philadelphia.

Deaf & Dumb Asylum. Broad Street

An evening at Oakland, romance, composed & respectfully dedicated to the senior class of 1860, of Oakland Female Institute by Thomas O'Neill.

View of Sharon Boarding School

Deaf and Dumb Asylum

[Sunday in the Country]

Fine oysters.

The butcher.

The omnibus.

The express man.

The sea and the ships.

The farmer at the market.

Classical Seminary. Franklin Square. S.E. corner Race & Seventh streets, Philadelphia.

To the depot.

Coming home.

The coal-cart.

The oysterman.

Idle talk.

The wood-cart.

The draymen.

The rag tender