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[Children posed on lawn chairs]

[Convalescing children]

[Convalescing children]

Cotton plantation scene.

Fannie Lawrence

Emancipated slaves.

Emancipated slaves.

Isaac and Rosa, emancipated slave children, from the free schools of Louisiana.

Fannie Virginia Casseopia Lawrence [graphic] : A redeemed slave child, 5 years of age. Redeemed in Virginia, by Catherine S. Lawrence; baptized in Brooklyn, at Plymouth Church, by Henry Ward Beecher, May, 1863.

Fannie Lawrence

A Virginia slave child in 1863

I'm not to blame for being white, sir! [graphic]

[Young African American nursemaid with her young white charge]

[Full-length portrait of an unidentified, seated girl] [graphic].

First meeting of Uncle Tom and Eva.

Uncle Tom and Little Eva.