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Philadelphia Harbor from the South

Philadelphia from the Navy Yard [graphic] / Lith. of J. T. Bowen.

Naval Shipyard, League Island, Philadelphia.

The early settlement & progress of Philadelphia & Pennsylvania.

Philadelphia from the Navy Yard

Philadelphia from the Navy Yard

Philadelphia from the Navy Yard

Philadelphia from the Navy Yard

Lithography 120 South Second Street (entrance Elmslies Alley) Philadelphia.

S.E. view of Philadelphia

Vertical views of Municipal Stadium, Naval Shipyard on League Island and environs, South Philadelphia.

Penn's tree, with the city & port of Philadelphia, on the river Delaware from Kensington [graphic].

Henry Simons. Wagon & U.S. national coach works. Philadelphia [graphic] / W.H. Rease N.E. cor 4th. & Chestnut Sts.

Henry Simons. Wagon & U.S. national coach works. Philadelphia