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Fulton Hall! : Manager, S.C. Dubois Second night of the Dramatic Combination. Splendid bill ... Tuesday evening, April 19th, 1864 will be presented the beautiful petite comedy, entitled The little treasure ... The evening's entertainment will conclude wit

Odd Fellows' Hall, Frankford Benefit of the National Cornet Band! : The original, mammoth, justly celebrated and wonderful stereopticon (copyrighted by P.E. Abel, Philadelphia.) Manager, John Toy Business agent, W.H. Sargent Lecturer, E.E. Hulfish, Esq. O

Hendry Hall, Haddonfield two nights only. : The original, mammoth, justly celebrated and wonderful stereopticon (copyrighted by P.E. Abel, Philadelphia.) Manager, John Toy Business agent, W.H. Sargent Lecturer, E.E. Hulfish, Esq. Operator, Prof. Digel The

Town Hall, Millville two evenings only. The great art-discovery of the age! The wonderful stereopticon : Proprietor, John Toy Operator, Prof. E.B. Merchants Lecturer, E.E. Hulfish, Esq. Agent, Wm. F. Decker This beautiful intellectual entertainment, which

Grosscup's Hall, Bridgeton The great art-discovery of the age! The wonderful stereopticon : Proprietor, John Toy Operator, Prof. E.B. Merchants Lecturer, E.E. Hulfish, Esq. Agent, Wm. F. Decker This beautiful intellectual entertainment, which will be foun

Canterbury Music Hall N.W. corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets. : Gardiner & Enochs, proprietors Benefit of Uncle John Weaver Mr. Weaver begs leave to inform his friends (if he has any) that his benefit, through the kindness of Messrs. Gardiner & Enochs,

Grand citizens' dress ball, : to be given by the machinists of the Philad'a Navy Yard, for the benefit of the Volunteers' Refreshment Fund at the Musical Fund Hall, on Friday ev'g, Oct. 25, 1861. Tickets one dollar. Can be obtained of any of the managers,

Stereopticon : Operator E.B. Merchants Lecturer E.E. Hulfish, Esq. Manager John Toy This beautiful intellectual entertainment, which surpasses anything hitherto presented to the citizens of West Chester, will be given at Horticultural Hall, on Friday, Sat

Notice. The management regrets exceedingly to announce that the sudden indisposition of Signor Brignoli : (as will be seen from the annexed certificate from Doctor W.F. Atlee) will prevent his appearance this evening. They are happy to state, however, tha

Grover'sTheatre Pennsylvania Avenue, near Willard's Hotel. : Leonard Grover, director also, of Grover's Chestnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia. Enthusiastic success of Grover's great Philad'a company! Crowding the theatre to excess! The flattering commendatio

Liberty Hall for one night only positively, Wednesday, March 23d, 1864 Gottschalk's farewell concerts in America. : Mr. M. Strakosch respectfully informs the public that he has succeeded in making arrangements for the celebrated pianist and composer, Mr.

Eleventh St. Opera House: (late Sanford's,) : Eleventh Street, above Chestnut. Triumphant success of Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels. The star troupe of the world. Frank Moran, the great original comedian. J.L. Carncross, the unrivalled balladist. E.F. Dixe

Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels! Eleventh Street Opera House. : Benefit of Robt. Fraser on Monday eve'g, May 4. Entire new bill.

Grover'sTheatre Pennsylvania Avenue, near Willard's Hotel. : Leonard Grover, director also, of Grover's Chestnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia. Important extra notice First appearance of Grover's great Philad'a company! The company entire! Pronounced by the P

Grover'sTheatre Pennsylvania Avenue, near Willard's Hotel. : Leonard Grover, director also, of Grover's Chestnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia. Thursday evening, April 21st, 1864, second and last time of Colleen Bawn! The enthusiastic success of this play on

Grand vocal & instrumental matinee, at Sansom Street Hall, : on Saturday, Feb. 28th, 1863, for the benefit of Mrs. Amelia Mezzara who has been a nurse in the U.S. Army hospitals, and in the field, since the First Battle at Bull Run. ... Programme. ... To

Have you seen Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second and Third? : Sanford's Troupe now performing to the largest audiences ever assembled to witness minstrelsy Look out for Thanksgiving day and night! The shoemaker & tailor of Kensington. A

Sanford Opera Hall! Third Street, rear of Herr's Hotel. : Third season and a new comp'y The warmest and most comfortable place of amusement in the city! Houses crowded from pit to dome! and hundreds turned away nightly. Go and see Sanford's Opera Troupe,

Horticultural Hall, West Chester for five days only. : Commencing Tuesday evening, March 10th, and every evening during the week. Tickets, 15 cents. Packages of 10, one dollar. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture to commence quarter-before 8. Grand exhibitio

St. Paul's Church, Schuylkill Haven for three days only, : commencing Monday evening, May 18. Tickets, 15 cents. Positively no half price Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture to commence at 8. Grand exhibition on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, for schools

Grand complimentary concert to Messrs. Chambers & Neel by their friends, : on Monday eve'ng, August 3, 1863, for which occasion they have engaged Sanford & Hamilton's Minstrels ... Programme. ... The haunted house! ... The performance will conclude with T

Washington Hall South-West corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets. : Stage manager, B. Rose Musical director, C. Renz Pianist, T. Harrison Grand complimentary benefit to C.H. Hamilton and W. Wallace on Monday evening, April 20th, 1863. The following n

Concert Hall Newark. Positively two nights only : Saturday & Monday eve'ngs, May 14th & 16th, '64. First appearance of the world-renowned Tacon Ballet and Pantomime Troupe! in conjuction with the great New York Ethiopian and variety combination! ... Miss

The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The peoples' favorite place of amusement. : Harry Enochs, sole proprietor P.A. Fitzgerald, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director William Heck, business agent Andrew Enochs, ticket

It is better to laugh than be sighing : First grand concert by the Independence Assembly to be given at Girard Hall, S.W. cor. Sixth St. and Girard Avenue, on Friday ev'ng, March 20, 1863 on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels are engaged and will a

Laugh and be merry. : Grand concert to be given by the Humane Association, at Washington Hall, south-west corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Thursday evening, April 23d, 1863, on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels! will appear in their

To make you laugh is our delight! : Grand concert to be given at Washington Hall, south-west corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Wednesday evening, May 20, 1863, for the benefit of Billy Martin of the Philadelphia Minstrels, on which occasion t

Still triumphant! Onward they come. : Engagement, for a limited period, of Mad'lle Ariel! who will appear every night in her celebrated Grecian statues. ... Also, engagement of Billy Burr, the great original Ethiopian comedian. Also, first appearance of B

Metropolis Varieties! : 140 S. Third Street. The cry is--still they come The best free saloon in the city. Look at the stars! engaged at this establishment--the leading stars of the profession. Miss Anna Wert, the queen of song. Miss Ida Lee, the graceful

Ho! For Hoffman & Smith's Virginia Troupe of Serenaders! : The most competent actors that have ever appeared, will perform at Langstroth's Hall, Germantown, on Wednesday eve'ng, Feb. 1st, 1865 Programme. Part first. Full band, with laughable jokes and com

Town Hall for one night only. Sanford's Opera Troupe : This far-famed Philadelphia institution will appear at the above hall, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 25th, 1864, the whole under the immediate direction of Samuel S. Sanford! proprietor and manager, (of Sa

Here to-night! Sanford's Opera Troupe : This far-famed Philadelphia institution will appear this evening, the whole under the immediate direction of Samuel S. Sanford! proprietor and manager, (of Sanford's Opera Houses, Philadelphia and Harrisburg.) The c
