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Midway Plaisance-Cairo Street-Outrunners of Wedding Procession [graphic].

Wife of Robert Elliston. Original paintings on wood in procession of Mrs. Quill, Smiths' Parish, Bermuda [graphic].

Robert Elliston. Original painting on wood in possession of Mrs. Quill, Smith Parish, Bermuda [graphic].

[Portait of] "Katie" Swan [graphic].

E[lliston] P[erot] M[orris] Jr. at Sea Girt [graphic].

View at Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert [Island], Maine [graphic].

Gathering "Centaury" Sea Girt, N.J. [graphic].

Little lily vendor at [Avocado], Sea Girt, N.J. [graphic].

Camp of Germantown Boys Club at Stone Harbor N.J. from July 15 to Aug 5, 1911 [graphic].