© Copyright 2020 - The Library Company of Philadelphia, 1314 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. TEL (215) 546-3181 FAX (215) 546-5167
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- Title
- Dickinson's Reading and Writing Desk
- Description
- Four-sided top capable of being raised or lowered on its helical center pole ; cabriole with acanthus; ball and claw feet., Inscription on metal plaque reads, "This desk once the property of the Honorable John Dickinson Author of the "Farmer's Letters" &c. was presented to the Loganian Library by Albanus C. Logan II." Albanus C. Logan was John Dickinson's great grandson, so it is probable that the desk remained in the family before being given to the Library Company., Gift of Albanus C. Logan II, 1870., Exhibited in the Library Company's exhibition, Quarter of a Millennium (1981).
- Date
- ca. 1775-1790
- Location
- OBJ 006
- Title
- Infant standing in child's chair, Philadelphia
- Description
- Portrait of a very small child, too young to stand on its own, being propped up in a children's potty chair or step stool placed on a sidewalk in Philadelphia. The child's hands are squeezed in either anxiety or cold. The child wears a hooded jacket and leggings and winter booties. The chair is situated in front of a brick wall., Azo postcard., See Robert Bogdan and Todd Weseloh’s “Real Photo Postcard Guide: The People’s Photography,” (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2006), p. 223., Keith was a Philadelphia photographer who specialized in portraiture, mainly of working-class Philadelphians in South Philadelphia and Kensington from the 1910s to the 1940s.
- Creator
- Keith, John Frank, 1883-1947, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1931
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Photographs-Keith [P.2008.10.164]
- Title
- Hammocks, hammock ropes, hammock spreaders, Saratoga hammock, pat'd July 19th, 1881
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting a woman relaxing in a hammock in a yard adjacent to a dwelling with a balustrated porch., Advertising text printed on verso illustrates and promotes hammock attachments, including the anchor rope and spreader, sold by G.M. Lee, Philadelphia., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1881]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Saratoga [1975.F.787]
- Title
- Geo. J. Henkels' city cabinet warerooms, 173 Chestnut St. opposite the State House, Philadelphia
- Description
- Packing label depicting a variety of furniture sold by Henkels including a table, vanity, desk, sofa, and chairs. Henkels was located at 173 Chestnut from 1850 to 1857., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 39, Pheonixblock, located at the southwest corner of Second and Dock Streets, housed the lithographic firm of H. Camp for whom Kollner worked as principal artist.
- Creator
- Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1850]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Advertisements [7806.F], Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Advertisements [(2)1525.F.26b]
- Title
- ASSU Illustration 8507
- Description
- Block numbered in one place: 8507., Image of an ornate four-poster bed with a dome at the top; beside it almost at a perpendicular angle is a chaise longue with a small set of portable steps beside it; around the room, seemingly scattered, are chairs, a table, a hand mirror on the ground, and what appears to be a large tub or basin., Signed: Dalziel-Markley sc., Signed: H., Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper., Illustration appears in A dictionary of the Bible: including biography, natural history, geography, topography, archaeology, and literature (Philadelphia, 1880), p. 316.
- Date
- [s.a.]
- Location
- ASSU Woodblocks -- Box 23
- Title
- John Griffeth, furniture warerooms, 119 N. Second St., Philadelphia, Pa A full assortment of chamber & parlor suits, mattresses and bedding, &c
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting a flamingo separated from the title by an ornate border., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Griffeth [1975.F.356]
- Title
- 5112-14 Main St
- Description
- Exterior view of front facade of house. Includes John Harris's furniture shop which occupies the ground floor of 5114 Main Street (i.e. Germantown Avenue)., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
- Creator
- Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
- Date
- March 19, 1913
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.14]
- Title
- 5112-5114 Main St
- Description
- Exterior view of east fronts of the adjoining houses. Includes the furniture shop of John Harris which occupies the ground floor of 5114 Main Sreet (i.e. Germantown Avenue). Wooden chairs and tables sit near the entrance to the shop., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title given in manuscript on mount.
- Creator
- Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1913
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.126]
- Title
- To Read & Sutters, dr. Chair manufacturers, S.W. cor. Front & Green Streets, No. 536 North Front St., ware room second story
- Description
- Billhead containing a vignette showing a menagerie of furniture, including chairs, a sofa, and ottoman surrounded by an ornamental border and captioned "Old Chairs Re-Caned and Varnished.", Title annotated: Read [crossed out]; No. 536 North Front St. [crossed out]., Year altered in pencil from 186_ to 187_., Completed in manuscript to Mr. Smith & Borden on November 8, 1870 for "1 doz 1/2 of bell 17.00 a doz, 8.50, 25.50: $15.00 on a count., Manuscript note on recto: Received Payment. Recvd payment 10.00. Mr. Sutter., Contains punched hole in center., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- [ca. 1860]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Receipts [P.2011.10.144]
- Title
- Benjn. Randolph cabinet maker, at the golden eagle in Chesnut Street between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia Makes all sorts of cabinet & chair work. Likewise carving, gildings &c. performed in the Chinese and modern tastes
- Description
- Advertisement with a central text area surmounted by a large eagle and surrounded by an elaborate ornamental border containing images of Chippendale-style furniture including chairs, desks, fire screens, stools, a table, a sofa, a bed and a tall case clock, and architectural fragments including the entrance gate to Randolph's "ware room," columns and cornices., Reproduced and described in Edwin Wolf, 2nd and Marie Elena Korey, eds. Quarter of a Millennium (Philadelphia: The Library Company of Philadelphia, 1981) entry #172., LCP exhibit catalogue: Made in America #7., Reproduced and described in Fiske Kimball, "The Sources of the Philadelphia Chippendale II. Benjamin Randolph's Trade Card," Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Musuem 23 (October 1927), 4-8., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
- Creator
- Smither, James, engraver
- Date
- [1769]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Ph Pr - 11 x 14 - Advertisement - Randolph [13080.Q]
- Title
- [Interior view of a sitting room]
- Description
- Floor plan of a sitting room or parlor. Shows an interior view depicting the room's architectural features, including beams on the ceiling, arches, and chair rails. Also shows two wooden chairs, a bench chair with back, and a table., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inferred from active dates of the artist., Signed by the artist in lower right corner., Gift of David Doret and Linda G. Mitchell, 2022., Harry Leith-Ross (1886–1973) was a British-American landscape painter and draftsman. He taught at the art colonies in Woodstock, New York and Rockport, Maine, and later was part of the art colony in New Hope, Pennsylvania.
- Creator
- Leith-Ross, Harry, 1886-1973, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1940]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *Doret and Mitchell Collection – Drawings & Watercolors [P.2022.62.3.13]
- Title
- E.D. Trymby, furniture, 1217 Market Street, Philadelphia
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting chairs, tables, plant stands, stools and curtains, all products made by Enos D. Trymby at 1217 Market Street in Philadelphia., Advertising text printed on verso promotes Trymby's "high class furniture", including parlor, dining room and bedroom furniture., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Trymby [P.9642.5]
- Title
- Trade price list. Howe's spring beds, cots and berth bottoms
- Description
- One illustration signed: Kilburn sc., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Howe Spring Bed Co.
- Date
- [ca. 1865?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1865 Howe 104209.D
- Title
- John B. Robinson's housekeeping furnishing store, No. 1611 Market Street, Philadelphia Wooden ware made to order
- Description
- Illustrated trade cards depicting the American flag., One item [(2)5786.F.190g] contains illegible manuscript note on verso., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Robinson [5786.F.7b & (2)5786.F.190g]
- Title
- Edward A. Smith & Co., 219 and 221 N. Eighth Street, Philadelphia Furniture, carpets, stoves, &c. Weekly or monthly payments taken
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting a spray of flowers., Advertising text printed on verso: Parlor and cook stoves, blankets, quilts, spreads, feather beds, bolsters, pillows, mattresses, bureaus, spring beds, bedsteads, washstands, wardrobes, sofas, lounges, tables, chairs, cribs, cradles, clocks, looking glasses, carpets, oil cloths, stair rods, &c., &c., &c. All sold on easy weekly or monthly payments., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Smith [P.9810.5]
- Title
- Allen's Furniture Warehouse, Philadelphia
- Description
- Advertisement depicting the multi-story storefront for cabinetmakers Allen & Bro. (Joseph and James C.) erected in 1860 at 1209 Chestnut Street. Also shows pedestrians looking at furniture visible in the large display windows. The building contained salesrooms on the lower floors and upholstery and finishing rooms on the upper ones. Allen & Bro. was originally established by William Allen in 1836. The business specialized in custom orders and exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition of 1876., Probably engraved by John Serz., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Madelyn Wolke, Lucianne Reichert, and Clifford A. Mohwinkel Jr., Variant wood engraving published in I. L. Vansant, ed., The royal road to wealth (Philadelphia: Samuel Loag, (1869?)], opp. p. 43.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Serz [P.9773.76c]
- Title
- American brass bedsteads, all sizes and a variety of designs. John J. DeZouche & Co., S.E. corner Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia
- Description
- Brass forms a horizontal border along the top and bottom of the card. Card resembles a brass bedstead with vertical gilt lines extending the length of the card between the metal., Contains text printed on verso: By bending the brass up on the ends of card, you will have a miniature brass bestead. Bend carefully, and only once., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - DeZouche [1975.F.1017]
- Title
- Conlen's, 712 Passyunk Avenue, furniture and carpets. (over) Puzzle card
- Description
- Illustrated puzzle trade card depicting a bucolic country scene with a cottage surrounded by a picket fence. The puzzle requires the viewer to find partially hidden figures including a man mounted on a horse, birds, elephants, and people walking, to name a few., Advertising text printed on verso: Conlen's, 712 Passyunk Ave. Cash or credit. Terms on furniture and carpets made to suit purchasers. Bed room suits from $15.00 to $150.00. Parlor suits from $20.00 to $250.00. Carpets from 25 c to $1.25 per yard. Everything in the way of household and wearing apparel sold on the same easy terms. Conlen'sm 712 Passyunk Ave. Open every evening., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Conlen's [P.9940]
- Title
- Little girl and dog in wicker chair on sidewalk, Philadelphia
- Description
- Portrait showing a little girl, about four years old, sitting with a white dog on her lap in a wicker children's chair on the sidewalk in Philadelphia. She wears a dress, white knee-high socks, and patent leather shoes., Azo postcard., See Robert Bogdan and Todd Weseloh’s “Real Photo Postcard Guide: The People’s Photography,” (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2006), p. 223., Keith was a Philadelphia photographer who specialized in portraiture, mainly of working-class Philadelphians in South Philadelphia and Kensington from the 1910s to the 1940s.
- Creator
- Keith, John Frank, 1883-1947, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1920
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Photographs-Keith [P.2008.10.19]
- Title
- Infant in wicker baby carriage, Philadelphia
- Description
- Portrait showing an infant sitting up in a wicker baby carriage that is parked underneath the closed shutters of a window in Philadelphia., Photographer's imprint stamped on verso: John Frank Keith, 2042 North 6th St., Phila., Azo postcard., See Robert Bogdan and Todd Weseloh’s “Real Photo Postcard Guide: The People’s Photography,” (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2006), p. 223., Keith was a Philadelphia photographer who specialized in portraiture, mainly of working-class Philadelphians in South Philadelphia and Kensington from the 1910s to the 1940s.
- Creator
- Keith, John Frank, 1883-1947, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1920
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Photographs-Keith [P.2008.10.159]
- Title
- [Interior of child's bedroom]
- Description
- Glass negative showing a view of a child's bedroom. The corner of a bed is visible on the left next to a door and there is a dresser with a mirror on the right. Two chairs frame an open doorway leading to a balcony. A rocking chair sits in front of the dresser while a basket with handle sits on a table to the side of the dresser., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1880-ca. 1900
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.15.12]
- Title
- Peck & Hills' Furniture Co., 642 North Broad St. cor. Wallace, Philadelphia, Pa
- Description
- Interior view of living room section of enormous furniture showroom, showing couches, chairs, lamps and tables., Advertisement on verso. Post marked 1922. AZO stamp box with upward pointing triangles in corner., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- ca. 1922
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department LCP postcards - Business - [P.2005.7]
- Title
- Women's Pavilion from Gallery
- Description
- Interior view of the Women's Pavilion from the Gallery. The objects on display range from chests of drawers to elegant cabinetry and other furniture.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- Centennial - album [P.8965.23a]
- Title
- Log Cabin Furniture.
- Description
- Exhibit of log cabin furniture showing a crib, chair, and desk with a clock, framed prints, two silhouettes, and a banner mounted on the wall. Also shows dishes, candlesticks, small chest with drawers, and a small spinning wheel on the desk.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- Centennial album [P.8965.28d]
- Title
- Library Step-Stool
- Description
- Gift of David M. Doret and Linda G. Mitchell in memory of Robert Lindsley and Eric de Hoogh, 2019., Made for the Library Company’s Juniper and Locust Street Library branch, which was designed by Frank Furness and opened on February 24, 1880. Carved Library step stool with two steps and stabilizing arm topped with a carved finial.
- Date
- 1880
- Location
- OBJ 913
- Title
- Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Lithographed by W. H. Rease, No. 97 Chestnut St.
- Description
- Wainwright retrospective conversion project., Select link below to view a digital image.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H. lithographer., creator
- Date
- [1855]
- Location
- http://www.lcpgraphics.org/wainwright/W299.htm, Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. **W299 [P.2089]
- Title
- [Lydia Webster sitting in a highchair with her doll]
- Description
- Depicts Lydia Webster, the daughter of John H. Webster, Jr., wearing a white dress and sitting in a wooden highchair. Her doll is propped up next to her on the tray., Attributed to John H. Webster but may have been taken by other Webster family members.
- Creator
- Webster, John H., 1861-1934, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1900
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Webster [P.9501.35-37]
- Title
- Thos. Kunders House, where 1st Friends' Meeting in Germantown was held
- Description
- Exterior view of front facade of house, showing a boy standing in the front doorway. Constructed on the site of Thones Kunders' original house, built in 1683. The first meetings of the Society of Friends were held in this house, along with the first public protests against slavery written here by Daniel Pastorius in 1688. Occupied by J.S. Harding & Son's antique furniture store at the time of this photograph., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Title and date given in manuscript on mount.
- Creator
- Bullock, John G., 1854-1939, photographer
- Date
- 1910
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department lantern - Bullock [P.9731.11]
- Title
- Woolson Spice Co., manufacturers of Lion Coffee, spices, baking powder, etc. Toledo, Ohio A picture card in every package
- Description
- Pictorial envelope containing pictorial imagery and advertising on the recto and verso. Imagery on recto shows a lion leaning over the top of a rolled out scroll on which a cup of coffee rests. Vignettes on the verso depict 100 and 50 pound cabinets for shipping "bulk Roasted Coffee" adorned with signage reading "Drink Woolson Spice Co.'s Roasted Coffee." Verso also contains several lines of advertising text about the cabinets, including the design (well seasoned, wood tongued, and grooved); price suggestions for resale ($1.50 to $2.00); how to procure them from Woolson Spice Co.; and the disclaimer "Lion coffee is not sold in these cabinets.", Addressed in manuscript to: Exchange Bank, Oxford Junction, Iowa., Date inferred from partial ink-stamp post mark: 7 30 PM [18]92 Ohio., Contains two-cent stamp printed in red and depicting a profile portrait of George Washington., Slogan printed above image: Do you handle Lion Coffee?, Advertisting text printed on recto: A Picture Card In Every Package., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- [ca. 1892]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Envelopes [P.2011.10.93]
- Title
- Compliments of Quinlan & Fisher, 816 Arch Street
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting a bouquet of flowers. Quinlan & Fisher was a partnership between Francis T. Quinlan and Charles F. Fisher., Advertising text printed on verso promotes Quinlan & Fisher as "Philadelphia's greatest credit house," allowing customers to pay $1 down and $1 per week on a bill of $10. Includes a list of stock offered by the store and a price list printed below it for select items., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1890]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Quinlan [P.9651.19]
- Title
- You cannot blot out...the fact that Louis Heilbron sells the best furniture, carpets, and bedding at most reasonable prices, at the largest furniture house in Reading, Pa. 838-840 Penn Street
- Description
- Advertisement blotter containing a genre scene showing a young girl pulling two boys, one holding an umbrella, in a wagon made from a crate., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
- Date
- [ca. 1895]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Trade cards & Blotters [P.2011.10.31]
- Title
- Dealers in Toffler's patented round, square & flat rolling wood matting adapted and in use for railroad and street cars, hotels, saloons, stores, markets, bath rooms, water closets, &c. &c. [over]
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting rolling wood matting on the floor bordering an ornate bar., Advertising text printed on verso: J. Kile & Co. 450 N. Twelfth St., Philadelphia. Wood turning, sawing, planing and cabinet mill, hotel, saloon, store & office fixtures, bars, bar rails, foot rests, counters, tables, beer backs, shelving, &c. Tile floors, plumbing, mirror plates, &c., furnished. Newel posts, balusters, hand rails, mouldings, &c. J. Cross, manager., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1875]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Kile [P.2006.20.32]
- Title
- [P.R. Hansbury & Co. trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards for P.R. Hansbury & Co.'s furniture store at the southeast corner of Tenth and Market Streets in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict a little girl attired in a pink frilly dress trying on men's clothing, including a large collar, top hat, and jacket. Also shows vignettes of architectural elements, including light emanating from a cupola surmounted by an onion dome and a dragon boat floating in the water near a monumental archway and tower., Title supplied by cataloger., Two prints [1975.F.447 & 449] contain advertising text printed on versos., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Hansbury [1975.F.402-404; 1975.F.447; 1975.F.449]
- Title
- Twin babies in a wicker baby coach, Philadelphia
- Description
- Group portrait showing twin babies sitting in a wicker carriage parked in front of a brick wall in Philadelphia. Their hair is combed up to a point, and they wear matching dresses underneath crocheted or knitted sweaters, all in light colors., Azo postcard., See Robert Bogdan and Todd Weseloh’s “Real Photo Postcard Guide: The People’s Photography,” (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2006), p. 223., Keith was a Philadelphia photographer who specialized in portraiture, mainly of working-class Philadelphians in South Philadelphia and Kensington from the 1910s to the 1940s.
- Creator
- Keith, John Frank, 1883-1947, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1931
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Photographs-Keith [P.2008.10.17]
- Title
- Infant in wicker carriage on sidewalk, Philadelphia
- Description
- Portrait of an infant wearing a knitted beret propped up by a pillow in a wicker carriage with its lining partially torn out. The baby seems to be crying. The carriage is on the sidewalk in front of a stone wall with a cellar window in Philadelphia., Azo postcard., See Robert Bogdan and Todd Weseloh’s “Real Photo Postcard Guide: The People’s Photography,” (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2006), p. 223., Keith was a Philadelphia photographer who specialized in portraiture, mainly of working-class Philadelphians in South Philadelphia and Kensington from the 1910s to the 1940s.
- Creator
- Keith, John Frank, 1883-1947, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1931
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Photographs-Keith [P.8649.9]
- Title
- Burger & Co. fine furniture manufacturers, N.W. cor. Eleventh & Market Sts
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards depicting bedroom and parlor furniture, including beds, bed frames, backboards, bureaus, mirrors, arm chairs, and sofas. The style "Burger & Co." appears in 1881 city directories., Advertising text printed on versos: Burger & Co., manufacturers and dealers in fine furniture. All goods guaranteed. N.W. cor. of Eleventh and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Our plan of business: 1. We guarantee all goods to be perfect. 2. Will exchange all goods if not satisfactory. 3. No misrepresentation of goods. Special attention given to upholstery and drapery. Full assortment of bedding., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1881]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Burger [1975.F.61; 1975.F.68]
- Title
- George J. Henkels. City cabinet warerooms, 173 Chesnut [sic] Street, Phila
- Description
- Advertisement showing an interior view of the showroom of the furniture store of premier cabinetmaker George J. Henkels. Three well-dressed couples peruse and sit on the several pieces of furniture on display. Furniture includes tables, armchairs, sofas, and breakfronts. Also shows, in the background, curtained entryways to other areas liined with furniture. Henkels, Philadelphia's premier cabinetmaker in quality and production, operated his business from 173, i.e. 509 Chestnut Street from 1850 to 1857., Date from Poulson inscription., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- 1853
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Poulson scrapbooks - vol.7 [(7)2526.F.159]
- Title
- The sick dolly
- Description
- Genre photograph showing a young white girl, wearing her hair in ringlets and attired in a dark-colored dress with decorative white piping, white stockings, and black shoes, sitting in a rocking chair in front of a chaise lounge. She holds her white porcelain doll in her arms like a baby. A doll's cradle sits at the girl's feet along with doll’s chair on which a cloth white doll sits. A Black cloth doll is propped on the lounge behind the girl. In the right is a small side table with a glass mug., Title printed on verso., Photographer's label pasted on verso over the printed text of another photographer or publisher., Buff mount with rounded corners., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of David Doret, 2010., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [ca. 1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Cremer - Genre [P.2010.6.1]
- Title
- The sick dolly
- Description
- Genre photograph showing a young white girl, wearing her hair in ringlets and attired in a dark-colored dress with decorative white piping, white stockings, and black shoes, sitting in a rocking chair in front of a chaise lounge. She holds her white porcelain doll in her arms like a baby. A doll's cradle sits at the girl's feet along with doll’s chair on which a cloth white doll sits. A Black cloth doll is propped on the lounge behind the girl. In the right is a small side table with a glass mug., Title printed on verso., Photographer's label pasted on verso over the printed text of another photographer or publisher., Buff mount with rounded corners., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of David Doret, 2010., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [ca. 1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Cremer - Genre [P.2010.6.1]
- Title
- M. Gould's Sons & Co. No. 8 N. Sixth St. Phila. Pa
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting brass rods, fire pokers, a cross, a rail, and other brass hardware. A drape containing the company's name hangs from a brass rod., Advertising text printed on verso: Established 1832. M. Gould's Sons & Co. Manufacturers of stair rods and upholsterers' hardware. Artistic and ecclesiastical brasswork a specialty. Brass curtain poles of all descriptions. No. 8 North Sixth St., Philadelphia. Manufactory, Newark, N.J., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Gould [1975.F.387]
- Title
- [Hale, Kilburn & Co. trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards, one bookmark and one small pamphlet, for Hale, Kilburn & Co.'s furniture manufacturing establishment at 48 & 50 North Sixth Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict vignettes of furniture, including rocking chairs, mirrors, and folding beds; a bird's eye view of the company's factory complex at North Sixth and Filbert Streets; and a business card for the company tucked into a long-stemmed rose. Hale, Kilburn & Co. began manufacturing household furniture in 1873. The factory at 48 & 50 North Sixth Street was built in 1867., Title supplied by cataloger., One print [P.9803.2] printed by Samuel Loag., Advertising text promoting furniture manufactured by Hale, Kilburn & Co. printed on versos, including upholstery, parlor suits, chamber suits, chairs, tables, wardrobes, sideboards, champion folding bed and cribs, mirrors, and picture frames., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1875-1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Hale [1975.F.409a & P.9803.2]
- Title
- John T. Hammitt, No. 111 South 3d. Street above Spruce, Philadelphia Bank, office and counting house furniture, manufactured to order and constantly on hand. Personal attention paid to, and plans furnished for banking rooms, offices, and legislative halls. Begs leave to call special attention to his patent elevating & graduating table, which can be used in a standing, sitting or intermediate position as a flat or desktop; it permits that desirable change to those who have to perform protracted labours
- Description
- Advertisement containing vignettes depicting four types of desks manufactured by the firm and an image of passengers seated or napping in Hammitt's patented railway car seats. Image captioned "Patentee of the Improved Night & Day Car Seats now in use on several important Rail Roads, by their use fatigue is avoided and needful rest is secured while traveling by day or night." Includes a list of 38 local banks, insurance companies and other firms as references. References include David S. Brown & Co.; Pennsylvania Insurance Co.; Morris, Tasker, & Morris; Masonic Hall; J.M. Gries; and S.D. Button., Printed above title: Six Silver Medals Awarded for Articles of Useful Invention, Published in Colton's atlas of America, illustrating the physical and political geography of North and South America...Commercial edition with business cards of the prominent houses in Philadelphia. (New York: J.H. Colton and Company, 1856), page 37. (HSP O 458), Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 126, Reaccessioned as P.8729.18., Duplicate in broadside collection: #Am 1854 Hammitt (9596.F)., Free Library of Philadelphia: Kollner Collection - Lithographs - Tradesmen's Cards
- Creator
- Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813
- Date
- [1856]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Advertisements [7844.F]
- Title
- [Possibly interior of Avocado, Sea Girt, NJ]
- Description
- Photograph showing a view of an interior, possibly at the Morris family home Avocado, decorated with a large secretary, a table piled with books and various chairs. Tall windows covered with sheer curtains let light into the room. A man sits at the secretary with their back to the camera. Elliston Perot Morris bought property in Sea Girt, N.J. in 1875, where he built the summer home Avocado after designs by Quaker architect Hibberd Yarnall. Morris left Avocado, named after a Perot family estate in Bermuda, to his daughter Elizabeth Canby Morris in his will. It was sold in 1947 after her death. By 1958 the house had been demolished., Digitization and cataloging has been made possible through the generosity of David Marriott Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, and William Perot Morris in memory of Marriott Canby Morris and his children: Elliston Perot Morris, Marriott Canby Morris Jr., and Janet Morris and in acknowledgment of his grandchildren: William Perot Morris, Eleanor Rhoads Morris Cox, Jonathan White Morris, and David Marriott Morris., Edited.
- Creator
- Morris, Marriott Canby, 1863-1948, photographer
- Date
- ca. 1880-ca. 1900
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Marriott C. Morris Collection [P.9895.2083]
- Title
- Uncle Ned's school
- Description
- View, photographed with a black background, showing a small narrative plaster after the John Rogers' bronze sculpture patented in 1866. Sculpture is comprised of the figure of an African American girl, an older African American cobbler, an African American boy, and a ramshackle cabinet. All the figures are barefoot. In the left, the young female charge of the cobbler stands, holds a book, and points to a page that she has been reading. In the center, the cobbler, his hair receded, leans over, and looks at the book as he has one leg swung over a rickety cabinet and the other behind it. He holds a shoe buffer in his right hand that rests on the book and a boot over his left hand and forearm that rests on his hip. A second boot stands at the base of the cabinet near the girl's feet. In the right, the cobbler's male charge reclines next to the cabinet. He has his left hand behind him and his left leg outstretched, as his right hand touches the base of the foot of the hanging leg of the cobbler. An open book rests in the boy's lap. The girl is attired in a straight neck, off-the-shoulder dress that is cinched at the waist. The cobbler wears rolled-up shirt sleeves, pants, and an apron at his waist. The boy wears shirt sleeves and pants with a hole at the knee. Rogers' original sculpture "Uncle Ned's School" was exhibited at the National Academy of Design in 1866. Rogers mass produced and sold tens of thousands of plaster sculptures after his bronzes 1859-1893., Title from title carved in base of depicted sculpture., Date inferred from style of mount and 1866 patent of sculpture., Yellow mount with rounded corners., John Rogers (1829-1904), a New York sculptor and artist, specialized in sculpted narrative group scenes beginning in the late 1850s. He established a workshop for the mass production of his sculptures at affordable prices that were marketed as "Rogers' Groups." Rogers retired in 1893., Gift of David Long., RVCDC, Description and access points reviewed 2022.
- Date
- [ca. 1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - unid. photo. - Monuments and Statues [P.2018.16.12]
- Title
- Russian Department - Main Building.
- Description
- Exhibit title: Hessrich [sic] & Woerffel, St. Petersburg, Exhibit #63a, Main Exhibition Building, Bldg. #1. Furniture made of malachite, lapis, jasper, rhondonite, nephrite, labrador, with bronze fittings.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- *Centennial - photos [P.9037.8]
- Title
- Women's Pavilion from Gallery
- Description
- Interior view of the Women's Pavilion from the gallery. Depicts an aisle, at the center of which is a ceramic fountain. On either side of the aisle leading to the fountain are objects including various pieces of furniture, cabinetry, cupboards, and jewelry cases.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- Centennial - album [P.8965.23c]
- Title
- Washington's Tent and Camp Outfit
- Description
- View of President Washington's tent and camp outfit in the U.S. Government Building. Depicts a tented area, chairs, a small dining table, and pots/pans surrounding firewood. Also shows an American flag draped along one side of the tent.
- Creator
- Centennial Photographic Co., photographer., creator
- Date
- 1876
- Location
- Centennial - album [P.8965.18a]
- Title
- Thos. N. Miller, fine cabinet ware & upholstery, 1005 Arch Street, Philadelphia
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards depicting two exhibition buildings constructed for the Centennial Exhibition in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia, including Agricultural Hall built after designs by James H. Windrim and Horticultural Hall built after designs by Henry Schwarzmann. Both scenes include horse-drawn carriages and pedestrian foot traffic in the foreground and are surrounded by decorative filigree. The fair celebrated the centennial of the United States through an international exhibition of industry, agriculture, and art., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1876]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Miller [P.9573.10 & 11]
- Title
- [Garden with decorative urns, children playing]
- Description
- View of children playing in a tree-filled garden adorned with decorative urns. Includes a boy on hobby horse, a girl with doll carriage and kids on a hammock., Title supplied by cataloger., Photographer's imprint obscured by photograph pasted on mount., Stamped on verso: Copyrighted Kiralfy Bros., Philadelphia, 1876., Pink curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Ms. Jane Carson James.
- Creator
- R. Newell & Son, photographer
- Date
- c1876
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Newell - Recreation [P.9299.85]
- Title
- Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory, and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia White & yellow pine, hemlock, birch, maple, beach, cherry, and other hard woods, seasoned and ready for sale. Mahogany and walnut boards and planks of all sizes. Mahogany, walnut, birch & maple veneers, for sale. All kinds of plain & fancy sawing, and turning done with neatness and despatch an assortment of bed posts and stand legs, balister, newells and caps, for stair builders, mahogany and walnut mouldings. Mahogany, walnut, cherry and maple table & stand legs
- Description
- Advertisement showing the four-story brick building and the adjoining lumber yard on Girard Avenue above Seventh Street tenanted by Price & Harper. Signboards on the front facade read, "fancy-chair factory, steam sawmill, turning & scroll sawing, and iron foundry." Large piles of lumber are visible in the yard that extends west to Eighth Street from the factory building. A man directs a horse out of the lumber yard gate. Horse-drawn carts, some pulling lumber, travel on the street in front of the building. A carriage and a man and woman travel south on Eighth Street, and a bale of hay rests on the sidewalk near a lamppost and a stalled carriage in the foreground. Price & Harper operated together between 1853 and 1855., Date supplied by Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 626, Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H., artist
- Date
- [1855]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **W299 [P.2089]