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[African man fanning a white woman in a hammock] [graphic].

E. O. Thompson, merchant tailor, no. 908 Walnut St. Philadelphia.

Log Cabin Studies, 'Spinning'

Chinese section - Main Building.

Connecticut State Building - Interior

Marvelous Plant - Agricultural Hall

Chinese section - Main Building.

Singer Sewing Machine Company's Building, Interior

Moors, Moorish furniture, etc.

Old Time Wind-Mill - Agricultural Hall

Noix de coco, manufactured by Warner & Merritt, Philadelphia.

[Samuel F. Simes trade cards]

Henry Adolph, manufacturer of furniture wholesale and retail, warerooms no. 36 North Second St., one door above the Christ Church Philadelphia.

Sanitary Fair. : Catalogue of cabinet furniture, looking-glasses, marble mantels, fonts, sewing machines, carpets, &c. to be sold at the fair building, (Logan Square.) On Friday, July 1, 1864, at 1 o'clock, p.m. ...

Chest. St. Theatre, Phila. Pa.

Relics of S. Girard at Girard College.

[Residence interior including a secretary and window with drapes, possibly Avocado, Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Bess, Fannie Garrett & Helen Morris, Sea Girt, [NJ] [graphic].

View in the Park. [graphic].

Second St., north of Market, west side.

[Marriott Canby Morris Jr., Janet Morris, and Elliston Perot Morris Jr. in a hammock], Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

Buy the light running Domestic sewing machine [graphic].

Noix de coco for puddings, pies, and pastry. Manufactured by Warner & Merritt. Philadelphia. [graphic].

 A "lily footed" woman of China - this outrage against nature has been in vogue 900 years. [graphic].

J.C. Hand & Co. Fine furniture, no. 1205 Market Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Kindergarten - Interior

Parlor of Grumblethorp, showing chair given to Wister family by Count Zinzendorf, founder of Moravian church in Penna. [graphic].

Parlor of Grumblethorp, showing chair given to Wister family by Count Zinzendorf, founder of Moravian church in Penna. [graphic].

[Interior views of the McAllister Residence, 14 North Merrick Street, West Penn Square, Philadelphia]

North Broad St., Phil., PA.

New Chestnut Street Theatre. [graphic].

[New Chestnut Street Theatre.] [graphic].

[George Mecke cabinet maker and upholsterer, No 355, North 2nd St. nearly opposite Tammany St. Philadelphia.]

[New Chestnut Street Theatre]

Carr & Murray, carpets, furniture & bedding, 61 & 63 Myrtle Avenue. Three doors from Jay Street, B[rooklyn] [graphic].

[Group on hammock on Stouton lawn, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

South side of Walnut Street west of Third Street.

City of Philadelphia, 1867

Market Street east of 9th Street.

Panoramic views from the steeple of Independence Hall, 520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].
