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H. Jahke, wholesale & retail dealer in all descriptions of fresh & salt pork, hams, lard, tongues, &c. 130, 131, 132 & 133 Nineteenth St. market, residence, cor. Baring & Sloan Sts., West Phila.

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, President elect of the United States of America, with scenes and incidents in his life.

Mount Vernon, the seat of the late Genl. Washington [graphic] / Drawn by W. Birch; Engraved by S. Seymour; Philadelphia, Published March 15, 1812.

National Farm School for children of colored soldiers and colored orphans - Eastern Branch, Washington, D.C. : Established March 1866, by H. de Mareil, editor & proprietor of the Messenger Franco American. Incorporated by act of Congress 25th July 1866. [

The United States Centennial International Exhibition.