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[Young girl leaning on book and chair]


Take a 'poon piggie.

The babbling brook.

Finding the bird's nest.

Dolly's wash-day.

Grandfather's visit. [graphic].

S. Musselman, (formerly with E. Burthey,) manufacturer of fine confections, 274 South Fourth St., Philadelphia.

Rumford Yeast Powder, best & cheapest, every package warranted. Manufactured according to the formula of Prof. E.N. Horsford of Cambridge, Mass. by the Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R.I.

[Girls feeding a bird]

The young housekeepers.

Godey's Lady's Book Publishing Company limited, 1006 Chestnut St. Philadelphia

The happy family going to market.

[Young Black girl articulated paper doll] [graphic].

J. Mason, informs her friends and those who may favour her with their patronage, that she has removed her seminary, to an open healthy situation, with every advantage of light and air, back of No. 86 Callowhill Street, between Second and Third Streets, wh

Twelve good reasons why the Woman's Suffrage Stove Polish is preferred to all others.

I. Oakford & Son, hatters, 28 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

Use Eavenson's diamond soap.

A pleasant evening at home.

Benedict, Miller & Co., manufacturers of umbrellas and parasols, No. 39 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia.

Gonzaga Memorial, Germantown, Philadelphia.

House of refuge (girls), 22nd & Girard, Phila. [graphic].

London Mfg. Co. essences of meats, 77 & 79 Varick Street, New York.

Pleis' fit powders & liver pills, Phila. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Warner's safe rheumatic cure

The little bill poster.

[P.R. Hansbury & Co. trade cards]

[J.C. Finn & Son trade cards]

[Fitzgerald & Sons trade cards]

[Rosenbaum & Co. trade cards]

In the goat-carriage at the "zoo" Philadelphia.

[Bound Brook Route trade cards]

Charles Brintzinghoffer, wholesale and retail brush manufacturer, No. 935 Market Street, Philadelphia.

Jas. T. Brady, packer. N.E. cor. 12th and Market Sts., Philadelphia.

The sick dolly.

The sick dolly.

Wissahickon Creek.

[Germania Fire Insurance Company of New York]

Tyndale & Mitchell Co. have removed to their new store, No. 1217 Chestnut Street, where they will be pleased to see their old friends and customers. China, glass and earthenware, of every description, at lowest practicable prices.

The beginning and the end of life (hold the picture 1 foot away for life and 20 feet for death.) Presented by William Deering & Co. Chicago, Ill. Grain & grass machinery.

River scene.

Salvation Army Home, 5415 Lansdowne Avenue, Phila. [graphic] / William H. Rau, Phila.

View from Lemon Hill

[John Mundell & Co. trade cards]

[Charles W.R. Smith trade cards]

[Simpson's millinery, laces and trimmings' store trade cards]

"It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes"

[Armand Dalsemer trade cards]

[I.S. Custer, Son & Co. trade cards]

School gardens as a practical educational method - showing Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls, Philadelphia, Pa.
