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Plan of fair for the Soldiers & Sailors Home. Academy of Music, Philadelphia. October 23 to November 4, 1865. [graphic] / F. Bourquin, Chesnut St. 602.

Scene at the U. S. Agricultural Society's Fair, Philada. 1856. [graphic] / Js. Queen, delt.

Gen. Hooker the mammoth ox : will arrive in Phila. Saturday, the 27th inst., to be on exhibition at [blank] General Hooker is ahead of the world for size and beauty. The general was bred in Ohio and fed in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania He weighs between

Art exhibit at Rittenhouse Square - 1937 [graphic].

This eve'ng at 8 o'clock the wonderful stereopticon! : Exhibited for fifteen successive weeks, at the Assembly Buildings. This is a novel and intellectual entertainment, which has received the unqualified approval of distinguished scientific men, traveler

Abel & Leyland's stereopticon : in the large room of the Assembly Buildings southwest corner Tenth and Chestnut streets. Open every evening commencing at 8 o'clock, and every afternoon, commencing at 3 o'clock. Stereoscopic pictures from nature, represent

The Quaker gun, : now on exhibition, was brought from the Rebel works at Manassas, and wishing the public to witness the artillery used by the aforesaid Rebels, it will be exhibited for a few days only, a the old "Press" office, 417 Chestnut Street, betwe

Abel & Leyland's stereopticon : A new series of these grand and intellectual entertainments, which surpass anything hitherto presented to the public, will be given, commencing Monday evening, Feb. 4th, and continue for two weeks only. The stereopticon is

Municipal Stadium in preparation for the Sesqui-Centennial International Exhibition, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

Catholic Mass at Municipal Stadium, South Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

Memorial of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia. 1876. [graphic] / Inger

Centennial souvenir Philadelphia. 1876. [graphic].

Wunderlich's Zographicon! : A series of panoramic illustrations--of T.S. Arthur's Ten nights in a bar-room! John Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress, and other attractive scenes from life, character, nature and art! Comprising one of the most pleasing, instructiv

Masonic Hall, Manayunk for 2 nights and 1 afternoon only, on Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb. 19 and 20, and on Saturday afternoon Zographicon! : A series of panoramic illustrations--of T.S. Arthur's Ten nights in a bar-room! John Bunyan's Pilgrim's pro

Centennial Exhibition. Philadelphia. MDCCLXXVI [1876]. [graphic].

[Robert Swayne collection of Philadelphia photographs] [graphic].