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Joseph Ruf, importer and manufacturer of human hair, Nos. 950 & 952 N. Second Street, Philad'a.

Charles Rumpp, manufacturer of fancy leather goods, portemonnaies, pocket books and satchels, No. 47 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia.

Compliments of J.E. Caldwell & Co., Easter 1880. Jewellers, silversmiths and importers, 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

This floral card was printed in 8 colors on the celebrated Model Printing Press, J.W. Daughaday & Co., mfrs., 721 Chestnut St., Phila.

If you want a cheap suit of clothing go to Commercial Clothing House, 822 Market St., Phila. Don't forget 822 Market Street.

[A.D. Curran & Co. trade cards]

McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Manufacturers fine toilet soaps, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Henry S. Bissex boots, shoes, and trunks, 3800 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia.

Arthars popular ice cream & dining rooms for ladies & gentlemen, 33 South Sixth St., 4 doors ab. Chestnut, Philadelphia.

J. Ashbrook, Jr. Successor to J. Ashbrook & Son, fine family groceries, S.W. cor. 2nd & Queen Sts., Philad'a.

Garber & Bro., Lehigh and Schuylkill coal, N.E. cor. Thirteenth & Noble Sts., Philadelphia.

Friedberger & Strouse, ribbons, silks, hats, feathers, &c., Nos. 113 and 115 North Eighth, and 733 Arch Street.

A mark of friendship's pleasing power...

[Vase of flowers]

[Assorted flowers] [graphic] / L.A.B.


"A token of love from me, to thee" [graphic] / S.M. Douglass.

"Forget me not!" [graphic] / M.F.

"Long long be thy heart with your memory fill'd..." [graphic] / Margaretta

[Vase of flowers] [graphic].

No marvel woman should love flowers... [graphic] / Selected by S.M. Douglass.


Of the old firm of P.S. Duval & Son, and late of Duval & Hunter, S.C. Duval, lithographer, 401 Ranstead Place, above Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. [over.]

Of the old firm of P.S. Duval & Son, and late of Duval & Hunter, S.C. Duval, lithographer, 401 Ranstead Place, above Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. [over.]

[Major & Knapp Lith. Co. specimen trade cards]

[Major & Knapp Lith. Co. specimen trade cards]

Harrison's Handkerchief Extracts

Harrison's Columbian perfumery

ASSU Illustration 3915

ASSU Illustration 9295

Macdowell, engraver and printer, 1028 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Compliments of the MacKinnon Pen Company.

Tyler's market & fruit store, 1516 Market Street, elegant bananas & oranges 25, 30.

[Thermaline, manufactured by Dundas Dick & Co., New York]

[Illustrated letter seals containing admonitions] [graphic].

Compliments of Quinlan & Fisher, 816 Arch Street.

L. Prang & Co. art and educational publishers, Boston, Mass.

[Van Haagen's Toilet Soap, Benj. Brooke & Co., Manufs., Philadelphia trade cards]

[James S. Loag trade cards]

[Jones & Fisher trade cards]

[Joseph Juél trade cards]

[Willett & Quinby trade cards]

Stephen F. Whitman's choice confections, always fresh, at Mrs. M.A. Friend's, 45 Washington Street, Cape May City.

Choice Bohsemeem, the best and purest spices. Weikel & Smith Spice Co., Philadelphia.

The West End Shoe Store, custom work and repairing, Geo. E. Bissex, agt. 3612 Market Street.

Go to the West Philadelphia Card Depot, 3718 Market St., for chromo cards by set, 100 or 1000,

Compliments of J. Westney, agt. Manufacturers of baby carriages, velocipedes, &c. No. 226 Dock Street.

Wm. Idler, 109 South Eleventh Street, watchmaker & jeweler, over 20 years experience in repairing fine watches.

Indian Queen perfume. Bean & Brother, 47 & 49 North Second Street, Philadelphia.

John M. Howland & Son, 1203 Market St., Philadelphia.
