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James M. Vance & Co., importers & jobbers of hardware, cutlery & tools, builders' and housekeepers' hardware, 324 and 326 Market, Philadelphia.

F.G. Ford's patent support for bed slats (patented April 7th, 1885.) Manufactured and sold by Thos. Devlin & Co., American Street and Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.

Extra news! Philadelphia in no danger of invasion from the rebels! : The largest battery in the city! Recruits wanted, from 2 to 60 years of age, at J.B. Shannon's rendezvous, 1009 Market Street, married or unmarried, to purchase field pieces, in large or

G. & H. Barnett, Black Diamond File Works, 39, 41 & 43 Richmond Street, Philadelphia.

Black Diamond File Works illustrated price list.

[Enterprise Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania trade cards]