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The fugitives [graphic] / J.H. Goater del ; N. Orr Co. sc.

[The freeman's defense] [graphic].

Persecuted virtue [graphic] / G.S.

The successful manhunt [graphic] / Baker-Smith sc.

The marriage [graphic] / Manning del ; Hayes, G.H.. sc.

Scipio hunted, "As men hunt a deer!" [graphic] / G.S ; M. Jackson.

The emigration [graphic] / Whitney, Jocelyn, Annin, sc.

Chorus -- sing, darkeys, sing [graphic] / Whitney-Annin sc. ; Darley

"Old Joseph, the Patriarch" [graphic] / F. Hedge. sc.

The bridal dance [graphic] / J.H. Goater del ; N. Orr Co. sc.

The festival [graphic] / Whitney & Annin sc.