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Tyndale & Mitchell Co. have removed to their new store, No. 1217 Chestnut Street, where they will be pleased to see their old friends and customers. China, glass and earthenware, of every description, at lowest practicable prices.

[John P. Twaddell trade cards]

Mrs. Swasey, 340 N. Eighth St., Philada.

[G. Byron Morse trade cards]

W.W. Reed, china & glass ware, lamps & oils, No. 450 Sixth Avenue, bet. 27th & 28th Sts., New York.

[Wanamaker & Brown trade cards]

Lewis Voight & Son, artistic paper hangings.

Kaufman's, 25 N. Eighth St., Philad'a.

The Kensington. Jas. H. Rodgers, proprietor. Saratoga Springs, New York.

H.M.S. Pinafore, for the benefit of the Penna. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Friday afternoon, April 25, 1879.

[H. N. Harbach trade cards]

Nolan & Counsellor, fruits, flowers, &c. 1146 Broadway, bet. 26th and 27th Streets, New York.

[Dell & Joseph C. Noblit & Co. trade cards]

[S.D. Sollers & Co. trade cards]

[Sooy's trade cards]

[Sternberger's old reliable feather, mattress and bed clothing depot trade cards]

[D.S. Ewing trade cards]

The Dueber watch case factories at Newport, Ky. The Dueber Watch Case Manufacturing Co. branch offices. Cincinnati, O., New York & Chicago.

Books, banners, bibles, cards, full assortments. B. Griffith, sec'y, 1420 Chestnut St.

[Wm. Gunzer trade cards]

"Palais Royal." Siedenbach & Cohen, fancy goods, laces, gloves and trimmings, S.W. cor. Eighth and Filbert Streets, Philad'a.

[Brownings trade cards]

[Francis Bond trade cards]

J.C. Brenner, Jr. & Co., No. 215 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia.

[American Sewing Machine Company trade cards]

Chas. Franke, dyeing and cleaning establishment. Office. 1212 Broadway. 532 & 534 Eighth Ave. 59 Division Street, 613 W. 46th St.

Hyacinths in our garden, [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

[Vase of roses in backyard of Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue, Germantown] [graphic].

Wistaria vine on pear tree in our garden, [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

New drawing album [graphic].

[African American boy butler carrying a bouquet of flowers] [graphic].

[African American boy doorman carrying a bouquet of flowers] [graphic].

"Do you like butter?" Elizabeth C. Morris and Elliston P. Morris Jr, Pelham [graphic].

Elizabeth C. Morris and Elliston P. Morris Jr, Pelham. [graphic].

Jane R. Morris and Elliston P. Morris Jr., Pelham [graphic].

[African American boy butler carrying a bouquet of flowers] [graphic].

I. Knopf, fine shoes, also trunks & valises. 822 Market St. Phila. [graphic].

I tell you, sure de best place to buy pianos, organs, or any kind o' musical merchandise is at Link & Bond's, 20 East Market Street, York, PA. An' dat's a certain fact. [graphic].

Fountain Avenue.

Fountain Avenue.

[Partridge's cafe and dining rooms trade cards]

Souvenir. Stockton Hotel. Chas. Duffy, manager. Sunday eve'ng concert, by Simon Hassler's orchestra, August First, 1880.

Ville de Paris, Dauphin, 18, E. 14th Str., New York.

[John Mustin trade cards]

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

[Samuel F. Simes trade cards]

[Simpson's millinery, laces and trimmings' store trade cards]

View, on other side, of Washington's Headquarters, at Valley Forge, Pa. Sold for the benefit of the Valley Forge Memorial Chapel. One brick.

[St. George Pharmacy trade cards]

Darlington, Runk & Co., Philadelphia.
